quick trim question


I did search and couldn't find the answers I was looking for so if someone could tell me if its ok to trim big fan leaves one week into flowering? And where to cut,I'm new and afraid to reck my babies but need my light to go deeper. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
What type of light(s) are you using? What strain are you growing? Etc.? Think of your fan leaves as solar panels. Generally speaking, removing fan leaves is not good. But, we need more info about your setup to provide you with more info.


Well-Known Member
fan leaves being your biggest leaves which means the plant gets most its photosenthisis , and also your lower fan leaves store the plants food and carbs.. i wouldnt trim in flowerin unless u really had to for example 1 of the buds was not getting any light


Active Member
i personally am on my first grow, but a very reliable resource has shown me that trimming the big fan leaves wont harm the plant, in fact in front of my own eyes i seen the plants and even smoked the bud, it was great!!! i think just as many other issues here its debateable, and to the growers preference. But i just have to say there was no difference in potency or yield even from the plants that had been trimmed. I personally have NOT trimmed my plants, however if water leaves are dyin or being completely shaded why not snip them and let the plants in the light be the focus? whatever im a rookie what do i know? lol

fan leaves being your biggest leaves which means the plant gets most its photosenthisis , and also your lower fan leaves store the plants food and carbs.. i wouldnt trim in flowerin unless u really had to for example 1 of the buds was not getting any light


Active Member
conventional wisdom is to never trim a live leaf. Something I tried recently, tie some of them back to allow "light corridors" keep the leaves and get the light.


Yep, bending and moving leaves is much better.
Thanks for the info everyone. I'm growing in a small grow box with a 250 Watt cfl and have a complete canopy and the bottoms of them are starting to look starved for light. I will try and just tie them down for now and see if things improve. I would add more light but my cab is only 23 x 18 so I cant fit a 2 foot strip light or anything for the lower section like I planned.