Whats wrong with this baby? (pics)


Well-Known Member
She is very small, slightly twisted, and the newest leaves are clawed at the tip. The new growth is very light green and coming in very slowly. Its only on it's second set of real leaves, and they have not moved in 2 days. My cheap-o soil PH meter says about 6.1. Could my meter suck, and the PH is actually too high? I did flush the crap out of this soil with PH up before planting, because it is very acidic out of the bag. Could it still be too low?



Well-Known Member
how often do u water ? what type of soil do u have ?is there any perlite/vermiculite in the soil ? im going to take a guess and say your roots are not recieving enuff oxygen, flushing can also make your soil mooshy, u want perlite/graval rocks in your soil to create air gaps/bubbles


Well-Known Member
Organic soil, with perlite. I planted it in the flushed soil, which was pretty wet. It spouted fine and the first set of leaves grew right for about 2 days, then it stopped. You can't really tell from the pic, but the newest two leaves are very light green, and the inside of the first set of leaves is also yellow, while the tips are green. The only green on the plant is the ends of the first set of leaves, and the seed leaves.


Well-Known Member
from those pics i see nothing wrong.. could it be ur just freaking out over nothing? just let it grow..


Active Member
Hey man! That dont look to bad. 6.1 PH growing in soil is a bit low. Try and get it between the ranges of 6.5 and 7. Also if its organic soil and peat based, your soil might be magnesium and sulfer hungry. You say that you have got yellowing and stunted growth which leads me to believe there is not enough sulfer & mg in the soil. Try using a very tiny amount of epson salt mixed with water. Dont give it to much as your plant is still very small, like a 1/4 teaspoon per litre of water. Also try not to water to much, cannabis dont like wet feet and prefer it to be a bit dryer.


Well-Known Member
I wish I was just freaking out over nothing, but there is def something wrong. Its under CFLs and they are about 5 inches from the plant. The picture is washed out and it is hard to tell, but the newest set of leaves is lime green and has not grown at all in 3 days and has not greened up. The only noticeable change in the last 3 days, is the leaves have clawed a little more. Also notice the leaves are not coming in straight. The newest set of leaves should be parallel with the seed leaves, but they are coming in crooked. The first set of leaves also came in with a slight twist.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you need a better soil. I would say visit your local hydro shop and pick up something foxfarm. It has all the nutes you need for now. Also I don't know what kinda cfls your using but for veg, but I bought a 105w (400w equivalent) 5000k 6200 lumens light and my plant came around pretty quick. With a good soil you shouldn't need nutes for the first month or so. Also a good light cycle 18/6 is a good idea. Below are pics of my little girl before I made all the changes, she's 3 weeks old in the early pics. The other are 3 weeks after the changes. Good luck man



Well-Known Member
man, you could of avoided all of these problems by buying proper soil. It actually sounds like you need some nutes then, but its probably all stressed out at this point.. I would just leave it alone, let it be and do nothing and if it grows give it nutes when it gets bigger cause it cant handle strong nutes right now.. How many watts are you using?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you need a better soil. I would say visit your local hydro shop and pick up something foxfarm. It has all the nutes you need for now. Also I don't know what kinda cfls your using but for veg, but I bought a 105w (400w equivalent) 5000k 6200 lumens light and my plant came around pretty quick. With a good soil you shouldn't need nutes for the first month or so. Also a good light cycle 18/6 is a good idea. Below are pics of my little girl before I made all the changes, she's 3 weeks old in the early pics. The other are 3 weeks after the changes. Good luck man
just want you to know that a 105 watt cfl is 105 watts.. 400 watt equivalent means nothing. In case you dont know.. To veg, you should use more watts if you want good results.. probably 2 to 3 times min..


Well-Known Member
anyone who hasnt read this really should..

Things to know about lighting
Things to know about lighting
Color rating- Measured in Kelvin (K). The higher the number, the more bluish the light. 4000K-7000K is mostly on the blue side of the spectrum, while 3000K and under goes from a white spectrum, to a redder spectrum.

How much light is needed?
The minimum amount of light required by marijuana plants is around 3000 lumens per square foot. However, it's not 100% accurate, since although you may have a 10,000 lumen light, the amount of light that reaches the plant varies with the distance between the light and plants, and reflectivity of the grow box. The ideal amount is somewhere around 7000-10,000 lumens/sqft, and as long as the plants do not burn, as much light can be used as you want.
(*note, the sun produces about 10,000 lumens/sqft, on a sunny summer day).

