Brown crispy leaves on young plant (pics)


Well-Known Member
After this plant was about 2 weeks old, the lower leaves started to yellow. I got my PH up to about 6 (according to my cheap-o meter) and the yellowing went away. I thought I was good to go, but about a week later the lower leaves have new symptoms. No yellowing at all, just brown crispy splotches. It's only about a month old, and I have given two doses of very low strength organic ferts. Should I be using more, or is my PH still off? It looks like a P deficiency from what I have read.


Well-Known Member
well i ve got the same problem .. if u find out what it is please let me know :(


Well-Known Member
Nute burn from 1/4 organic fertilizer? There is no yellow tips like most describe with nute burn. If anything I think its a deficiency.