1st grow ever 1000w Soil 15 plants WA


I have a Medical Card in Washington and am going to try and grow my own stash. I just started 2 weeks ago with this project and was given some starters. I just moved the plants outta a closet and into a 13x13 room. I have a couple fans, heaters, 1000w HPS, 3-5 strains. I need to get ventilation heat/cool, sulphur, co2 generator, mylar and stuff. I have the EC and PH pens. the room is kept at 70-78F.

here is video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEoawyWBaS8

Feels free to comment.


Well-Known Member
Can someone please watch the video and tell me if I can trim some lower leaves off?
leave the leaves. as long as the leaves are healthy they are producing energy for the plant to grow.

another tip - elevate the young ones on something so that their tops are equal to the larger plants, then lower the light as low as you can without burning your hand (kept at plant height).

another another tip - most people with your space would divide it up into vegging and flowering spaces so that you can harvest a crop more frequently than every 4 months.


Thank you! I have a second room thru door to garage that I also have space to use. Here is video #2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vL-GunlTQ-0 . I have spent about 1000$ on lights and soil and nutrients. I still need to complete second room. I am just about out of money and need a better reflector for the 1000W, CO2, sulfur and venting. I am trying to get my priorities in order to spend smartly.


Well-Known Member
He is right your room needs to be devided not equaly make the veg room 60% of the space inside the veg space make a grow closest just for clones 24/0 then the veg room stays 18/6 a 1000w metal halide lamp can be 4 feet away from the tops of the plants any closer then the temps are too hot tops will wilt or and burn invest in a 250w cfl for your clone closeit. use white plastic or silver reflective sheets to cover walls as plaster and mortor obsorb moister which causes damp and mold problems in the future so cover the walls mate. all plant tops need to be same height and some well placed cfls below canopy to help growth . eventualy you will get a routine and as for bud roo same crack except the running tempreture of high power sodium bulbs is 30 percent less so the lights can be a foot lower but some well placed cfls under canopy again will increase yeild air must be pulled into the room from outside as the recycled air has moister that needs expelling or humidity will be 100 percent so air flow is what you need hope this helps great space man wish i had it instead of my shity 5m long by 1.3m high sloping to 1inch
kind regards well done mate sort your room it be one of the best around


Well-Known Member
I am just about out of money and need a better reflector for the 1000W, CO2, sulfur and venting.
an air-cooled hood and ducting outside the room will give you alot of bang for the buck because you'll be able to keep the light much closer to the plants, increasing plant size and yield.

personally, i would leave out the co2 if you have to drop something. it only helps yield if everything else is optimum which isn't likely to be the case for your first few grows. also, to make it worthwhile you need tanks, a controller and timers for your exhaust fan to create a closed system that adds co2 and then periodically vents the room to keep it cool and to flush out o2.


Well-Known Member
looks better each video man. I wouldnt stress too much on your metal halide being in a air cooled reflector but definitely have your hps bulb for bloom in one like desertrat was saying, gotta get it as close to the canopy without burning them to maximize their potential. to be a little more general, the bloom room needs to be the more sophisticated room with good intake and exhaust fans and just more of a completely controlled environment compared to a veg space that needs a less attention to the details. plants are looking nice and green tho


The room in the video is the veg space and the hole in wall that has fan is my bloom room (in cold garage that i will frame in with window area) my goal is to do perpetual and always having something harvesting. and I just got started and I have started out slow and hope to gain momentum. My roommate has a Medical card also so we will have a 30 mature maximum plant ability so I think having 5 plants a harvest with a couple mother plants. And I truly have only read a few articles to get my knowledge to get me this far. so I really appreciate the responses here.. I am paranoid to ask for help locally in fear of getting robbed.


Well-Known Member

put lights down to 18 inches. Get some mycorrhizal fungi.

DIY carbon filter.... very simple and different than most

6 inch to 4 inch reducer
6 inch pvc
nylon hair net
activated carbon

1. Cut 3 inches of the 6 inch pvc.
2. Drill holes in reducer and PVC
3. Put Nuts bolts to hold reducer and pvc in place.
4. wrap hair net around pvc except one end
5. Pour in Activated Carbon
6. Tie other end of hair net
7. put a fan or ductwork on the 4inch end.

You can go further with sealing and clamping the pvc/reducer together.... whatever you want to do from here.



Well-Known Member
like the most intresting book look forard too up dates back at work now so i can only tune in on sat,sun,mon,tue but god i love this shit soon i post some pics of my el-nino 3 weeks into flower 8 plants two have hermied on two of the lower nodes on each plant i had a light leak that i didnot clock for two weeks directly shining onto the parts of the plants that have what i think is male polen sacks forming allthough i must point out tish white hairs are forming all around the ball shaped objects about 30 intotal on both plants should i bin them or bag the node?? well i get a good look tomorrow day off i will let you know post some pics give me your opinion if nothink else when answerd by gurus we will both learn somethink