Droopy, curling leaves in HYDROTON? PIKS


Active Member
I forgot to put the PH in thanks, I'll edit. Its 5.7 . That just it, it looks overwatered yet its in Hydroton . I tried watering with light nutes thinking too much salts in the water so osmosis sucking the h20 out of the plant. No change!! Thanks for the reply
If your PH is 5.7 that is too low and that is definately killing your plant. It needs to be 6.3 - 6.9 with nutes and all before going in the soil. Fix that ph, it's locking all your nutes and killing your girl!!


New Member
If your PH is 5.7 that is too low and that is definately killing your plant. It needs to be 6.3 - 6.9 with nutes and all before going in the soil. Fix that ph, it's locking all your nutes and killing your girl!!
I am 100% hydroton expanded clay hydroponic. No soil.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. I feel better hearing your opinion. The worst part is somebody told me to add N last week and it made it worse.

Is one day of flush sufficient ?

I drip 15 min every 1-2 hours.
When you change your res top water with flushing solution and really rinse your medium well. Then fill your res with a light batch of just P and K, plus a few drops of Superthrive or B-1. Run that for a few days and work your P/K up from there. Then as I said, once the new growth starts coming in light green, add a bit of N for a few weeks. Taper off all nutes and finish. Watch your plants, they will tell you what they want. Good luck and good grows Guys.:leaf: Keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
I can keep the flushing solution in the new rez and then add P and K on top of ?

Whe u say light P K, do you mean 1/2 strength from recomended amount or less ? Cause i use GH brand at 1/2 strength already or my ppm is sky high.


Well-Known Member
Start with a 1/4 dose, you could even run just water for a couple of days. And no, dispose of the solution used to flush the medium. Then start with a clean res and medium. Whats the PPM of your base water?


New Member
I flushed and filled res to 500 ppm @.5. Plan to run that till Mon and up 100 a day till I get to about 800. Will that be enough for the flowering? I run RO water


Well-Known Member
Base ppm is around 170.

I got a fresh ph 5.8 , 68 dgree 70 gall rez with no nutes ready to go. Then the dirty rez gets cleaned and refilled 1/4 strength nutes

Heres what i thought about using
GH bloom 0-5-4
GH vegan blend .5-1-1
GH kool bloom 0-10-10

Gh's grow is a 2-1-6, but we will leave that out for now+ the micro 5-0-1

I dont think i can change medium, i grow in hydroton.

What do you think. I owe you a fatty after this.


Well-Known Member
I flushed and filled res to 500 ppm @.5. Plan to run that till Mon and up 100 a day till I get to about 800. Will that be enough for the flowering? I run RO water
800-1000 should be fine, just watch your plants. I am not a heavy feeder. I feel its way easier to give them a bit more than correct an overdose. Also you could probaly jump 150-200 PPM at a time.


Well-Known Member
Base ppm is around 170.

I got a fresh ph 5.8 , 68 dgree 70 gall rez with no nutes ready to go. Then the dirty rez gets cleaned and refilled 1/4 strength nutes

Heres what i thought about using
GH bloom 0-5-4
GH vegan blend .5-1-1
GH kool bloom 0-10-10

Gh's grow is a 2-1-6, but we will leave that out for now+ the micro 5-0-1

I dont think i can change medium, i grow in hydroton.

What do you think. I owe you a fatty after this.
I would just start with just the 0-5-4. Maybe add the vegan and kool around week 6 or 7. Some Cal-Mag Plus would be better than the micro at this point. It contains only 2-0-0. You really do not need the extra N the GH has right now. But if it all that you have then go easy with it.


New Member
I have this exact same problem. It started with some blue dream clones i brought in from a club, they did fine for the first couple weeks, then this curling droopy shit came in. and then it spread to my other strains. i have been dealing with this issue for 3 months now. no matter what i do, hydro with coco, rockwool, or soil, i keep getting it, ESPECIALLY with the blue drean, seems to be extra susceptible to it. I do not think its something we are doing wrong because I have been growing these plants so many different ways and there is not one consistent factor. I'm happy im not the only one with this problem. I think its a relatively new disease that people are just starting to deal with and we dont know what it is yet. praying for a cure, this stuff is nasty! and contagious!
and even when i put them in ocean forest and give them nothing but plain water it still comes so i dont think its a nute thing. one thing i did notice is that when i put them outside they are all better after a few days, wierd isnt it? maybe its an environmental thing, but i dont know.
Along with Cowboy fix, I am pumping fresh outside air in. Although I have good ventilation in the tent, the fresh air was house air and we have been locked up tight for 2 months now since the outside temp has been below freezing all this time. The comment that you took it outside and with your positive results is very interesting. I don't have CO2 but maybe this will help. Diego - It sounds like you are just as irritated with this problem as I am:cuss:


