Hydro (Advanced Nutrients) vs Soil (Fox Farms) ~ Fucking Incredible


Well-Known Member
It really doesn't change anything for me. It's a change in the plans, but at this stage it's easy to see it wouldn't be fair to flower them side by side. The soil side plants are ridiculously larger than the others. It looks like a plain ol difference of a couple of weeks. At least I now exactly how detrimental overwatering can be on the transplant of the small cubes into the larger cubes.

It's been a long, arduos weekend working on all of this in preperation for the lights to arrive on Tues.

Hey Bro,

im the complete opposite of u man... my first attempt was with hydro and now im only soil..LOL..

in any case i have tried to read most of ur thread and i find ur attempt commendable.

im not going to get in to the an vs ff as i have come to the conclusion that people grow with what they want and the bud they produce is always the "best" hehehe.. i beleave it or not use ff additives (favorite is cha ching)
and when they need a little food i give them 1/2 strength an hydro nutes.... so i actually do a mix of both companies in my soil grows :-) LOL..

ANyway man plenty medicated here and rambling on...

As far as ur current problem with the size of things...

U can do a few things to slow those soil plants up ....
1. Top/fim... tht should slow the growth up about a week or so...

2. Supercrop. Even if u dont bend the plant after the pinch... it will slow down the growth for a few days to a week while it heals the stem...and u can just pinch anywhere u want soo... (it will come back strong dont worry !)...

Anyway man .. Just thought id shine those options on u just so u can fit them all in the same area as u wanted.

Good luck !

tea tree

Well-Known Member
whats up. just read thru yur journal. I am a year long rockwool grower and also a former soil. I also started in dwc then moved to soil to see about taste. I am back to hydrp and my favorite rockwool. I feel I can get my gear tasting great. Anyway that is not what I am responding about. The rockwool cant lose!

What I have seen if you water rockwool anywhere near to where you are told then the growth slows. Just back off until it feels dangerous and bam! you start getting little rockets. Once they are that big it is incredibly hard to underwater. They can even dry out! still keep going. Water always somewhere.

Good luck. I use ebb tables and they are not on a schedule for veg. I just water when they feel light. I get lazy about it. They prosper. I use gh three part.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
FI is a High Times 2008 Top 10 Strain, but not a cup winner. I have searched and searched and I can't find anything positive about this strain. I promise this delay won't be long (I don't have long) and we'll be back underway again very very shortly. I'll probably create a new thread when it starts and I'll post a link to it on this one.

You guys don't want to see a comparison of mediocre shit, believe me, we want this thing to really be worthwhile. Too risky.
Dude I am so confused. You've already grown this stuff right? Don't you know how this bud is? Now all the sudden you get some haters and some people who say bad things about it and you scrap the whole project? The other pics in your journaL Look great, I don't know what the big fuss is about.

Well w/e here's spome advice for ya...if your going to do a side by side comparison soil vs hydro, why not use the same nutrients for both so people don't get so upset that your comparison is biased to AN or something?


Well-Known Member
whats up. just read thru yur journal. I am a year long rockwool grower and also a former soil. I also started in dwc then moved to soil to see about taste. I am back to hydrp and my favorite rockwool. I feel I can get my gear tasting great. Anyway that is not what I am responding about. The rockwool cant lose!

What I have seen if you water rockwool anywhere near to where you are told then the growth slows. Just back off until it feels dangerous and bam! you start getting little rockets. Once they are that big it is incredibly hard to underwater. They can even dry out! still keep going. Water always somewhere.

Good luck. I use ebb tables and they are not on a schedule for veg. I just water when they feel light. I get lazy about it. They prosper. I use gh three part.
The only trouble I had this time was the excessive moisture from soaking the rockwool before transplanting the smaller cubes into them. Usually they dry out in a couple of days at worst and I leave them be until they do, but this time it seemed like a lifetime before those cubes were dry again. I had them under that T5 and it just wasn't drying them out.

I've realized that I actually have to go ahead and flower everything now. I don't have any way to veg anymore with the setup's in this configuration. I only have 1 15amp breaker so I have to run 2x 600w's for 12 hours, then run the single 600w for 12 hours and have them flip back and forth.

My lights actually showed up yesterday! So I spent the entire evening setting up the side by side space. I picked up all of the ducting and all of the crap and I got it all setup. Problem is that last night it got to about 86 degrees which isn't the worst, but it isn't the best. That was pretty far from the light. The good news, this was a very minimal setup and I have options.