Determining lumens for your grow area:
Determine the square footage of your area (example in a 4 foot by 4 foot area, there is 16 square feet)
If you have a 1000 watt High Pressure Sodium, that produces (approx.) 107,000 lumens.
Divide this by 16 (your square footage) 107,000 / 16 = 6687 lumens per square foot.
So just divide the total amount of Lumens, by the total amount of Sq ft, and thats your lumens per square foot.

How far away from my plants do the lights go?
The lights in your grow room should be as close as possible to the plants without burning them. There is no such thing as too much, unless there is sufficient heat to dry out and burn the leaves. A good rule is to put your hand under the light, if its too hot for your hand, chances are that the plants will be too, so move the light up until your hand feels more comfortable. For seedlings and clones, I keep them a little further away from the light, because they are very susceptible to burning and drying out, at these stages.

Efficiency is very important when choosing a type of light. The wattage is not the most important thing, as you can see below, different types of light produce different amounts of lumens per watt. A 300 watt incandescent will produce about 5100 lumens. While a 300 watt Metal Halide (just an example, they do not come in 300 watts), will produce 27,000 lumens. Obviously far more efficient for growing, while still using the same amount of electricity.

Approximate light production:
Incandescents: 17 lumens/watt
Mercury vapor: 45-50 lumens/watt
Fluorescents: 60-70 lumens/watt
Metal halide: 90 lumens/watt
High pressure sodium: 107 lumens/watt

Incandescent lights: Incandescents are the most popular type of lights in the world. They may come advertised as incandescent, tungsten, quartz, halogen, or simply standard. The important thing about incandescents is this: they suck.
There are some incandescents which are sold as 'grow lights.' They usually have a blue coating and usually come in 60W and 120W sizes. While they may seem like a good choice to new growers, they are next to useless; they produce some light at a usable spectrum, but only have about a 5% efficiency and generate more heat than usable light. Most of us have these in our homes right now. Don't use them for growing, instead opt for a Compact Fluorescent as a cheaper but more efficient alternative.

Fluorescent lights: Fluorescents are a lot more useful than incandescents. Their efficient enough, and cheaper than HID lights. Compact fluorescent tubes are popular with growers because of their good output to size ratio. Compared to standard 4' tubes, compact fluorescent bulbs are smaller, and more can fit into a given area. Fluorescents are good for small grows on a tight budget, and for novice growers, since they do not require any special sort of wiring or understanding of the necessary bulbs for a given fixture, and are very widely available.
Fluorescent lights come in many different Kelvin ratings; often the spectrums are labeled on packaging as being 'cool white' or 'warm white.' Cool white is more blue, and is good for the vegetative stages of growth, and warm white light is more orange or reddish, and is best for the flowering stage.

High Intensity Discharge (HID) Lighting Systems:

Mercury Vapor (MV)
Mercury vapor lights are not the most efficient light for growing. They are very bright, and relatively cheap. They do emit light at the wavelengths necessary to support your plants growth, but not nearly as good as a MH or Hps light. Much of the light emitted by MV lights is bluish-white. Street lighting is what most MV lighting is used for.

Metal Halide (MH)
Metal halide lighting systems are optimal for use in the vegetative phase of growing. They emit mostly blue light, which encourages vigorous growth of foliage. They are very efficient, but can get rather expensive to start with; fluorescents may seem more appealing because of their lower price, and they are not much different when compared on a lumen-to-lumen cost level. These lights can be used through-out the grow, but will most likely result in light, fluffy buds.

High Pressure Sodium (HPS)
High pressure sodium lights emit mostly orange, yellow, and red spectrum light, which is perfect for the flowering stage of the plants growth. They are (in my opinion) the most efficient type of light available for any application. HPS lights can be used through-out the entire grow. They produce more dense and usually larger buds than any other light.
HPS lights are generally a little more expensive than MH systems of similar wattage. They are more commonly used by experienced growers because of their ability to produce tighter buds, higher lumen-output-per-watt, and will produce from start to finish.

I'll also add this graph below, i hope this post helps some of you out.


Well-Known Member
Update: After 3 days of it doing NOTHING but curling up, I decided to give this little baby very low strength ferts. The next morning it is finally moving. It is perked up, and there is noticeable growth. I have always heard never feed a plant this young, but it looks to be working. As far as lights, I have 3 42 watt CFLs. Two blue, and one orange.
Update: After 3 days of it doing NOTHING but curling up, I decided to give this little baby very low strength ferts. The next morning it is finally moving. It is perked up, and there is noticeable growth. I have always heard never feed a plant this young, but it looks to be working. As far as lights, I have 3 42 watt CFLs. Two blue, and one orange.
I know that this is an old thrad, but did it work out alright ?