g-13 arrmegedan


Active Member
i bought some fem. blueberry and fem. power plant seeds from HES trading (or something like that) and for ordering over 100 bucks worth of seeds they sent a free ten pack of g-13 arrmegedan (mind the spelling i don't think its quite right) but when i searched for the plant i couldn't find any pics or anything. I've been reading that g-13 is some crazy shit that is supposedly hard to get your hands on ... but I'm not sure. Any help, pics, etc etc would be super appreciated. thanks

if i can get my hands on a camera ill take some pics of the babies but i don't have one now so maybe soon!


Asshole Patrol
g-13 is the government's strain, however you're probably not getting anything close to what they produce. What you have is most likely some far off inbred 7th cousin, if you're lucky. :-)

Throw the seeds in some medium and let us know how it goes! With a bit of TLC, almost any strain can delivery something worthwhile.

Good Luck. :-)


Active Member
government weed sucks. The only place in the country they grow 'real' government weed is in oxford, miss and its definitely was not G-13 because the scientists were working on an international effort to classify cannabis. Besides, I'd only smoke government weed if it was free like food stamps.


Well-Known Member
hi mate, seems you did very well to get a free pack of armegedan seeds. They are v. expensive to buy $600-700, as they are related to g13. Many myths surrounding G13 and the world famous colllection of ganja plants housed and bred at the univerdity of mississippi where they specialised in hybridisation and apparently produced a strain with 28% THC. One of the clones was liberated, a male, and the genetics spread. In reality it is doubtful if there is a true genetic link between todays G13 and other derivitives, as the myth has fed itself for years you will hear all sorts of shit!

Here are some available associated strains



Well-Known Member
hi mate, seems you did very well to get a free pack of armegedan seeds. They are v. expensive to buy $600-700, as they are related to g13. Many myths surrounding G13 and the world famous colllection of ganja plants housed and bred at the univerdity of mississippi where they specialised in hybridisation and apparently produced a strain with 28% THC. One of the clones was liberated, a male, and the genetics spread. In reality it is doubtful if there is a true genetic link between todays G13 and other derivitives, as the myth has fed itself for years you will hear all sorts of shit!

Here are some available associated strains
They aren't going to give you $600-$700 worth of free seeds for ordering over $100.......


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think theres alot of bs about g-13. I think seed companys are just using it to charge extra prices.

You should deffently start a journal for the g13xhaze tho, so I can see how it comes out.

Goodluck mate<3


Well-Known Member
Follow this link
the g13 cannabis legend

Do a search there are many so called G13 strains out there. The seed banks are making money off the legend of the "So Called Gov Super Strain", and will continue to do so as long as plp believe the hype...."I heard there where Unicorns and Dragons, but im not going to drop the money for either one untill i see it for myself"


Active Member
well lucky i didnt pay for my seeds so thats all good and thank you jondog and space weaseal for the links. i only planted two of the seeds so far and i think one is a male. since the day they were planted they have been in twelve twelve so im gunna know the sex for sure here pretty soon. if one of the two turns female i think im gunna make it into a bonsai mom along with my blueberry and power plant. if you guys are interested ill keep on updating you all on the grow. just tell me what you think.