That is 86 degrees with no real ventilation, just having the window open overnight and exhausting the hot air into the same room I'm intaking from. I can buy another 200cfm or so fan and use it to pull cold air in through the intake and draw the cold air from a window. If that doesn't do enough I can buy a larger exhaust fan (current is 365cfm) and use this 6" fan to vent the lights and use the larger or equivalent (6 or 8 inch) fan to ventilate the room seperate.

Right now because this is in a walk in closet that is 102" x 40" with the closet door being a regular door right smack dab in the middle it makes it hard to ventilate from one side of the room to the other. I have to make everything work from the center and it's just not very convenient or efficient.

But the temps were good enough to survive the night and the plants are all now on 12/12. The soil side is going to have a major starting advantage, but the hydro plants are hydro and may surprise me. Regardless I can't really do it any other way and I need to get this underway, the soil plants are going to be giants!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I second the Fox Farm supplements, just don't overdo it. Although some find it a little excessive, I dig the Beastie Bloomz personally for two to three middle feedings during an 8 week cycle, but I do use all three in conjuction with the Tiger Bloom and have had pretty good successes. You just have to watch your ratios cuz non nute tolerant strains will claw up quickly on you, or at least they do for me when I overdo it. Good luck, keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Dude I am so confused. You've already grown this stuff right? Don't you know how this bud is? Now all the sudden you get some haters and some people who say bad things about it and you scrap the whole project? The other pics in your journaL Look great, I don't know what the big fuss is about.

Well w/e here's spome advice for ya...if your going to do a side by side comparison soil vs hydro, why not use the same nutrients for both so people don't get so upset that your comparison is biased to AN or something?
I haven't finished flowering my first batch of FI, they just finished 6 weeks and are starting the 7th. They look great so I'm not so concerned about that anymore. There's no way they can look this good and really be that mediocre. The plants look like shit (as I've seen around with this strain), but the buds look great.

I'm not going to use the same ferts in both for fairly obvious reasons. The argument is that soil w/ soil fertilizers tastes better than hydro with hydro fertilizers. I'm not going to put organic shit in my reservoir and I'm not going to put chem nutes in my soil plants.

It makes sense if I'm in it for the taste and quality comparison and the growth comparison for my own knowledge. I don't have to give a rats ass what anybody else has to say about it and whether or not it's "fair".


Well-Known Member
very nice LASER!

to bad u stunted the hydro a bit

so are you planning on going through with it?
Oh yeah....we're going through with it...the hydro plants are just a little smaller than the soil plants. Well, significantly smaller, but hopefully they will bulk up just the same.
Alright, it's Friday...I try to do pictures on Fridays. The soil is still out to quite the dominant lead. Those lights better show up on Tuesday like the tracking # says. The problem now is that I don't think the hydro side is going to catch up! I'll see what happens under the 600w's as I let them veg for another week or so, but it's going to be difficult for those suckers to catch up at this rate. I'll go down today and buy them some big pots and get them setup for flood and drain.

Those soil plants are in 3 gallon pots now, do I need to transplant to larger pots. I'm going to start flowering in a week and it's hard to image they are "rootbound" in 3 gallon pots. They are pretty tall pots so they look small in the pictures, but they shaped like small trashcans.

Huh, this is making me want to try out the soil deal again.

Very interesting to watch the grow. Thanks for the pics. Wish I could share my own....

(But I'll stick with AN, though these results are pretty interesting to watch...can't wait for the end.)



Well-Known Member
ok ok ok ive read alot and have one grow under my belt i feel know a great deal because of this site and everthing i read but i know i really dont have experiance. but the Q i have is why everyone says 86 degrees and 90 degrees and all this is bad. I wasnt able to get my temps below 86 my first grow and plants did great. But my question is if people can grow outdoors in places like mexico cuba texas oklhaoma where its hot as fuck and the plants are all fine then why is everyone saying indoors these temps are bad. im sure theres a reason i just dont know it and would like to know so im not always like well if in brazil and all those other places are supposed to be ideal for growing mj then why is heat such an issue? Ty all peace D83


Well-Known Member
ok ok ok ive read alot and have one grow under my belt i feel know a great deal because of this site and everthing i read but i know i really dont have experiance. but the Q i have is why everyone says 86 degrees and 90 degrees and all this is bad. I wasnt able to get my temps below 86 my first grow and plants did great. But my question is if people can grow outdoors in places like mexico cuba texas oklhaoma where its hot as fuck and the plants are all fine then why is everyone saying indoors these temps are bad. im sure theres a reason i just dont know it and would like to know so im not always like well if in brazil and all those other places are supposed to be ideal for growing mj then why is heat such an issue? Ty all peace D83
86 really ain't that bad, it's just a bit higher than I would like. When plants are outdoors the temperatures also vary. It might peak at 95 degrees and it might be that way for a a few days or weeks, but indoors it's 12 hours+ day, ALL day.


