Well-Known Member
Hey CG!
I wanted to ask you about the noise...or rather the sound. I like the sound of bubbling, very relaxing. With eleven stones running it must get loud? I really wanted to start out bubbling or fogging but since I am extra virgin I just went with the ol dependable ebb and flo. Like you I didn't quite understand how the bubbler worked until getting on this site and checking things out and watching your grow. The comparison between bubbles and soil is amazing in favor of the bubbles. Have you ever done a comparison between bubbles and rockwool or some other base other than soil? Im wondering if there is some way I can combine the two using the containers Im already using for the ebb and flow?
Anyhoo, Amazing work! Cant wait to see the final result ;-)

Thank you Sir :)

Its not loud at all... I have 5 dwc buckets in the flowering room, and 4 soil grown.

And in the veg room I now have 7 Buckets bubbling away too.. Heehee!

With the doors closed its nothing.

Im running general hydroponics pump and its very quiet.

Some of the pumps on the market sound like an air compressor.. Im not going that route.

Never done a comparison with rockwool.

I did try ebb and flow about 8 years ago, and failed.

I just wasnt ready for the hydro scene.

It took me a long time to get back to hydro, but as you can see, its working well for me.

Please come back and visit!! Your friend CG :)


Well-Known Member
Nice thread mate, just read through it all.
Was looking at DWC for my next grow but those res changes looking a right pain in the ass when the plants get big

Hello ze4,

Yea, I just got done changing out all of my buckets, including the veg room, and YES its a biotch!!!

Im gonna look into the seperate reservoir thing real soon.

I ended up twisting one branch throughout the whole change, so..heehee I think I done well.

The branch is fixed, and it will be ok in a few days.

There is no freakin way I'll do more than 6 buckets at the same time, Its a MAJOR job changing out nutes, and keeping every one of them in check with ph, and nutes.

But, I believe after A few more weeks go by we will see some big cola's developing.

Its a freakin jungle over here..

Ill manage, Only the strong survive :)

Have a great day, and drop in anytime to say "HIGH" CG :)


Well-Known Member
hey cg. i was thinkin man, why don't you number your buckets and change 1 or 2 a day and spread it out a couple days. that way its not so aggravating for you. this has saved alot of my hair from being pulled out. carrying bucket after bucket is hard on us old timers hahahaha.


Well-Known Member
hey cg. i was thinkin man, why don't you number your buckets and change 1 or 2 a day and spread it out a couple days. that way its not so aggravating for you. this has saved alot of my hair from being pulled out. carrying bucket after bucket is hard on us old timers hahahaha.
Good advice 420,

But, I like to get the whole shebang doneand overwith at one time.

Now I wont have to mess with them til next Sunday.

It is a major pain in the ass, But, whatever.

Us old Fogies can keep up with the younger pack huh?

I lift weights, so its no big deal.

I just hate fucking up a branch, or whatever.

Only 1 branch broke since I started back up in hydro. So, I think Im handling this stuff ok.

Heehee! Top of the day to ya, Gonna Celebrate the bucket change, and smoke a fat Joint.

Wish ya could join me.. Its da Chronic!


Peace :peace:


Well-Known Member
They sure liked the fresh nutes!:mrgreen:

Here they are, 14 days in!!

Soil plants have started to bud,

But nothing at all like the hydro. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Been thinking like Crazy lately,(what else is new?)

And needed to make up my mind on a serious subject.

How many plants should I continue to grow??

Well, I thought hard about doing 8 bubbler plants in my flowering room next time around.

But, Already.. I have noticed that my bedroom sized flowering space is experiencing severe overcrowding.

And, as most experienced growers already know, Overcrowding
makes the yields far less.

Also, I wanna try to stay 100% legal(by what the so called law applies to) with my grows since Im a certified Caregiver.

Id reccomend growers to do all they can to grow a smaller number of plants, with or without Doctor's Paperwork.

And thats where hydro grown plants come in.

Id like a nice distance between my plants/buckets for greater yields,easier maintenance, and overall simplicity.

Because of the above reasons,

Ive decided to flower only 6 DWC Bubbler plants from here on out.

I will keep 6 Dwc Bubbler plants going in the Veg room, and 6 in the Flowering room.

A six pack grow!! Luv it!! KISS method (keep it simple stupid)

The electricity costs will be far less since Ill only be using my 1k light 12 hours a day for flowering, instead of 24 hours like before.(veg mode)

The 430 watt son agro will be lit up in Veg room only 18 hours a day.

And by the way, I see major improvements with the 18/6 time schedue.

The savings will be enormous!

Then every 55-57 days all I'll have to do is take the lids off the 3 1/2 gallon veg buckets, and snap em unto the 5 gallon flowering buckets and directly go into 12/12 without any veg time required.

If it all works out, Ill be harvesting at least 2+ lbs of the prime Dank every other month off of 6 plants..

Thats not too shabby, and the lower plant count makes me feel much safer.

Especially if I had to explain it to a judge, ya know.

Medical Certificates can help you out in case your busted.

But, They can still convict you.

Id rather have a low plant count, and a Doctors consent to grow, than nothing at all.

Im playing by the rules.

Conclusion, better being careful, and more beneficial to grow a lower number of plants.

I know rules are made to be broken, but this is NOT a game.

Yesterday, I gave my buddy the 7th bubbler bucket out of my veg room along with a pump and all the goodies, and finally shut off the bucket cloner with the flo's and air pump.

