This is an auto flower journal plues another grow with in


Well-Known Member
taken the clones yesterday took 25 half are ww the other nl. all look good today no drooping just love this cloner. ill never use a dome again. all ladys are just getting fat. ppm is at 700 on bigger ladys and 450 on smaller ones. 450 on autos ill post pics later today. hope yall lie what ya see. see any thing you like tell me please


Well-Known Member
ok what your looking at is, buds of white widow, and northern lights, in the bid area.plues alot of hawaiian snow in 1rst pics. Then you see my ww and nl clones who started flower a few days ago. Then there my autos, this might be a good yeild on autos. Some are buding amd some are just showing sex all females. Then theirs auto males as you can see the yellow on the paper, should be able to use this pollen on the females i got. also my clones of the las two hawaiians, wont be doing any more of it. autos are growing well. the afgan kush is taking longer and they are bigger than the blue berry,and lr21,double deisal its takeing longer as well. then theres the blue myalayin babys. who are not looking so good, but should woke out just fine. they wil stay under the flour... and 2 cfl. because i have no foom, theres alot here going on and its hard to keep up with it all. pmm have been kept down on most this grow and ph has been set at 6.3 in all water plues nutes. enjoy the pics



Well-Known Member
yea sure do. But when this is done i should have what i need for the rest of the year. I dont sell so it works. Ill keep it going but just not as much. It's made by botanicare, cloning machine, mini aeroponics 25. Works great! Ill never go back to the dome again. In this machine, not one wilts. Roots in 5-10 days and ready for soil, every time, love it. Could of made for less but o well.


Well-Known Member
ok this plant has been darkness for 4 day really dont see any increase of trichome, what do yal think should i put her back under the lights? she been i flower for 13 weeks. there two close ups one is the buds on bottom they look done, but the close up or the top of plant were i had about 4 inches of new growth the plant still has white hair, un like the bottom bud all hairs are red and starting to receed back in to the bud. could use any info you might have.



Well-Known Member
here are some other pics of all others. auto are growing nicely. looks like the afgan is fixen to start flowering soon. they are big autos. all for have are showing there sex so they are getting ready to flower. has you can see the new growth on the top of that plant



Well-Known Member
ok this plant has been darkness for 4 day really dont see any increase of trichome, what do yal think should i put her back under the lights? she been i flower for 13 weeks. there two close ups one is the buds on bottom they look done, but the close up or the top of plant were i had about 4 inches of new growth the plant still has white hair, un like the bottom bud all hairs are red and starting to receed back in to the bud. could use any info you might have.
Beautiful! Look at all the bud on that girl..bongsmilie By sight, she looks done to me, honestly. Got a scope? Check the trichs - see if they are where you want 'em. Be sure to sample a couple different areas. You can't go by the hairs. They are an indication, yes, but in a healthy plant, you'll have fresh, new white hairs, until the day you chop her - last ditch efforts on her part, to get pollenated.


Well-Known Member
ok this plant has been darkness for 4 day really dont see any increase of trichome, what do yal think should i put her back under the lights? she been i flower for 13 weeks. there two close ups one is the buds on bottom they look done, but the close up or the top of plant were i had about 4 inches of new growth the plant still has white hair, un like the bottom bud all hairs are red and starting to receed back in to the bud. could use any info you might have.
I would not put her back under the lights. She will herm.
I believe the idea of the darkness period is not necessarily to produce more trichs, I think the benefit if any is to ripen the existing trichs on the plant.


Well-Known Member
ok i just choped her and trimed her up and she is now r.i.p. for got how much work that is. sticky fingers, yes! i get a wet wieght tonight. she going to be some good smoke. but cant wait till i do the white widow. im just waiting on trecks to get milky. sure has a lot on her. northern lights is also get close. figure a week or so hanging in the boxs then they will go into the jars.
looks like the cold is gone out side lady will go out next week i hope. it will free up alittle room as well. yesssss


Well-Known Member
im not shy to show my pic. found two more males today dont know how they got passed me but they are uot side now. think im going to plant them some were in the yard. one is ww, the other a northern lights. maybe i can use them to cross breed them to. so that i can get my own seeds of these two strains. these strains look alsome and want to keep these growing a while.


Well-Known Member
Plants lookin bad ass man.
So You got this set up to cut every month, this is the first chop in the cycle right?
Is the WW next?


Well-Known Member
yes i chop the haw... and the ww and nl will be next and they are looking pretty rip now. im think in another week or two they will come out. by then the autos should start coming out. with more autos coming a week or so behind that. the big bud looks to have another 3 weeks to go. after that all those hawaiians clone should be finishing up there were 7 of them.they look to be about 5 weeks out. with more autos following them. then theres my ww, nl clones that are starting there 3rd week of flowering now . they should follow them. and then i have 25 more ww. and nl in cloner now. witch are down the road a ways. im sure ill start some more autos after these autos i have are done. so im looking the chop once if not twice a month soon. ill have more than enough to last all year long. after that ill slow down and just do the ww and nl on a smaller scale. cloning as i go. Here is the Hawaiian Snow first harvets. one plant.



Well-Known Member
ok guys here some new pic. 1rst 3 are my clones. then theres my other ww and nl clone that are starting 3rd week of flowering, then theres my 7 hawaiians and 1 nl,and 1 ww, and 1 bigbud, flower area. then theres the autos. they are going to be nice, took one shot of all together, then shot apart. also some auto babys there as well. then theres the males see the pollen on the paper pretty cool. going to harvets it this week. thats it what yal think?



Well-Known Member
Nice ladies you have in there! You have your hands full, that's for sure! Nice harvest too - those buds look pretty fat, love to know the dry weight when you get it.


Well-Known Member
all right!!!!! think it time to plant out side ladys. so im going to put 2 northern lights and 2 white widows out today. also i have a lemon skunk clone thats going to go out to. this will make some room in my indoor as well.