Nutrients explained
What is it? Nitrogen is found in proteins, chlorophyll, and plant hormones. Nitrogen is the largest single constituent of the Earth's atmosphere . It is a large component of animal waste, particularly Mexican Bat Guano, Worm castings, and Rabbit shit. If you drink lots of protein, your urine can be used as a fertilizer.
What does it do? Nitrogen is an important nutrient in the vegetative stage, It strengthens stems and builds plant wall. Nitrogen is necessary for fast growth and leaf health.
What Fertilizers should I use?
Mexican Bat Guano
Fox farm Grow Big
Peace of Mind All purpose Organic Fertilizer
Peace of Mind Tomato and Vegetable Fertilizer
Coffee grounds (when added to compost)
Worm castings
Cal-mag plus
What is it? Phosphorus is necessary for seedlings and clones. Phosphorus is a component of DNA, RNA, ATP, and also the phospholipids which form all cell membranes. It is thus an essential element for all living cells. Humans consume roughly 1-3 grams of Phosphorus a day.
What does it do? In the flowering stage of plants, Phosphorus increases yields and is good for the 12/12 light cycle. Seeds and clones need it to survive. Phosphorus is necessary for fast flowering.
What Fertilizers should I use?
Jamaican Bat Guano
Fox farm Tiger Bloom
Peace of Mind Fruit and flower
Bone meal
Blood meal
Monster Bloom
Kool Bloom
What is it? Potassium has the same sources as Phosphorus. It is important for the manufacture and transport of plant sugars/carbohydrates, increases the chlorophyll in leaves, regulates the opening and closing of the leaf stomata, disease resistance, water uptake and ripening process of fruits.
What does it do? Potassium contributes to the plants taste. It is necessary for branch and stem maintenance and Leaf Health. Yields will also be decreased slightly.
What Fertilizers should I use? Most organic grow mediums and Fertilizers supply potassium. Overdose of Potassium causes burn.
Other nutrients:
Calcium: Calcium is required for the absorption of Nitrogen. It is ABSOLUTELY necessary for root health.
Magnesium: Magnesium will be fine if enough Potassium is supplied.
Silicon: An under-rated Nutrient, Silicon helps plants immune systems and defends them against mold. Silicon will create disease resistant plants. It severely alters the ph, so ph testing is necessary.