Money Laundering


Active Member
Hello. I grow of course and within the next year or two i will be starting to make some more money. Too much so that the 5 or 10k the bank lets you deposit each month is holdin me back a little. I would appreciate it if anyone who has or has had exp w this topic and knows the workings of laundering to plez enlightin me and the roi community. THX.

This is an article I found that is quite interesting but not as in depth as I would like.

what i would do is fill a storage unit, in someone elses or a fake name, and just fill it with boxes of cash. no need to wory about banks or IRS but dont tell anyone where your cashstash is and even make sure no one follows you
what i would do is fill a storage unit, in someone elses or a fake name, and just fill it with boxes of cash. no need to wory about banks or IRS but dont tell anyone where your cashstash is and even make sure no one follows you
I agree 100%! In this game if your making a good amount of cash you need to roll cowboy style and have cash put up in a number of places. I hate the bank myself but I'm sure someone could help you out with this subject if you must go that rout.
cash cash cash trade it in for big bills or you will have a paper trail somewhere. also do you have a regular job? if so cash all your checks insted of depositing them that way you can make your regular purchases in cash from work money and dealing money without a card or check so the irs will not know how much you spent of your work money so its not odd when you go and re-deposit a few grand. thats not going to take care of it all but some
dont count your chickens before they hatch, the market is heavily saturated right now
apply for a tax id number for a small import company. order cheap shit from china off sell it or trow it away, what ever and get a recipt book write them for sales you didn't make keep good records open a biz account single owner depost all you green money there. but pay taxes or they will get you
oh ps you will spend money to do this and lose money to uncle sam, but clean money costs.

want to keep all your money?

stash cash.

you should stash cash anyway a large amount. cops can freeze or seize you bank accounts and legal fees don't pay themselves
what i would do is fill a storage unit, in someone elses or a fake name, and just fill it with boxes of cash. no need to wory about banks or IRS but dont tell anyone where your cashstash is and even make sure no one follows you

Yes but i want to use all my money to buy a house n cars n shit n i cant really put a few hundred grand down in cash (example).
apply for a tax id number for a small import company. order cheap shit from china off sell it or trow it away, what ever and get a recipt book write them for sales you didn't make keep good records open a biz account single owner depost all you green money there. but pay taxes or they will get you

Im not tryna pay taxes to our bull shit gov for things i dont even want. Especially since top two tax brackets are 30-35% of ur mutherfuc**n yearly income. FUC* liberals and their fuc*** neediness. Sry just venting politics in our country upset me.
I have been thinking of a scheme in which I have a real estate developement/investment company in Mexico and run my money in through that businees into banks in Mexico and then have the money transferred to my banks in the U.S. Sound like it could work? I would drive the cash down to Mexico or ship it in business packages.
Hello. I grow of course and within the next year or two i will be starting to make some more money. Too much so that the 5 or 10k the bank lets you deposit each month is holdin me back a little. I would appreciate it if anyone who has or has had exp w this topic and knows the workings of laundering to plez enlightin me and the roi community. THX.

This is an article I found that is quite interesting but not as in depth as I would like.


Here is another good article....

Out of curiousity, are you selling wholesale quantities at wholesale prices, or breaking it down and selling retail quantities at retail prices?

It seems like selling wholesale would yield quick, large sums of money, but you would have to find a trustworthy buyer who you know won't try to rob you or do some other dumb shit. That might be difficult. Retail, on the other hand, would yield even more money, but it would come much slower and there would be the constant risk of getting pulled over with weed on your person.

What's some other people's takes on this too?

dont count your chickens before they hatch, the market is heavily saturated right now

Speak for you own area. Around here, its dry as a rockwool cube under a 1000 watt HPS!
this threads interesting, even though i'm no where near close enough to worry about money laundering haha.
i always wonder how much cash is too much? could i deposit 500 bucks or so into my savings account a month and then spend it in the near future? a 1000 ? where do things become suspicious? what if you were to slowly get a savings account up to 10,000 or so? like take 6-8 months to do it. then it doesnt look suspicious cause you could've saved up that amount out of your legit $ .... ?
yes i agree but details? examples?
There are a million ways to do it but here's one I have heard of a lot of people doing. Buy a house with your income, on credit, whatever. Move in, grow weed and spend the money you make to fix that house up...BIG time. Then you sell your house. You figure out the details. There are 1000 ways to do this. I personally would use the cash method and just resign to be a renter. If you get busted laundering money in ANY fashion you better be prepared to add 20 to your sentence.

I have kids, I want to see them grow up.
A guy I knew Took The Cash he made and started a hydro store and stopped growing altogether ......
...find a trade that doesn't require a license to have a business in (painting, drywall, carpet, exc....) ...think of a company name that you'll be DBA (doing business as) ...go to your government center ( or worker's comp) , tell them you want to start a company as a "sole proprietor", and that you want to file for a "worker's comp waiver", (unless you want worker's comp) cost like 20 bucks here (the waiver), and it takes like 6 weeks to come back ( by mail) if your clear. This gives you a tax varification # for the bank to open a business account. Go get company insurance, get a company truck or van, put your company name on it! Get a company debit card ....spend away. However, you must file taxes...don't know of any "good" places to file, do ya? Look for the small, run down tax, that's how I found mine!

If you owe any taxes, you'll find out shortly after you file for your woker's comp, or worker's comp waiver. The Worker's Comp Board will protest your comp untill you contact them and are to good standing with the IRS.