captain crunch
Well-Known Member
Actually.. I'll pretend like you didn't just call me the fucking idiot here.. because apparently the only idiot here.. is YOU my friend...
because if you would have read what I typed.. and paid attention to what I said... SHE WAS THE ONE WHO BRAKE CHECKED me.. she started it.
I'm a quiet and polite person.. and I hate drama. BUT! When someone starts some shit with me??? I put everything I OWN.. on the fact that I will end it.. and.. I'll have the last word. That I can promise you.
So check yourself.. go back.. read what I typed again.. maybe a little slower.. because apparently your not hitting on all 8 cylinders upstairs. K thanks
So it's her fault that you were right up on her ass to be brake checked? If you cannot see how you are at fault in this situation then you really need to get a fucking clue. Get a grip on reality.