Well-Known Member
ok ok ok ive read alot and have one grow under my belt i feel know a great deal because of this site and everthing i read but i know i really dont have experiance. but the Q i have is why everyone says 86 degrees and 90 degrees and all this is bad. I wasnt able to get my temps below 86 my first grow and plants did great. But my question is if people can grow outdoors in places like mexico cuba texas oklhaoma where its hot as fuck and the plants are all fine then why is everyone saying indoors these temps are bad. im sure theres a reason i just dont know it and would like to know so im not always like well if in brazil and all those other places are supposed to be ideal for growing mj then why is heat such an issue? Ty all peace D83

i know i dont have all the experience that some do...but i believe that a plant becomes accustomed to the temps that there grown in...i mean the higher heat may slow the growth some but i wouldnt say much my temps through the first couple of weeks where sometimes in the low 90's and i still got a plant thats over 5' supercropped twice...and still way taler then i would have liked but as stated b4 im new at this growing thing but been around the block a few times if you get what im saying...

sorry for the long reply, just high...
but thanks for doing this the ppl at the shop i go to swear by hydro im currently in FFOF


Well-Known Member
I couldn't stand the heat anymore and neither could the plants. I bit the bullet and ordered an 8x4 tent. I was able to situate things in my bedroom better this way. The closet that I was growing in I'm now using to store all of my growing "stuff" and the bedroom now has a 4x4 and and 8x4 tent. The 4x4 is finishing up the first round of Fucking Incredible right now and the 8x4 is doing this comparison.

I have to say I'm quite saddened by the hydro side, I've neglected this entire grow because my life has become incredibly busy and I didn't know what to do about the conditions, didn't know if this grow was going to even continue, but now that it's back on track I'll give it the care it deserves. I will flush the reservoir tomorrow and get these plants some food! They are starving to death and I feel like a shithead, but in all honesty it does give me SOME information, I've neglected the soil plants just the same. I haven't had to do shit with them and they are growing like, well, weeds.

So as far as which is easier...definitely soil. I've never done shit with the soil plants really, just planted them and watered them.

Anyway, It's been a retardedly long night and a retardedly difficult process as I did it all in one night. I had to move all of the shit out of the room completely to have room to build the tent and had to move the 4x4 tent as it wasn't in a good place, ah, I'm just glad it's over. I have to be up in 6 hours for work, but fuck it, I'm gonna smoke one more bowl and see how it goes (usually keeps me up for a little while before it knocks me out).



Active Member
I couldn't stand the heat anymore and neither could the plants. I bit the bullet and ordered an 8x4 tent. I was able to situate things in my bedroom better this way. The closet that I was growing in I'm now using to store all of my growing "stuff" and the bedroom now has a 4x4 and and 8x4 tent. The 4x4 is finishing up the first round of Fucking Incredible right now and the 8x4 is doing this comparison.

I have to say I'm quite saddened by the hydro side, I've neglected this entire grow because my life has become incredibly busy and I didn't know what to do about the conditions, didn't know if this grow was going to even continue, but now that it's back on track I'll give it the care it deserves. I will flush the reservoir tomorrow and get these plants some food! They are starving to death and I feel like a shithead, but in all honesty it does give me SOME information, I've neglected the soil plants just the same. I haven't had to do shit with them and they are growing like, well, weeds.

So as far as which is easier...definitely soil. I've never done shit with the soil plants really, just planted them and watered them.

Anyway, It's been a retardedly long night and a retardedly difficult process as I did it all in one night. I had to move all of the shit out of the room completely to have room to build the tent and had to move the 4x4 tent as it wasn't in a good place, ah, I'm just glad it's over. I have to be up in 6 hours for work, but fuck it, I'm gonna smoke one more bowl and see how it goes (usually keeps me up for a little while before it knocks me out).

