goldish brown spots wont stop spreading!!(pics)


Well-Known Member
so i have these plants that are about a month old, ive tried a bunch of stuff, ive had this problem for about 2 weeks now, tried less water, more water, less nutrient, more nutrient, etc... everything i can think of.... the plants are still growing but these spots on the leaves wont stop spreading.... i keep cutting off the dying leaves but soon i will have no more leaves to cut! ph is good at 5.5

yesterday i was told our city water (which is what im using) has 950 ppm from the tap......... i dont have a ppm meter, only a ph meter, could this high concentration of minerals in the water be my problem? if so how could i correct this ?

heres some pics, any help or ideas is greatly appreciated!

the pics are about a week old, so 3 weeks from seed.... now the plants are 4 weeks and about 3-4 inches bigger than that.

all the dying leaves are getting those spots, and i havent been able to stop or control it!



Well-Known Member
yes lots of minerals lock out nutes, but honestly they look over fed and the media hydroten is ok but in old grodan rockwool cubes?????? just a thought get some dark pots and try reverse osmosis water.


Well-Known Member
whats wrong with the rockwool blocks? you said they look overfed? but at the same time, the high mineral concentration locks out the nutes? im a little confused... thanks


Well-Known Member
well ive been doing some more reading, and think i might have answered my own question......... the tap water is too hard (too high ppm) and is locking out Mg........ I will try and get some epson salts and add that into my resevoir... does anyone think that could be the problem ?


Well-Known Member
I already have salt build up on the sides of my resevoir, will epson salts correct the problem or make it worse with too much salts?


Well-Known Member
i think they look overfed, i had that same problem for along time and i couldn't figure out why it was happening (looked EXACTLY like those leaves look). so i finally just flushed my babies for like 1-2 weeks with JUST ph'd water, and voila they are perfectly fine now.

and i could be wrong but you shouldn't be cutting off all of the damaged leaves just the ones that are 50% or more damaged.



Well-Known Member
i really dont think they are overfed.......i flushed them and gave them only phed water for 3 days and they almost completly stopped growing and the spots didnt stop. now they are getting less than half strength of nutrients. even though leaves are dying, the plants are still growing up, with lots of new growth. i dont see any signs of nute burn......

i think they look overfed, i had that same problem for along time and i couldn't figure out why it was happening (looked EXACTLY like those leaves look). so i finally just flushed my babies for like 1-2 weeks with JUST ph'd water, and voila they are perfectly fine now.

and i could be wrong but you shouldn't be cutting off all of the damaged leaves just the ones that are 50% or more damaged.



Well-Known Member
what do you guys think about the high ppm of my tap water(aprox 950 ppm)

i think this is making my plants lock out the mg and maybe getting too much calcium etc that is in the tap water...... I would like to add epson salts to my resevoir(25 litres-ph 5.5-half strength of hydroponic a+b nutrient), the only concern i have is the white salt like build up on the sides of my res as the water goes down? i feel like giving my plant a salt is not the best idea....

suggestions please!! the problem has been here a while and is not getting any better!



Well-Known Member
i got the same thing happening man, still havn't been able to solve the started happening to mine like a day after re-potting, i thought they were dying or did die but decided to leave them for a few more days and nothin has changed (havn't died, havn't gotten better) so is there still hope for me?:confused:


Well-Known Member
I have the epsom salts............. anyone want to give me an opinion before i give it to the plants please :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
well i flushed the cubes with ph 5.5 epson salt water, then changed my res(6 gallon) with 6 teaspoons epsom salts and 3/4 strength nutrients..... hopefully i will see a big change in the next few days...


Well-Known Member
Over 900 sounds awfully high PPM for tap water. You should get yourself a PPM meter - it is as crucial as pH. I have hard water (nearer 300 PPM) and use General Hydroponics Hardwater Micro base and then their Grow and Bloom.

But if your water is that high - you may want to try investigating reverse osmosis (RO) or some kind of filter that doesn't encourage salt build-up.


Well-Known Member
Well it turns out my ph was a little too low, i have adjusted it to be better, now the spots are kind of slowing down, im noticing on newer growth the leaves seem to be more yellow all around the leaves except for the veins.... im not sure if i should cut off all the spotted leaves as they still look kind of healthy and its almost all of ther bigger fan leaves that are spotted.......

ill try and get some more pictures, does anyone have any ideas?


Active Member
View attachment Plant problems.txt
I have attached a txt file, you will find it invaluable.

First off, I dont think you have overfed them, maybe overwatered (flooding too often).
I think what you are doing with the epsom salts is the right move to cure the problem however you need to sort out your water.
Having a ppm of 900 is not good for your plants since you dont know what the composition of the 900 is! Get an EC/PPM meter so you can test it. You may have to look at an R/O machine to sort out if you are in hydro.
As for long term, calmag at a low dose may help but you need to sort out the water 1st.

As for the hijacker with a similar problem, I dont think it is, diagnose it from the txt fine and follow the advice given.

Hope this helps you both. W