Well-Known Member
If the Hydroton is not rinsed thoroughly with ph balanced water then it will cause a severe fluctuation in the Ph level. This happened to my buddy and his plants looked similar. Good luck
You do need to rinse new hydroton very well, but you can use tap water. All you are doing is rinsing the dust from it. It is a ph neutral medium. The reason your friend had issues is probaly because he did not rinse the medium to start with.


New Member
OK well shit. My plants are dying. I'ts getting worse. I lifted the bucket and have definite root rot. One youngin in veg is also displaying the beginning of plythium also. I think too much N in the big girls youth made it more vulnerable now. I am going to go get some hygrozyme, totally clean all components with super kick your ass concentration of H2O2. What are the emergency procedures that you guys know of for medium severity root rot.

8 MAR I Took my lone plant and soaked the roots in 3% H2O2 for 20 min. I let it air for an hour than did it again but this time with the recommended dose of Hygrozyme and 2% H2O2. Let sit for 20 min. Wife inspected roots and said they looked much better.

9 MAR Put the girl in a bucket with Hygrozyme , Silica ,Zone, and 700 ppm GH Bloom. Dipping every 4 hrs. Bottom of holding bucket is filled with 1 liter 500 ppm Bloom and 3% H2O2 for bottom roots to soak during interim 3.6 hrs. I think it's saveable, not excessive rot, but definitely the onset. There was this slight swamp smell. Will stay manual for rest of grow. Looking up, some leaves have stopped curling and are normal.


Well-Known Member
Is that 3% or 30%? If Its 3% then its probaly is not strong enough to help much. You at least a 25% h2o2. Sounds like you are on the right track cleaning up your roots, just get that hygrozyme and and some stronger h202. Also, what are your res temps like?


New Member
Is that 3% or 30%? If Its 3% then its probaly is not strong enough to help much. You at least a 25% h2o2. Sounds like you are on the right track cleaning up your roots, just get that hygrozyme and and some stronger h202. Also, what are your res temps like?
30% @ 1.5ml/L . I had to prune the shit out of it today, just seems not to want to uptake water, does not want to transpire so she folds her leaves in. I think the root structure must be smaller than usual because of the high N in its youth. The roots are nice and white and look healthy.Well, i'll keep feeding at 700 to 800 from here on out, Any more problems and I'm gonna have to let her go as far as she can on her own. She's just getting too high maintenance. Lesson has been learned: 1) Do not ooohhh and ahhhhh because your plant is so green. It means too much N. 2) Never go blindly into a manufacturers nutrient schedule. 3) prune early, don't let her get too bushy, you will loose product.


now, i may sound way off base here, but it looks to me as if your lower leaves aren't getting as much light as your canopy. try trimming or hanging some floros vertically to light up the lower areas better.


New Member
now, i may sound way off base here, but it looks to me as if your lower leaves aren't getting as much light as your canopy. try trimming or hanging some floros vertically to light up the lower areas better.
Thanks. I did trim today and am going to install my light runner to get more to the sides. I have been moving the plant to the fringe of the light zone to try to expose all parts of the plant to the HID. I do appreciate the input! Noob makes no difference to me. Sometimes an impartial fresh eye helps tremendously.:peace:


New Member
I was going to write this slut off, but I guess i'll keep on nursing her. If there were others in the grow i would have chopped her dead but she's all have. I have an AK-48 and WW vegging like gangbusters with Sensi A&B. Say all the shit you want but I see AN kicking ass at least compared to BC. I will still go GH lucas for bloom.


Well-Known Member
Hey cowboy, It has been about a week since my quick flush and dropping of my N level.

I have gradually brought my ppm back up, but now the leaf tips and margins are browning a touch and they are even turning a little lime green to yellow.

I cant decide if this is a deficicency or burn. Check out the pics attached.

