Irish Outdoor/GHouse Early Pearl+Mex Sativa+Danish skunk


Well-Known Member
story lads! hope its all goin well for yiz out there!
iv been meaning to post these up for fookin ages but ye kno urself. a few in the garden and a few in the greenhouse.:weed:

the tomatoes are goin mental!

the square potted one on the laft has shown to be female!

recently harvested some indoor DP PP, fairly happy with it -

i need advice on force flowering, how trust worthy is giving each plant 48hours darkness to identify sex?


Well-Known Member
round two, nice growth to be seen, this is mainly going to be a flowering journal so i hope you enjoy, tell me what you think...

EP showing her sex-

this Mex JUST fellover thismorning, it grew out of the soil at a wierd angle and for it to be at this angle seems to be less stressfull for on the stem to earth contact point- the ever growing out of shape stem, havnt decided if i want to leave it or not, bud dovelopment would be good at the angl but is leaving the plant open to grass living insect attacks-
her sex-


danish skunk- female left possiblr male right(perfect for breeding more of this strain that i got 4years ago and have no more seeds of!-

the big ones-

a few clones off the big ones-


Well-Known Member
everythings going alright, possibly one male which is good news for seeds! going away for a while so the missus is lookin after them while im gone, repotted a few with soil that should give them an advantage for flowering.catterpillars are loving the ganj, i dont mind then now but when the buds start forming thats when i start caring about pests. the 2 experimental soil sativas seem to be a paler shade of green, not gonna try fix it, gona leave them n see what happens.other than that its all in the pictures...

this ones doin the yellow thing, looks alright tho

in the glass hoose...

spot the bastard!-

and todays shrooms!


Well-Known Member
this is going to be a bit all over the shop
heres two dated 16th of May-

theses are 12days later on the 28th-


Well-Known Member
this is from early september, when the buds start to get into gear i

early pearl-


Mex and Ep clone i later took inside-


were are the harvest pics from last years outdoor?


Well-Known Member
these are from october top of a stunted EP that turned out amazing-



got free soil samples but it didnt go too well, their ALL mexican of the same age


Well-Known Member
had to harvest the mexicans early as they got plagued with mould
main stem-

this was the end result

========MEXICAN========= =EARLY PEARL =============SKUNKS x2


can you show some dried up close pics of each strain.... also weird about your mexican sativas getting mold....... they usually very pest and mold resistent


were those authentic mexican sativa, or were they mexican sativa the strain.......


Well-Known Member
i dont have any up close photos but i can tell you that they were all a bit airy except the danish skunk which had great nugs
earlr pearl is a great strain, very smooth and reliable sweet citus taste, the mexican was slightly dissappointing the stoned didnt last too long but is was a mild clean sativa high good for doing somthing important stoned, the skunk was delecious earth citrus with a great body tingle/happy confusion stoned.


Well-Known Member
the strain from Sensi Seeds, wouldnt know where to start with gettin authentic Mex
a note on the mould- ireland has a very humid september/october and mould is a common enough problem for sativa growers in Ireland, not easy growin jamaicas finest in a puddle, heh


the strain from Sensi Seeds, wouldnt know where to start with gettin authentic Mex
a note on the mould- ireland has a very humid september/october and mould is a common enough problem for sativa growers in Ireland, not easy growin jamaicas finest in a puddle, heh

i can get authentic mexican seeds off the streets of chicago and it seems 10 bux buys several 100 lolololol


Well-Known Member
yeah i got two males and put them in an individual plastic greenhouse, i used them to make seeds and found at least one seed in every female plant, no hermies.
really lookin forward to gettin my strains goin for this season


Well-Known Member
yeah i got two males and put them in an individual plastic greenhouse, i used them to make seeds and found at least one seed in every female plant, no hermies.
really lookin forward to gettin my strains goin for this season
Cool.. did you use any fertz...??
What strain you using this year..??