Got all the clones I'll need.

Anyways, thats how Im gonna do things around here.

No more soil experiments, only Bubbler Bucket Grows, from rooting a clone, all the way to harvest.

Iam really enjoying the dwc bucket method, and Iam staying away from them messy soil grows.

Never again!!

I encourage all soil growers to change out to Dwc buckets, and grow your plants like their on Steroids.

IMHO, Its the best way to grow out high quality Cannabis.

It grows so much faster, and the yields are supposed to be enormous.

We'll see!

So far, Im a firm believer. Its been a wonderful experience.

The way things look around here, I think this will be my highest yielding crop EVER!! :hump:

I think I got my setup dialed in now, and I like the way I have planned out this Operation.

It took me a while to figure out what cloning method works the best,
and spent countless hours of research of this that, and the other thing.

But, I finally found all my answers through trial and error, and hardcore research.

My mind feels so much more relaxed today, because I found out where all the pieces of this puzzle actually go.

I know what I want to do, and know exactly how to do it.

Knowledge is POWER!

Life is Good :)

Have a Magnificient Day!!! :)



Well-Known Member
Thats right, The Northern Lights #5 finally made its way to my destination.

Gonna get the jiffy disks out and get them beans germinated.

Thank you High Grade Seeds! :)


Well-Known Member
thats awesome bro. congrats.
Thanks Man,

Yup, I looked in dat ol' private Mailbox, seen that unusual envelope from Canada, and been glowing ever since.

I knew they were the beans.

Gonna head out and get a big ol breakfast, come back and GIT ER DONE!!!

Whatcha up to?


Well-Known Member
i just popped a hash plant seed. thinkin about doing a journal. grow her out, get 30 clones and run em in my aero. if its a girl...


Well-Known Member
i just popped a hash plant seed. thinkin about doing a journal. grow her out, get 30 clones and run em in my aero. if its a girl...
Hell yea,

Do a journal fer sure.

Their cool to look back on, and see how things looked on day so and so...

I go back in time with this thread, and say to myself.. Was my plants that small at one time, or whatever.

Aight Dawg, Gonna hit the road.

Ill be back in a lil while.

Have a good one, if I dont see ya around today. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
High grade seeds help but my high grade seeds from Canada, Mt Everest are turning hermie.:spew:
Wouldn't necessarily blame it on the seed bank.

Theres a few things that could of turned your plants hermie.

Light leaks for one, or the plant being stressed out for some reason..


Well-Known Member
Got my beans today too! We should all start them at the same time and put them in buckets for compairison. Id like to see the difference in my nutes and the fox farm nutes. I also found some 1000watters on craigslist. I couldnt pass them up! I got two ballast and hoods for 580.00. Now I have my 1000watter on my light rail!! Whats up now CG?? LOL Now all i need is a tri-meter.


Well-Known Member
Got my beans today too! We should all start them at the same time and put them in buckets for compairison. Id like to see the difference in my nutes and the fox farm nutes. I also found some 1000watters on craigslist. I couldnt pass them up! I got two ballast and hoods for 580.00. Now I have my 1000watter on my light rail!! Whats up now CG?? LOL Now all i need is a tri-meter.
Happy Bean Day to US!
Happy Bean Day to US!!
Happy Bean Day to USSSS!
Happy Bean Day to US!!!!!!!! :lol:

Looks like the Homeys on this thread are starting a germination ritual. :-P


Sounds like you got it going on DF :)

I wanna see you get it all together.

Take some pics!!

I Just got done burying the seeds in the jiffy disk/Peat thingy majingys and threw em in the veg room.

Now I'll wait impatiently for them suckers to pop!

Wish me luck!!

Cmon Girls!!!! ;-)


Well-Known Member
ok cg, i'm in. i'll get a pic of him/her and start a journal tomorrow. what did you get dirtfree? good score on the lights. i'm lovin my 1000w. it'll be better when my lazy ass puts it on the mover.


Well-Known Member
ok cg, i'm in. i'll get a pic of him/her and start a journal tomorrow. what did you get dirtfree? good score on the lights. i'm lovin my 1000w. it'll be better when my lazy ass puts it on the mover.

Right on my Brother...

We are The three Musketeers!!!

How cool!


Day to Daze

Active Member
closetgrowth ... are you playing your seeds radio? i heard that soft music helps plants with higher yealds but ive never seen it practiced ;)


Well-Known Member
closetgrowth ... are you playing your seeds radio? i heard that soft music helps plants with higher yealds but ive never seen it practiced ;)
Most definetely :)

I play classical music to all my plants each and everyday... veg to flower.

3 1/2 hours of classical music a day will get em growing like nothing else. ;-)


Well-Known Member
I think we should start a different thread for our compairison grow! Each start out germing our seeds, select one for the journal:weed:, and document our progress. It should be interesting to start and finish, three different growers, using different nutes, but roughly the same lighting. Im deff in! I nominate CG to head up the thread since he is on here 92% of the day!:lol:

I got
master kush-nirvana
hawaiian skunk-seedsman
red cherry berry-barneys farm
pure afghan-dna genetics

Ive been running my 1ooow for a couple days now and its getting too hot! I think it is because its cold outside and i have my heater on for the rest of the house.?. I dont know...i have it hooked up to my exaust.....we will see, might have to run the 600w for a lil while untill i turn on my ac. What do you guys think?