People that lie about plant age

Are there a lot of people on here that lie about the age of their plants, or do I just suck? My plants are 3 weeks old from start of germination, about 6 inches tall, and seem to be flourishing. But I see a lot of people on here claiming their plants are that age, 5 times the size of mine. Do people on here like to lie or what?


Active Member
Are there a lot of people on here that lie about the age of their plants, or do I just suck? My plants are 3 weeks old from start of germination, about 6 inches tall, and seem to be flourishing. But I see a lot of people on here claiming their plants are that age, 5 times the size of mine. Do people on here like to lie or what?
One thing that you must take into account, is that people's setups range from a few hundred dollars to thousands. If your using a $100.00 setup dont expect your 3 week old plant to be as large as someone with a $5,000.00 grow room using a metal-halide, HPS, and hydro. Its just common sense bro.

Sr. Verde

One thing that you must take into account, is that people's setups range from a few hundred dollars to thousands. If your using a $100.00 setup dont expect your 3 week old plant to be as large as someone with a $5,000.00 grow room using a metal-halide, HPS, and hydro. Its just common sense bro.
Not to mention CO2 tanks, and a good track record with agressive nutes


Active Member
They've probably just got more exrepience at growing than you man. It's a huge learning project. I'm sure if you do the research and hard work, yours will be growing like a pro after a few runs. It could be genetics to, you are growing from seed. 6" isn't bad for 3 weeks from germination, it's probably about to start taking off! :weed:


Active Member
Really all it is, is a combination of your growing skill and your setup. If your very experienced you will never over feed, or make those common mistakes that a novice grower may make. These little mistakes can stress and slow the growth of your plant. Also an experienced grower knows the limits of his plants, so he can apply the ideal amount of food without over feeding. But I still say setup plays a huge roll. Obviously if your vegging under a 1000 watt MH your plants are gunna grow nearly twice the speed as they would under a small cfl bulb. Hope This Helps. Happy Growing !


Well-Known Member
Both. You suck, they lie. I happen to suck at lying.

Seriously, i feel the same way. I see my plants and im all proud, then i see other peoples that are half my age and twice the size.

But, i also FIM and LST very aggressively which tends to slow down growth. I also dont use tons of expensive nutes and take PH levels and PPM readings and all that. I grow bagseed in soil using CFLs. I am the lowest on the respect list of growers.

The way i look at it is, fuck it. This is my grow for me by me. So mine isnt the best, oh well. It does the job and im saving a ton of money.
all jokes aside, the dude with the pics of the huge kush grown from seed, those aren't really three weeks are they. All due respect they look sick. In a good way

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
all jokes aside, the dude with the pics of the huge kush grown from seed, those aren't really three weeks are they. All due respect they look sick. In a good way
not my plant just some pic on the net that i found
Both. You suck, they lie. I happen to suck at lying.

Seriously, i feel the same way. I see my plants and im all proud, then i see other peoples that are half my age and twice the size.

But, i also FIM and LST very aggressively which tends to slow down growth. I also dont use tons of expensive nutes and take PH levels and PPM readings and all that. I grow bagseed in soil using CFLs. I am the lowest on the respect list of growers.

The way i look at it is, fuck it. This is my grow for me by me. So mine isnt the best, oh well. It does the job and im saving a ton of money.
yes people do a little of both, but keep in mind some people count is off you may start form when the seed is first sprouts while others start from when the sprout is first placed in the veg room witch could be a week off, and dont forget "dna"


Active Member
My plants are the same age and are a bit slow also. Im not too worried about it though. you can take a look at my thread that is posted in my signature and compare if you'd like
good luck man


Well-Known Member
Strains will make a huge difference in growth rate. I have a Mindbender X Afghangooey and it's 5 weeks old from clone and almost 3ft tall. The same batch of clones I have the Purps, only 1 ft tall,but very bushie. Different strains will make a huge difference.