Bubblegum 3 weeks flower + clones

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
They loook great man, definitely close to harvest. Next time you could even
hit them with a higher PK dose, they are a showing some Potassium Def...
I know you want them to yellow near harvest date, but in a perfect world
it would be yellowing from nitrogen, indubitably add more K next time.

But just starin at those flowers makes my mouth water........ I GOTTA PACK


Active Member
They loook great man, definitely close to harvest. Next time you could even
hit them with a higher PK dose, they are a showing some Potassium Def...
I know you want them to yellow near harvest date, but in a perfect world
it would be yellowing from nitrogen, indubitably add more K next time.

But just starin at those flowers makes my mouth water........ I GOTTA PACK
Thx! Actually 1 of them shows Potassium, other shows nitrogen...and the 1 that shows N def has a much sweeter smell...shes gonna be lovely. Big Berta, the left 1 has a lil different smell, more skunky like but still a hint of bubblegum. Could that be why?! The clones of her ima raise the PK slightly for and for clones of Layla I'll keep same schedule as this time but add a lil tad more N up till week 7, she allready started to show N def in mid week 6.

Thx for advice!



Well-Known Member
Fantastic looking plants, man. Bubblelicious puts out some fat, sticky calyxes, no?

Like I said in the 400W club deal, I got my seeds from BDS, too (first seeds I'd bought). This year, I went with Nirvana (superskunk) cuz BDS prices don't make any sense. Your plants look more "indica" to me than mine. The pic below is the one girl I got out of the lot so far, at 37 days. She was fimmed, but still did her best to form a central cola. I'm perfectly happy with how it's all going, just comparing some notes is all.

The middle shot is the next generation -- I ferted a couple of buds with an awesome male I had.

I've found it challenging to keep up with her nitrogen demands; she's still on the edge. I'm just determined not to nute-burn her. Experience anything like that? I'm with you on bigger pots for this strain - bub's really puts down a wad of roots.

Good luck on your harvest; it'll be a good one.bongsmilie



Active Member
Fantastic looking plants, man. Bubblelicious puts out some fat, sticky calyxes, no?

Like I said in the 400W club deal, I got my seeds from BDS, too (first seeds I'd bought). This year, I went with Nirvana (superskunk) cuz BDS prices don't make any sense. Your plants look more "indica" to me than mine. The pic below is the one girl I got out of the lot so far, at 37 days. She was fimmed, but still did her best to form a central cola. I'm perfectly happy with how it's all going, just comparing some notes is all.

The middle shot is the next generation -- I ferted a couple of buds with an awesome male I had.

I've found it challenging to keep up with her nitrogen demands; she's still on the edge. I'm just determined not to nute-burn her. Experience anything like that? I'm with you on bigger pots for this strain - bub's really puts down a wad of roots.

Good luck on your harvest; it'll be a good one.bongsmilie
Sure as hell is fat calyxes. The single biggest calyx I've seen is as big as my index finger nail ;) Yeah BDS prices don't make any sense, but thats what the prices where 5-6 years ago all over the web and they still charge same price...iono?!
Nice lades bro, only few weeks left for ya :bigjoint:

damn pangcake ur plants look better and better every time i stop by
Thx ,that's the plan! ;-)

looking good those things are rocking.. what do you expect to pulll
Somewhere between 7-9ounces of those 2 ladies...I don't know. I never weigh my harvests since I just dont care bout the exact yield...It's only for me bongsmilie The buds look like they should and I dont think they coulda been any bigger growing in soil using organics + home made Co2. I've given them a lot of love ;) I now do know how to feed their clones to maximize them, so expect next round of clones to be even "better"...

Thx all for ur input!


Edit: Ladies gotten their first flush, another 1 to come on Friday, then harvest on Sunday. As u can see on Layla, there a branch "missing". It was so heavy and I broke it carrying here to the tub...oh well, something to smoke when I'm harvesting the rest ;)



Well-Known Member
Wowee man. They look so good. The leaves look perfectly yellowing... starting to creep from the tips of the leaves in. One thing that looks good about your buds is there isn't too much leaf to trim. That's a plus.

I can't beleive how fat your buds are growing in soil. Makes me feel so bad about my soil adventure. Maybe one day I will grow plants like yours (hopefully).

