Unknown deficiancy


Active Member
This plant is a Mendici9no Madness about 45 days old and 1 week into flower but about 10 days ago it started showing some kind of deficiency. At least thats what Im guessing it is. It almost looks as if the leaves were burned but the lights are aircooled and this was one of the plants in the corner furthest away from the light and none of the other plants are experiencing similar problems. It started on the top growing shoot but now has spread to a few of the other new growths as well just on the top if the plant. If anyone recognizes this your help is appreciated Ive never seen it before.



Well-Known Member
hi, my eyes arent what they used to be so i really cant focus on the pics too well, my first thought would have been heat but i think it might be a mag deficiency.


Active Member
hi, my eyes arent what they used to be so i really cant focus on the pics too well, my first thought would have been heat but i think it might be a mag deficiency.
It never gets over 80 degrees and none of the other plants have anything similar going on. So magnesium you think?


Active Member
um i use RO water and im in soil and everything is PHed from 6.5 to 6.7 every watering, feeding, etc


Well-Known Member
what nutrients do you use? it does look like a deficiency caused by a ph lockout, but for soil your ph is what i keep mine. what is your ph of your runoff? what is your reading of tds going in at watering and runoff of that?
do you use a tds meter when feeding?
i will add, Very nice plants! i really like the mendicino strain you are growing. a friend of mine grows a few of them in his yard all bonzia like.


Well-Known Member
Get hold of a cf ec ppm metre it realt will help you in this kind of problem.To me it looks like the plant has had a nutrient or ph flux.Sometimes the plant will only take a certain ammount of nutrients out of the grow medium sometimes no nutrients at all just water.This means that your remaining nutrients that are in the grow medium get stronger and stronger thus burning the plant.If this is a soil grow then by testing the run of you may have only needed to add water to dilute the remaining nutrients that are left.But i wouls still flush the plants at least once every 2 week or so this keep the soil free of any salt build ups.You will be supprised how much nutrients remain in a medium any how so water with feed then the next watering with just water ph them same.This is a great way of avoiding some problems that can be brought on by over feeding...............tyke.............................................................


Active Member
yeh it looks like a mag. def., how often do you check the ph in your soil? the water may be ph'ed but the soil could possible be different


Active Member
This plant is a Mendici9no Madness about 45 days old and 1 week into flower but about 10 days ago it started showing some kind of deficiency. At least thats what Im guessing it is. It almost looks as if the leaves were burned but the lights are aircooled and this was one of the plants in the corner furthest away from the light and none of the other plants are experiencing similar problems. It started on the top growing shoot but now has spread to a few of the other new growths as well just on the top if the plant. If anyone recognizes this your help is appreciated Ive never seen it before.
Im taking a close look at your pics and initially thought it had to be heat stress.
But then you mention your lights are air cooled and this plant was the furthest distance from the light. You also specified that you water is 6.5-6.7 so its in the proper pH range, this is leading me to believe that you have added to much nutrient to your water, you should check your ec/ppm. But then again if your watering all from the same resevoir and only one plant is showing symptoms, its most likley not the nutrient. Id just try flushing them all for a few days with just plane water with a pH of 6.4, maybe mist them with some kelp water or some revive when the lights are off. Hope this Helps. Happy Growing !

I'd also suggest taking a look at this page, Its shows pics of several deficencies. http://www.marijuana-seeds.net/Thanks-ThankYou.htm


This plant is a Mendici9no Madness about 45 days old and 1 week into flower but about 10 days ago it started showing some kind of deficiency. At least thats what Im guessing it is. It almost looks as if the leaves were burned but the lights are aircooled and this was one of the plants in the corner furthest away from the light and none of the other plants are experiencing similar problems. It started on the top growing shoot but now has spread to a few of the other new growths as well just on the top if the plant. If anyone recognizes this your help is appreciated Ive never seen it before.
jakeman,it look like light burn/bleaching or phosphorus deficiency the way things look. jake i understand you have a cool hood that still dosent prevent light burn/bleaching if have your plants to close to the light.look at that link it states no more then 75w a sq ft so, if you have your plant to close even though temp are nice you still can have light burn/bleach.how close do you have the light to the plants.I had to rise my plants 12 to 18 inches,I use a 400w hps cool hood and was 6 inches to the light and my temp were at 76-79f and still had light burn/bleach I rise my hood up and things start to look better the leaves that got affected l didnt heal but the plant start looking better in about 5 days.


Active Member
what nutrients do you use? it does look like a deficiency caused by a ph lockout, but for soil your ph is what i keep mine. what is your ph of your runoff? what is your reading of tds going in at watering and runoff of that?
do you use a tds meter when feeding?
i will add, Very nice plants! i really like the mendicino strain you are growing. a friend of mine grows a few of them in his yard all bonzia like.
i use the GH Vegan blend.. i havent checked the run off yet i will do that on the next watering and yeah I actually bought a very nice one cause i was tored of dealing with the crappy "pen" meters
this one.. i use it religiously when watering and feeding

http://www.nationalgardenwholesale.com/ngw/gardening_supplies.aspx?request=HANNA_PH-EC-TDS_HI9813-6&title=pH / EC / TDS Meters __ Solutions&type=product

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
Flush plants with 3 times the amount of container. If Hydro 1 good flush----For soil add a drop or two of liquid dish soap nest time you feed them after you have flushed them the Soap will help retain nutes in soil/ Checked the medical Growers Bible and micro nutes like zinc and maganese will do that so will Phosphorus. I bet Phosphorus because of the bluing and dieing off and probably got some purpele stems too.
If Hydro take PH down to5.5 -6.2 clay soil too 6 to 7 and 5.5 tp 6.5 for potted plants. That is down with Ammonium 21-0-0 at the garden store.
too much light on will do that. Also this could have been happening for weeks and now is showing up could be from No Flushing! You must flush once a month with ph balanced water 3 times the amount of the container size. Always look for Chelated stuff or it binds up and causes a lock out too. you need to run a full fertalizer thru there medium strength. Miracel grows "for watering with a can" has the complete run down of all the nutes she needs. Then on next feed put her back on higher p and K as that is for Flowering super Bloom is nice it is Chelated and has a good blend for flowering,


Active Member
This is my whole Medical growroom and as you can see the plant in question is in the furthest corner circled in red. It has the least amount of light comparably. I am running 2 HPS 1000's with 6" aircooled day star hood that run 24/7 so i always have constant airflow in my 4x8 room. The room never gets over 81 ( at the hottest) and there are 5 different strains in there all with the same exact treatment and not a single other plant is showing any type of health issues at all even the other Medno Madness which is why im so baffled by this one in particular.

