Road Rage; Slow ass drivers; and people that shouldn't be behind the wheel.

Actually.. I'll pretend like you didn't just call me the fucking idiot here.. because apparently the only idiot here.. is YOU my friend...

because if you would have read what I typed.. and paid attention to what I said... SHE WAS THE ONE WHO BRAKE CHECKED me.. she started it.

I'm a quiet and polite person.. and I hate drama. BUT! When someone starts some shit with me??? I put everything I OWN.. on the fact that I will end it.. and.. I'll have the last word. That I can promise you.

So check yourself.. go back.. read what I typed again.. maybe a little slower.. because apparently your not hitting on all 8 cylinders upstairs. K thanks


So it's her fault that you were right up on her ass to be brake checked? If you cannot see how you are at fault in this situation then you really need to get a fucking clue. Get a grip on reality.
the WORST for me are the dumbasses who decide to drive 50 car lengths back. do they not realize the closer that you ride someone (as well as the faster you drive, obviously) the better chance you have to make green lights and therefore save a TON of time. Ever hit a few yellow lights in a row that took about 10 minutes to get through all of em?

it's the idiots who stay too far back from the car ahead. as well as the idiots who accelerate4d EXTREMELY slowly trying to save there precious gas because they cant afford much gas or whatever. by driving slower they are losing time and we all know time is money so the fact is they are really losing money.

if theres one thing in this world i can truly say i HATE, it's inefficiency.

inefficiency that NOTHING can fix (outside our control, someone else who is the leader who is inefficient makes all those following inefficient as well. the opposite is also true. your followers will likely follow at your efficiency, because they know if your speeding they won't get pulled over.

but the leader will NEVER get pulled over if hes not an idiot. that means constantly checking mirrors and side roads and obviously not going too fast over the speed limit. 5-10 will do but no more unless there's no one around.

the majority of speed limit signs are about 10mph too low anyways, for good drivers. all those bad drivers gotta ruin it

I have driven in 3 states: Arizona, New Jersey and Oregon.

Here in Oregon, people drive like idiots. 5-10 under, wrong lane choices, oblivious to even the most obvious of cues (if I flash my high beams once, then twice, then honk, it means you are going 10 under in the fast lane). I have never seen anything like it. If these people moved to Arizona, they would be run off the road. Hurry up and wait is what I say when it comes to driving.

I was just in New Jersey recently. I had a rental car and so was driving extremely carefully. The first lane change I made, I left enough room so that it could not possibly be construed as a cut-off, especially considering how thick traffic was. But they honked and flipped me off. I was honked at or flipped off so often during the 5 days I spent there it was incredible. At least the aggressive drivers in Arizona express their dissatisfaction with a spirited pass.

Love this thread.
So it's her fault that you were right up on her ass to be brake checked? If you cannot see how you are at fault in this situation then you really need to get a fucking clue. Get a grip on reality.


But what do you expect from someone with his past.

My philosophy is all about the journey, fuck getting there 10 minutes earlier, it's not that important to risk my life for 10 extra minutes...

If I have a certain time to be somewhere, I leave 25-30 minutes early, I'm always at least 30-45 minutes early for any appointment or what not...


Because it's so much more comfortable driving the speed limit, right lane all the time, a nice bowl to go with it and not being worried about going to jail because I just pulled some idiotic move like Ganjaluvr and almost killed 4 people, when HE was the one in the wrong for tailgating (That is a crime you know)

I should start a vigilante "Idiot Driver" program, give me the license plate, I'll find the person, and I'll disable their vehicle for good for a nominal fee.

Yeah, NJ drivers are crazy bro. I'm from NJ.. and I've been to Arizona before.. Tuscon... and I must say Arizona drivers know what they're doing when behind the wheel....

but I was mainly trying to prove/make a point with this thread..

I was just trying to make/prove the point that.. people these days just seem like everyone's going crazy and shit. Like everyone's mad and ALWAYS in a bad mood these days.. I miss the old days (well old to me.. i was born in '82).. I miss the 80's and 90's... I miss the days before the whole 9/11/2001 attacks.. because before all that lame shit happened.. it seemed like everyone was happier.. and more friendlier back then.

But.. I guess really the USA is the one that started all the hate.. by going to IRAQ and stealing all their oil.. I could be wrong.. but.. that is my opinion about it.
The world in my mind.. has gone to shit but at least I still have my sanity. :)

:peace: everyone..

PS.. Socatawaka smoker toker.. or whatever its name is.. I have you on ignore. Why? Because you left a very very rude comment a week or so ago which was really uncalled for... and I don't appreciate people trying to start trouble. Especially over the internet. Grow up.. chill out.. and go smoke one dude. Come back when you got something nice to say.
the WORST for me are the dumbasses who decide to drive 50 car lengths back. do they not realize the closer that you ride someone (as well as the faster you drive, obviously) the better chance you have to make green lights and therefore save a TON of time. Ever hit a few yellow lights in a row that took about 10 minutes to get through all of em?

it's the idiots who stay too far back from the car ahead. as well as the idiots who accelerate4d EXTREMELY slowly trying to save there precious gas because they cant afford much gas or whatever. by driving slower they are losing time and we all know time is money so the fact is they are really losing money.

if theres one thing in this world i can truly say i HATE, it's inefficiency.

inefficiency that NOTHING can fix (outside our control, someone else who is the leader who is inefficient makes all those following inefficient as well. the opposite is also true. your followers will likely follow at your efficiency, because they know if your speeding they won't get pulled over.

but the leader will NEVER get pulled over if hes not an idiot. that means constantly checking mirrors and side roads and obviously not going too fast over the speed limit. 5-10 will do but no more unless there's no one around.

the majority of speed limit signs are about 10mph too low anyways, for good drivers. all those bad drivers gotta ruin it


Ahmen to that my dude.. amen. I hate that shit too bro.

I think.. that once people (yeah.. even me when I get older) hit like 55 years old.. I think that once they hit that age.. the DMV should automatically suspend their DL.. so that they have to report to a local DMV office.. and retake all the test. Especially the vision test...
well today the wifes been in the hospital for a week now iv been dealing with a fucking retarded ass resident docotor for the first 5 days that has no clue what the fuck shes doing and my wifes been at a pain level 7~9 the whole time the resident doctor was in charge we finally got a new doctor in there yesterday by asking to change teams and they got her pain under controll has eaten 6 meals in a row now w/o getting sick and might be coming home tomorrow so iv been haveing hysterical rage dealing with all this and 0 tollerance for anyones shit i was leaving the store still in the parking lot today and some old man called me a idiot (just a shitty comment thinking i was burning out) cause i got a free old car with new tiers and the tiers squeel a bit on slick surfaces so around a turn it squeels a bit at like 5mph not a burnout just squeeky so he calls me idiot so i said FUCK YOU "BLANK" EAT A DICK but i was able to calm myself down and not follow him to bash his face in or get mine knocked in w/e i know theres old men out there like the ac transit bus dude and this guy kinda looked like him lol but i really dont care im not a badass but im not afraid of anything other then seeing my wife in pain and after watching her go through this iv been ready to snap so just remember to respect people and keep your shit to yourself you never know who your dealing with even a midget on his last nerve could snap follow you home set your house on fire then shoot you if you run out and i know i should listen to my own advise and stayed quiet but im looping it when my wife the only thing i care about in the world is in pain and did my best so i think we all get the road rage at times but when you can do we should all do our best to just ignore it we have all been there and know its best just to let people do their shit and not increase the problem and get out of the way i allways let people over use my blinker when im getting over i dont tailgate and i close the gap in the fast lane and i get over if people are flying up on me so they dont have to get extra crazy