I dont really see anyone hating, just sharing there personal prefrence about plant food. I wouldnt give a rats ass either laser.. I kinda think youll be sticking with soil,lol. I assure you and everyone, once you find a soil loving strain and a good reg., you wont want to go back. I might throw hydro in with the soil but never hydro alone. Call me a fool, but you cant beat feeding less than 4 times in the life of the plant(3months).
If you get tired, just remember. This is an investment.....:joint:


Well-Known Member
I dont really see anyone hating, just sharing there personal prefrence about plant food. I wouldnt give a rats ass either laser.. I kinda think youll be sticking with soil,lol. I assure you and everyone, once you find a soil loving strain and a good reg., you wont want to go back. I might throw hydro in with the soil but never hydro alone. Call me a fool, but you cant beat feeding less than 4 times in the life of the plant(3months).
If you get tired, just remember. This is an investment.....:joint:
I actually abandoned the Hydro plants last night. The soil plants are still growin' and looking good. Couldn't be any easier, but the hydro plants were too small and weren't going to be worth having under a 600w light. I'm going to be leaving town and when I get back I'll refill all my spaces and I may still do a soil vs. hydro comparison, but starting over with a different strain.

I have a week or so to think about it while I'm out of town. In the meantime my previous hydro FI is complete and hanging to dry right now and I have 6 in soil that are about a week into flower and I'll finish those off.

The comparison wasn't going to be good and if you read my other thread you can see why I felt I needed to do it this way. Logistically it was the only option at this time.

I can assure you all though that with my new 8 x 4 tent there WILL be quite a few side by side comparison grows including hopefully a side by side comparison of LED vs HPS in the summer when I can really only afford the heat from a single 600w lamp.

I'm sorry to disappoint, I will create a new thread for the continuation of the soil grow and I'll have to do a side by side starting all over. It just wasn't going to be valid and incredibly inefficient.


Well-Known Member
I couldn't stand the heat anymore and neither could the plants. I bit the bullet and ordered an 8x4 tent. I was able to situate things in my bedroom better this way. The closet that I was growing in I'm now using to store all of my growing "stuff" and the bedroom now has a 4x4 and and 8x4 tent. The 4x4 is finishing up the first round of Fucking Incredible right now and the 8x4 is doing this comparison.

I have to say I'm quite saddened by the hydro side, I've neglected this entire grow because my life has become incredibly busy and I didn't know what to do about the conditions, didn't know if this grow was going to even continue, but now that it's back on track I'll give it the care it deserves. I will flush the reservoir tomorrow and get these plants some food! They are starving to death and I feel like a shithead, but in all honesty it does give me SOME information, I've neglected the soil plants just the same. I haven't had to do shit with them and they are growing like, well, weeds.

So as far as which is easier...definitely soil. I've never done shit with the soil plants really, just planted them and watered them.

Anyway, It's been a retardedly long night and a retardedly difficult process as I did it all in one night. I had to move all of the shit out of the room completely to have room to build the tent and had to move the 4x4 tent as it wasn't in a good place, ah, I'm just glad it's over. I have to be up in 6 hours for work, but fuck it, I'm gonna smoke one more bowl and see how it goes (usually keeps me up for a little while before it knocks me out).
two things
ONE: i have the same clock/thermometer as you

TWO: hooray for soil, thank god im a simpleton!

haha, take it easy man n good growing, ill stay on the thread to see how this turns out


Well-Known Member
I actually abandoned the Hydro plants last night. The soil plants are still growin' and looking good. Couldn't be any easier, but the hydro plants were too small and weren't going to be worth having under a 600w light. I'm going to be leaving town and when I get back I'll refill all my spaces and I may still do a soil vs. hydro comparison, but starting over with a different strain.

I have a week or so to think about it while I'm out of town. In the meantime my previous hydro FI is complete and hanging to dry right now and I have 6 in soil that are about a week into flower and I'll finish those off.

The comparison wasn't going to be good and if you read my other thread you can see why I felt I needed to do it this way. Logistically it was the only option at this time.

I can assure you all though that with my new 8 x 4 tent there WILL be quite a few side by side comparison grows including hopefully a side by side comparison of LED vs HPS in the summer when I can really only afford the heat from a single 600w lamp.

I'm sorry to disappoint, I will create a new thread for the continuation of the soil grow and I'll have to do a side by side starting all over. It just wasn't going to be valid and incredibly inefficient.
well fuck me, i shoulda read one or two more posts further but im fucked up so i went straight to the pics!