It's sad that they have to come down, but great that they leave such beautiful gifts for the kindness you've shown.

Great work bru. :hump:


Active Member
Wowee man. They look so good. The leaves look perfectly yellowing... starting to creep from the tips of the leaves in. One thing that looks good about your buds is there isn't too much leaf to trim. That's a plus.

I can't beleive how fat your buds are growing in soil. Makes me feel so bad about my soil adventure. Maybe one day I will grow plants like yours (hopefully).

It's sad that they have to come down, but great that they leave such beautiful gifts for the kindness you've shown.

Great work bru. :hump:
Thx a lot! The "leaf to calyx ratio" is exceptional ;) and even those leaves that u could see 1 week ago in the bud...they have dissapeared into the bud cuz of the MASSIVE swelling :mrgreen: they don't look like picking up anymore weight, they are finnishing off...I'll put up a pic when I take off the "cage" I have surrounding them and u guys will see how heavy theese buds are for their branches...had to zip tie few branches to the cage cuz I was affraid the wind from fans would break them :hump: the main colas are gonna weigh at least 1 ounce each, dried. I will prove it...a piece of advice: If u gonna use organic nutrients from BioBizz, go with the whole line or ur wasting ur time! Theese are some of the fattest buds grown in soil I've seen. I'm happy! :mrgreen:

Have a nice weekend ya'll!!




Well-Known Member
Fantastic.. can't wait until mine look like that. You're right on about the support -- I've got to stake mine up, too. This is def a plant that outgrows itself stem strength wise.


Active Member
Fantastic.. can't wait until mine look like that. You're right on about the support -- I've got to stake mine up, too. This is def a plant that outgrows itself stem strength wise.
Look at this pic after I took off the support! :shock:

You have an awesome green thumb Pang! The buds are tight and frosty! :weed:
Thx Weedy! Heres a sample pic for you. :hug:

So Big Berta chopped at 64 days ;) A nice pic of the healthy roots.

Stem almost as thick as my thumb ;)

Hanging to dry in the bathroom ;)

Chop Chop!

Just stripped her off the largest foliage, and then trim before curing...



Well-Known Member
I had a funny though. I wonder what the authorities would say if you hung that tree from the Rear view mirror in your car. "It's just an air freshener, officer."

Man those buds look good. Amazing how much the supports held everything up. Maxmized space too. That girl really would have spread out.

Have you quick dried any samples... or are you patient, waiting for a dry or a cure?

Congrats my friend. Harvest day is always a big day. :bigjoint: :clap:


Active Member
I had a funny though. I wonder what the authorities would say if you hung that tree from the Rear view mirror in your car. "It's just an air freshener, officer."

Man those buds look good. Amazing how much the supports held everything up. Maxmized space too. That girl really would have spread out.

Have you quick dried any samples... or are you patient, waiting for a dry or a cure?

Congrats my friend. Harvest day is always a big day. :bigjoint: :clap:
Thx! Yeah building those cages was a great Idea, it really evened out the canopy and gave great support =) I celebrated w few domestic beers and some hydro weed, Northern Light I think it is...dam guud ;) I'm gonna be patient, buds look too good to fast dry...but the little fluff there is I will smoke when dry ;) the smell...the smell...mmmmmm...for once my bathroom smells fresh, jk :weed:



Active Member
Harvest pics are my favorite! How do they smell? Is it floral, or skunky? :weed:

Pang, careful not to let the buds touch each other when you hang because molds form quickly when they touch.


Active Member
Harvest pics are my favorite! How do they smell? Is it floral, or skunky? :weed:

Pang, careful not to let the buds touch each other when you hang because molds form quickly when they touch.
The bathroom has of a heavy skunky smell but when u get up close you can really smell the a mild sweet aroma it puts out, somewhat like a "red berries mix". :weed:



Well-Known Member
Awesome buds, Pang.. wow.

I would suggest separating those branches from each other a little more to get some good airflow around them. They look like some tight buds that need all the air they can get.

Right now, I have some sugar leaves that are so heavy with trichs that they don't even unfurl completely - they're just like a goopy, glandular mass. Did you get anything like this?