Prove it LED users!! Post your pics of ur LED grows..


Well-Known Member
Im calling you all out!
I do not believe you can successfully grow decent sized buds with leds. Let me see what you have and how many watts and type of light..


Well-Known Member
saw it already this is only ur grow.. i dont care about other grows cause i cant ask them questions..


Well-Known Member
like to see it, btw speedy while ur here any news on free strains for march?


Well-Known Member
I do not doubt that some good buds can be grown using LED setups. That had better be the case for the money that one would spend on even a small LED fixture. It will take more than a few pics to get me to switch over from a time tested and proven system like HPS. One day the price will come down to a reasonable level and then the real testing will be on with a good sampling of growers using them.


Well-Known Member
A very close friend of mine, who I see 2-3 times per week, owns his own LED lighting company, and even he admits that they cannot come anywhere close to competing with MH/HPS bulbs. I've seen the round units he gets from China (they ALL come from China) with the three little fans in them. Yes, they run very cool indeed. And you'd be surprised what the Chinese wholesale price is compared to what people sell them for online in US Dollars but, in my opinion (and his), the technology just isn't quite there yet. He does have high hopes for future products...which gives me hope - but we'll see what happens.


Well-Known Member
A very close friend of mine, who I see 2-3 times per week, owns his own LED lighting company, and even he admits that they cannot come anywhere close to competing with MH/HPS bulbs. I've seen the round units he gets from China (they ALL come from China) with the three little fans in them. Yes, they run very cool indeed. And you'd be surprised what the Chinese wholesale price is compared to what people sell them for online in US Dollars but, in my opinion (and his), the technology just isn't quite there yet. He does have high hopes for future products...which gives me hope - but we'll see what happens.
lol good to know a led company owner backs his product ;) . pretty much what i thought though, I definitely think that LEDs could be big if the dropped their prices a ton and figured out how to make them flower plants better..


Well-Known Member
I don't think even pictures really tell the full story, i've seen bud from cfl's that looks reasonable, doesn't mean it weighs a shit though.

I think for veg growth led's can be as good as cfl, but flowering does really require a hid lamp to do the best job.

I still think a mh can do a reasonable job of flowering too, there is some weight loss obviously but they do seem to come out a little more potent.

Although thats all hearsay because if you wanna believe its more potent then it can be and actually getting a proper thc test done is beyond most peoples means.


New Member
still, its essentially free lighting for your plants as it would only take 25-50 watts for a shitload of light.


Well-Known Member
like to see it, btw speedy while ur here any news on free strains for march?

well i'm waiting to find out if og kush is coming back in.

but i'm gonna be running the options idea from the other thread, its just working out what strains to go for.


Well-Known Member
Erik Biksa wrote an article in the most recent edition of Maximum Yield claiming that the new generation of quad band LED grow lights as the next big thing. I hope he's right, but spending $1,500 and up on these units will keep me away for quite some time. I did a comparison test recently with the Sun Pulse 3K bulbs vs standard HPS Eye Hortilux, and the HPS faired slightly better when it came to yield.


Well-Known Member
I don't think even pictures really tell the full story, i've seen bud from cfl's that looks reasonable, doesn't mean it weighs a shit though.

I think for veg growth led's can be as good as cfl, but flowering does really require a hid lamp to do the best job.

I still think a mh can do a reasonable job of flowering too, there is some weight loss obviously but they do seem to come out a little more potent.

Although thats all hearsay because if you wanna believe its more potent then it can be and actually getting a proper thc test done is beyond most peoples means.
thats what im saying, i think leds are more sutable for vegging not flowering..


Well-Known Member
well i'm waiting to find out if og kush is coming back in.

but i'm gonna be running the options idea from the other thread, its just working out what strains to go for.
I can help you out there. I spoke to a DNA rep and they said....

hey there jon.
we are working very hard to bring this strain back into stock. providing all goes right, they should be available again by mid-late april.
thanks for your patience and understanding.


Well-Known Member
ive been waiting for months and i guess ill be waiting a bit longer...btw i just got that email 2 days ago.


maximum yield is doing a side by side test with the brand new led's and hps in there next issue remember these are not the old led's they just came out and there blues and reds and yellows and greens are going to be dialed in as for the led's that are out now get over it they are only good for veg " thats all folks"


Well-Known Member
can help you out there. I spoke to a DNA rep and they said....
hey there jon.
we are working very hard to bring this strain back into stock. providing all goes right, they should be available again by mid-late april.
thanks for your patience and understanding.
I spoke to my supplier on friday. He told me of some new strains in, he also said that lots of the out of stock ones were due in early this week. He believed there might be some og kush in there.


Well-Known Member
I spoke to my supplier on friday. He told me of some new strains in, he also said that lots of the out of stock ones were due in early this week. He believed there might be some og kush in there.
that would be great. Could you please keep me posted?? Im def. gonna buy some if uve got it!