My First Medical "Closet": 400 Watt MH


Well-Known Member
This is my first ever grow. I have had mostly downs these first few weeks with my babies, and thanks to this site and my bud-tenders i think I'm finally on my way to greatness. This is my first post but i have been nosing around for quite a while. I've been considerig posting a journal but i thought i was mistreating my babies ad that wasnt something i wanted to share. :sad: Tomorrow however i will be building them a new room which will provide better ventilation which has been a major issue for me. I have 2 White Widow CLones, and 2 Green Crack Clones, Which are a good 2 weeks since rooting. I know they look bad. :sad: I Also have an Alaskan Thunder Fuck, I am unsure about her age but shes been with me for a little over a week shes loving it. The main problem i believe i had was i used the wrong soil. I Transplanted the rockwool into some miracle grow i just want to burn. :fire: They are no longer in the cups i have transplanted them into bigger pots with new soil and perlite. I moved them two days ago ad they are showing much improvement. Any feedback on what i can do or not do that will help is appreciated. Will post pics of their new home and how they are moving along tomorrow. This is my first grow and i am a nub, but practice makes perfect, so please don't bash me without trying to give me a little advice. Enjoy:weed:
My healthy babies when i put them in a soil im going to call hell.

2 in back white widow 2 in front green crack. too embarrassed to show how they look now.. maybe tomorrow.

ATF When i got her i want to say about 3 weeks? idk she was skinny

the only problem ive seen with her. SOLUTIONS ??

I have to show how much of a difference they are going threw. They have been through hell but looks like they are coming back to. Somebody let me know if they will be okay.
there home now.. they will be moving tomorrow hopefully. Pix will b posted when finished.

I THink SHe Loves my Metal Halide . She shows growth daily

But what is causing this? SEems to pop up and only get worse. help me fix it

Widow . looks way better than yesterday .. i know thats bad huh

widow 2. my personal fav. she was doing horrible these last few days but now look at her
green crack.. compare to when i first got it. makes me wanna cry

green crack2.. i am a major disapointmet to the crack.. sorry sativas

all of em together.. i know not hte best set up but hey it will be better tomorrow.. stick with me


Well-Known Member
trying to help - what kind and how much light are you using? - edit - ok, this time i read the title. your large plant is too far from the light and is stretching badly. you want the light as close to the plant as you can get without burning your hand when placed at the top of the plant. then you should elevate your small plants so all plant tops are at the same height.

something else is going on with your clones in the 3 big plots but nothing comes to mind at this point.


Well-Known Member
THanks for the input. Yeah the babies in the big pots were what i believe to be nute burned very badly. They are showing major improvement. When i got the big one she was stretchnig like crazy and very skinny. Shes a good 2 ft from the light and she hasnt been getting much taller just bushier. As For the babies i will lift them when i set up there new room. They have been through a lot and i dont think they need any additional heat but thanks and stay tuned.


Well-Known Member
Let me look and find a older pic if i have one. The leaves were all yellow and like brow with a kind of bumpy texture. I have not checked ph, i need to get a ph reader this weekend and i water every 2-3 days. i always check like a inch or two into the soil to see if its dry, Im also planning on getting a moisture reader this weekend as well. I Was told i should prune the dying leaves on the big girl. SHould I?
ya i cant find any pics i dont think i took ay because i was ashamed. but when the girls wake up ill try to get a close up of the leaf that made me think nuteburn. HOwever it does look much better compared to the last few days. Do you know what the problem is with the brown spots showing up on the leaves of my big girl? Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
I have not checked ph, i need to get a ph reader this weekend

I Was told i should prune the dying leaves on the big girl. SHould I?

Do you know what the problem is with the brown spots showing up on the leaves of my big girl?
pH meter is critical as off pH causes nutrient lock out that looks like a lot of other problems.

as long as a leaf is alive it is helping the plant. i pull gently at the leaf and it will come off if its dead.

if you mean the brown edges of the leaves that could be slight nute burn but nothing to worry about yet.


Well-Known Member
Well it seems like the browns spots show up on the tips and edges and only gets worse with time. But Other than that i think she looks great. Yeah i know ph is important d i have no idea of the range its in now. Hopefully i pick one up this weekend. Do you have any reliable testers that are fairly cheap in mind? I Was told that the leaf is trying to fight to live and its wasting energy the plant could be using for growing. But yeah idk im still learning. Thanks for all your help so far. Stay tuned its only getting better.


Well-Known Member
Any body else want to throw their 2 cents in im all ears.
I think you killed your plants with a nute burn probably from the miracle grow or adding unnecessary nutes. You should have left them in the smaller cup for longer because the pots are way to big. You should get a water sprayer and spray it on the top soil cause that's where your roots are. You may have over watered them plus the nute burn at that age just means death. Get more seeds and try again.

You taller plant is stretched, but looks good and will produce some nice buds. If it's a female :fire:


Well-Known Member
No THe roots grew out of the soil when they were in the cups. THe plants are looking pretty healthy now. I will give them another week before i decide to get rid of them. The roots are actually pretty deep in the soil . And yeah she's super stretched but healthy so she makes me smile ad she better be a girl. Thanks for your input. You are pretty sure nute burn was the problem though?


Well-Known Member
I Got a lot of views but no advice? Babies are looking very good today. At least the Widows. New Room not completed so no pictures today. If anyone else shows interest ill post pics other than that ill have some up tomorrow just for the Hell of it.


Hey so I am thinking about a closet build as well.. hows the heat and humidity issue? And whats ur plan for the odor?


Well-Known Member
Right now i cant control the heat or humidity very well. I say proper ventilation is essential, which i lack. I'm working on a new room for them where i will have more control over the temp/humidity with better ventilation. As for odor i am going to vent out my window which is upstairs other than that my room always smells like bud anyway so yah. lol. Stick with me maybe we could learn a few things from each other.


Well-Known Member
somebody show some interest and ill post new pics of my babies. I think you all will be surprised how well they are doig. I still have not finished their new room. more work than i htought but should be done soon. Any comments?


Well-Known Member
ok . I Still have not got around to finishing the new room. But other than that the babies are looking a lot better. See for yourself.
Green Crack. A lot greener and growing more leaves.

Whtie ewidow. speaks for itself.

green crack 2. Slow recovery but looks great.

white widow 2.. my fav. shes looking great . oe thing white speks on the leaves. ?? what is that?

Top of the big girl

i actually tied big girl up she was leaning.

5 uder a 400 watt .. idk what i was thinking

the temp. setup

top pictures
white widow

green crack

green crack 2

white widow 2

all of them

and to the guy who said throw em away. lmao.. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
go to the store and just buy some Distilled water, thats all I water my plants with like 70 cents a gal, lots cheaper than bottled water


Well-Known Member
thats actually tap water. I leave it i the room to help with the humidity, and also let it sit for like 2 days to nuetralize it and bring it to room temp. STill nobody else wants to join in on this one?


miricle grow soil is way too hot! not to mention it could've sat around outside for up to a year behind the store. and who knows what that could do to the pre made nutes in it. try a 2 to 1 ratio of ocean forest and perilite it has a ph buffer in it that will work as a get out of jail free card once or twice for mild over fertilization.