The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
fuck it, didnt bother sobering up, stayed up all nite gubbing speed and valium , feel like shit and im just going to tell the girl im going to bed for a few hours, sneeky sneaky outta the door and back to the pub....


Well-Known Member
well back again and gettin severe earache, fuckin groundhog day, or week, or eternity. im feelin suicidal by proxy. i d shoot and bury the bitch but i cant get a hold of a j.c.b. think i might tell her im gay, i mean lets face it one days ring sting has got to be better than a seemingly eternity of wheres that fuckin lube. i ve decided i just want the words 'shut the fuck up' on my gravestone.....which will be mounted on a barstool, or barmaid seeing as ive spent roughly equal the time on both.


Well-Known Member
Don't you hate it when you wake up from a drunken night out with 'I love cock' written on your fore-head?

Especially when you've been drinking at home.



Well-Known Member
Don't you hate it when you wake up from a drunken night out with 'I love cock' written on your fore-head?

Especially when you've been drinking at home.

lol u crack me up dura all this gettin of ya head cant b doin u n e good lol
id hate to b on a comedown i aint touched class a for 5 years after i had my o.d episode i was takin everythin at 1 point tryin to get a buzz nothin worked for me n then 1 night i thought id make it my last time gettin of the head went out to a dnb rave ended up doin 2g of mdma n 7 beans wen the night finished we drove to london to a free party n ended up doin another 7 beans n 6 drops of acid on the way home the acid started to take affect we was in stiches laughin are heads off wen all of a sudden i started to get shocks to my body b4 u know it i was dead luckely for me there was an off duty paramedic 2 cars behind us wich saved my life big up to him thats wen i stopped it ended up being my last time like i planned apart from the o.d experiance:bigjoint:

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
hey guys back on the comp had a virus or worm and had to wipe the lot seriously ballsed up the lappy had to have it done it properly, hey dura good to see your alive mate thought your misses might av buried you with your plants lol well fu*k it i got nothing to do so i'm gonna start smoking and flake out naked on the settee, how's all you crazy people doing today?


Well-Known Member
hey rasclot been off for a few days how did u get on with bc seeds after mate?
i got the seeds today mate exactly like they said 10 buisnes days from recievin the money:lol:
i paid £200 for 10 jedi41% n i got 30 jedi41% how good is that!!!
now all we gota do is wait for them to grow to see if they are as strong as they reckon:bigjoint:

Price: 572.80GBP 185.60GBP Product DescriptionJEDI 41% THC BUD - 10 Pack
SELLING FAST and IN DEMAND. If you want yours for the 2010 spring season, ORDER TODAY or you'll miss out.
Jedi 41% THC thrives in high altitudes, mostly because it handle the cold, but it's #1 reason it can withstand 140 km/hour winds
This is it. The most powerful specimen of our new, insanely powerful line from the Danish Underground. At 41% THC - I hope you are sitting down! After the big fan leaves are trimmed away, it doesn't yield quite as much as Elephant or Euphoria, but its yield is still amazing and far above what you are used to.

You won't need to smoke very much of this strain because of it's insanely high THC. The medical community love it because you can't build up a tolerance to it. It's INTOLLERABLE, haha! Many chronic medical users smoke several grams every single day for decades and find themselves becoming tolerant to even White Widow very quickly - but not the JEDI 41%. If you can smoke a bowl of this stuff and then dial a phone or make a sandwich, you deserve a medal. Chances are, you'll need a wheelchair just to find the TV remote! But you won't know what the TV is for if you do, so don't even bother with the remote. You can't remember your name after 3 puffs of the Jedi. I forgot my own name just thinking about the last time I smoke it! Comprehend this reality, you will not. On the couch, the safest place for you is.

JEDI 41% THC BUD is a great indoor or outdoor plant that's it is very easy to grow for beginners. It usually sells out before it even reaches the catalogue, so if you're serious about obtaining it, I would suggest you act fast. We will remove this strain from the catalogue when supplies get low so previous orders are guaranteed to be filled. If you see it here, it's currently in stock, but for long never will it be.

Plant height: Medium, exactly a Medium Plant
THC level %: 41%
Flowering times: 47 Days
Yield: 980-1020 g/m2
Grows: Indoors/Outdoors/Greenhouse
Strain Genetics: Proprietary Secret, Mostly Indica
Grow Difficulty: Very Easy
Plant Odor: Sweet, Hashy, slight fruit undertone
Smoke Flavor: Moderately Smooth and medium heavy sweetness

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i got the seeds today mate exactly like they said 10 buisnes days from recievin the money:lol:
i paid £200 for 10 jedi41% n i got 30 jedi41% how good is that!!!
now all we gota do is wait for them to grow to see if they are as strong as they reckon:bigjoint:

Price: 572.80GBP 185.60GBPProduct DescriptionJEDI 41% THC BUD - 10 Pack
SELLING FAST and IN DEMAND. If you want yours for the 2010 spring season, ORDER TODAY or you'll miss out.
Jedi 41% THC thrives in high altitudes, mostly because it handle the cold, but it's #1 reason it can withstand 140 km/hour winds
This is it. The most powerful specimen of our new, insanely powerful line from the Danish Underground. At 41% THC - I hope you are sitting down! After the big fan leaves are trimmed away, it doesn't yield quite as much as Elephant or Euphoria, but its yield is still amazing and far above what you are used to.

