AHHHHH What should I do??? I messed up my light cycle!!!


Well-Known Member
My plants are only 13 days from seed today under a 600 mh vegging. The timer I got never really worked so I have been turning it on/off manually on a 18/6 cycle. However, Ive been screwing up and turning them on too late or early or having them off for only 4 hours for instead of 6. Everyday seems to be different hours then the previous day.

For example, the lights were on last night and my gf pulled the plug out and didnt realize for about an hour. Another example, this morning the plants were supposed to be turned on at 11am but i ended up not waking up till 3pm.

I bought a working timer today

Ive been aiming for 18/6 but obviously havent been exact with it. Now that I have a timer should I do 18/6 the right way or since I fucked up already just do 24/0. If I didnt fuck with em too bad, I'd like to do 18/6 bc I get the drop in temp overnight with the light off which I cant achieve with 24/0 and the lower electric bills

How bad did my carelessness screwing up these girls light cycles screw them up??? or is not not that big of a deal right now during veg and more important when 12/12 flowering comes?

Are they hermied by now you think??? I love my girls and wish I would have been a better father the past 2 weeks Thats all gonna change starting now :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
My plants are only 13 days from seed today under a 600 mh vegging. The timer I got never really worked so I have been turning it on/off manually on a 18/6 cycle. However, Ive been screwing up and turning them on too late or early or having them off for only 4 hours for instead of 6. Everyday seems to be different hours then the previous day.

For example, the lights were on last night and my gf pulled the plug out and didnt realize for about an hour. Another example, this morning the plants were supposed to be turned on at 11am but i ended up not waking up till 3pm.

I bought a working timer today

Ive been aiming for 18/6 but obviously havent been exact with it. Now that I have a timer should I do 18/6 the right way or since I fucked up already just do 24/0. If I didnt fuck with em too bad, I'd like to do 18/6 bc I get the drop in temp overnight with the light off which I cant achieve with 24/0 and the lower electric bills

How bad did my carelessness screwing up these girls light cycles screw them up??? or is not not that big of a deal right now during veg and more important when 12/12 flowering comes?

Are they hermied by now you think??? I love my girls and wish I would have been a better father the past 2 weeks Thats all gonna change starting now :bigjoint:

I grow mine under 24 hrs light, it wont hurt em..

It wasnt in flowering so no big deal, (12/12 with no light very important for flowering)


Well-Known Member
yeh u mite as well have ya light on 24/7 or get a timer for ur light plug it does all the work for ya.



Well-Known Member
i just got a timer today but do ya'll think its too late (2 weeks from seed) to set it on a 18/6 cycle?


Well-Known Member
no maybe slowly bring the day time hours down if it was on 24/7 go to 22/2, 20/4,18/6 over a few days so you dont shock it...


Well-Known Member
Your fine , its vegging you can pretty much do what you want in veg. 24/0 20/4 18/6 16/8, 12/12. You wont have any problems. Hell ive left my lights on 24hrs half way through flowering with no problems.


Active Member
Your fine , its vegging you can pretty much do what you want in veg. 24/0 20/4 18/6 16/8, 12/12. You wont have any problems. Hell ive left my lights on 24hrs half way through flowering with no problems.
Thats crazy bro, hows does that work for you ? Im just curioust as to your results when you leave your hps running 24/7 for the first few weeks of flower.


Well-Known Member
Thats crazy bro, hows does that work for you ? Im just curioust as to your results when you leave your hps running 24/7 for the first few weeks of flower.
Sorry that came out wrong, i meant i have left them on by accident for a solid 24hrs then back to the 12.12, not leaving them on 24 for the duration.


Sorry that came out wrong, i meant i have left them on by accident for a solid 24hrs then back to the 12.12, not leaving them on 24 for the duration.
Hmm, in my case i was using T5 bulbs for vegging and just last night I set up my 600W HPS light for Flowering. I was a dummy and forgot to turn them off this morning so now they've been on for 16 hours straight. If I want to turn it off at the time i want to, I would have to wait until tomorrow morning and it would be on for about 34 hours. Should I just turn them off when i get home (about 20 hours straight) and then just off set the time every day by like 30 minutes until I get it to my desired time or do you think they'll be fine for 34 hours straight? Keep in mind that these babies have never been in the dark yet since my T5 vegging was ran 24/7 and I JUST switched the HPS last night and they havn't been off ever since.


P.S. Yes, i have a timer...i was just so tired last night after setting it all up and i was rushed this morning so i forgot to even turn them off or set up the timer. Setting up the timer for sure ASAP.

Ian Singerdale

Well-Known Member
Hmm, in my case i was using T5 bulbs for vegging and just last night I set up my 600W HPS light for Flowering. I was a dummy and forgot to turn them off this morning so now they've been on for 16 hours straight. If I want to turn it off at the time i want to, I would have to wait until tomorrow morning and it would be on for about 34 hours. Should I just turn them off when i get home (about 20 hours straight) and then just off set the time every day by like 30 minutes until I get it to my desired time or do you think they'll be fine for 34 hours straight? Keep in mind that these babies have never been in the dark yet since my T5 vegging was ran 24/7 and I JUST switched the HPS last night and they havn't been off ever since.


P.S. Yes, i have a timer...i was just so tired last night after setting it all up and i was rushed this morning so i forgot to even turn them off or set up the timer. Setting up the timer for sure ASAP.
I would NOT recommend leaving your HPS on for 34 hours, turn it off as soon as possible and then restart again the next day.

On top of high light stress from a 600W HPS, your temps are likely going to spike and burn the plants. if it's their very first dark cycle it shouldn't be a problem if they're dark for a bit longer than normal. don't risk hermies or burning em up


I would NOT recommend leaving your HPS on for 34 hours, turn it off as soon as possible and then restart again the next day.

On top of high light stress from a 600W HPS, your temps are likely going to spike and burn the plants. if it's their very first dark cycle it shouldn't be a problem if they're dark for a bit longer than normal. don't risk hermies or burning em up

Ok cool. I have the temps under control with the AC but yeah, i figured i'd ask and find out. Thanks. They should be shut off manually soon....which is about 19 hours on and i think i'll leave them off about 14 hours. Then proceed with 12/12. Sound ok ?