Very ironically, the very second I began to read your post, my son had a wild mean streak from hell.

Oh yeah, my son has asked me many times to have a brother or sister for him.
If it was doable, it would have been done already.
If I were superwoman and money were a non-issue, I may well have LOTS of children (minus the actual birth process, mind you

My baby (who is not such a baby any longer) will ALWAYS be what I wake up for each and every day. The reality is, he is the reason I keep very heart and soul---even when he's being the biggest shit on the face of the earth.....wait til puberty.

On the financial end....I barely get by, but my child somehow manages to own an astronomical amount in video games--all of which have been taken away til he gets back on the honor roll.

Necessities? What are those? I was told by a tremendous amount of parents that if "my child" didn't have a cell phone with texting, etc. by "this" year....he was a seriously deprived child.
They REALLY meant this mind you.......I'm sorry, but I completely disagree.
Come to think of it, I would have to be making at least 80 grand to keep up with his friend's parents.
At this age, that makes me the worst parent on the face of this earth in his eyes....that and every thing else.

Be patient, I keep saying....this too shall pass.
But, will it? LOL, I am so glad that if I could only have one child, that I ended up with a boy, because despite it all.....boys are just cooler in my book.

I wouldn't know what to do with a girl.
I think a part of me will always be sorry that he is growing up with no siblings...there's so much to be learned when the atmosphere isn't "all about you."