You won't need to smoke very much of this strain because of it's insanely high THC. The medical community love it because you can't build up a tolerance to it. It's INTOLLERABLE, haha! Many chronic medical users smoke several grams every single day for decades and find themselves becoming tolerant to even White Widow very quickly - but not the JEDI 41%. If you can smoke a bowl of this stuff and then dial a phone or make a sandwich, you deserve a medal. Chances are, you'll need a wheelchair just to find the TV remote! But you won't know what the TV is for if you do, so don't even bother with the remote. You can't remember your name after 3 puffs of the Jedi. I forgot my own name just thinking about the last time I smoke it! Comprehend this reality, you will not. On the couch, the safest place for you is.

JEDI 41% THC BUD is a great indoor or outdoor plant that's it is very easy to grow for beginners. It usually sells out before it even reaches the catalogue, so if you're serious about obtaining it, I would suggest you act fast. We will remove this strain from the catalogue when supplies get low so previous orders are guaranteed to be filled. If you see it here, it's currently in stock, but for long never will it be.

Plant height: Medium, exactly a Medium Plant
THC level %: 41%
Flowering times: 47 Days
Yield: 980-1020 g/m2
Grows: Indoors/Outdoors/Greenhouse
Strain Genetics: Proprietary Secret, Mostly Indica
Grow Difficulty: Very Easy
Plant Odor: Sweet, Hashy, slight fruit undertone
Smoke Flavor: Moderately Smooth and medium heavy sweetness
i'm glad they came through for you mate i was just having a look on your thread and was saying on there at £6 a bean that's pretty cheap i can't wait to see how they grow are you gonna keep the same journal or start another mate?


Well-Known Member
i'm glad they came through for you mate i was just having a look on your thread and was saying on there at £6 a bean that's pretty cheap i can't wait to see how they grow are you gonna keep the same journal or start another mate?
gonna keep it in the same journal coz their gonna be with the blz bud n cream caramel i got vegin at the mo:bigjoint:


Active Member
What do you guys think of this?

I want a HPS... but like the rest of the country I'm SKINT.

You reckon it'd be enough to get 2-3 plants to harvest by itself?

Hey hippychild, if you could throw another £50 at your HPS you could get a digital ballast capable of running either a 400w or 600w bulb, a 600w HPS Bulb and Shade all for £100 delivered for free, i know times are hard, but its a bargain, should of been £290.

Goin gettin mine tomorrow... Happy days


Active Member
hey guys back on the comp had a virus or worm and had to wipe the lot seriously ballsed up the lappy had to have it done it properly, hey dura good to see your alive mate thought your misses might av buried you with your plants lol well fu*k it i got nothing to do so i'm gonna start smoking and flake out naked on the settee, how's all you crazy people doing today?

Hey Dragon, good to have u back mate, virus' are shit, glad ur sorted though.

I should of been DJ'ing at a house party tonight, but hunched over my desk drawing all day got a stiff neck, jumped up for lunch n totally spazzed my neck out, cant fuckin move it so no chance of DJ'ing, which has fucked me off no end, so im in all alone as the G/F is workin, so no neck massage either lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Hey Dragon, good to have u back mate, virus' are shit, glad ur sorted though.

I should of been DJ'ing at a house party tonight, but hunched over my desk drawing all day got a stiff neck, jumped up for lunch n totally spazzed my neck out, cant fuckin move it so no chance of DJ'ing, which has fucked me off no end, so im in all alone as the G/F is workin, so no neck massage either lol
yeahhh, nothing like a trapped nerve! i went on a french exchange once, trapped a nerve in my neck on the second day, so spent half of that day having it massaged by some of the more stupidly large breasted hot girls in the group, and the rest of the trip in bed feeling sorry for myself :P

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
by my calculations i'm sat smoking a reef, and disturbing 4 households listening to gustav holst's planets :lol: here's for almost 1KW of sound in a small terraced flat :lol:


Well-Known Member
morning guys hope u all slept well. Morning wake an bake happend at 7:15 today and im feeling good
mornin all wake n bake has just started for me with a fat1 of bubble hash from my ugly sharksbreath wot a way to start the day off:bigjoint:

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
hey guys hope every1 is good and stoned 2day i got my shooting powder through today and gonna start the girls on it tonight any advice on using it i was planning on mixing up my nutes as normal bio bizz bloom and topmax to reg tap water that gives me a ph of 6.5 and add 1gram per liter does any1 know if this will work ok? it might sound like a dumbarse Q but on the packet it talkes about adding medium and ppm?????? i don't know about that i'm growing in soil any advice is appreciated guys thanks


Well-Known Member
hey guys hope every1 is good and stoned 2day i got my shooting powder through today and gonna start the girls on it tonight any advice on using it i was planning on mixing up my nutes as normal bio bizz bloom and topmax to reg tap water that gives me a ph of 6.5 and add 1gram per liter does any1 know if this will work ok? it might sound like a dumbarse Q but on the packet it talkes about adding medium and ppm?????? i don't know about that i'm growing in soil any advice is appreciated guys thanks
i would just be careful with it dragon or maybe just do a test on a couple of plants this time round? its pretty strong stuff NPK sumfing like 0.30.40. wouldnt wana fuck your crop up at such a late stage, are you in wk 5?