Is Nutrients a Must when it comez to Bubbleponics


Active Member
I just bought the Starter kit from StealthHydro...
this is my first attempt to grow with bubbleponics... as i have in the past been using soil...
Is Nutrients a must for the water solution.?.?.?
as it doesnt come with any....


yup your plants can make it for about 2 weeks on tap water alone, from seed. after that you need nutes fer sure.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
You must use nutes. As there is no soil, everything the plant needs must be provided in the water.
Too much, then the plants burn and die.
Too little, the plants will starve and die.

I have used off the shelf powdered plant food from Menard's or Walmart.
You need to experiment doing it that way and always start with LOW amounts of nutes and then add more until you learn what the plants need.

Good luck on your grow.


Active Member
Dude you guys are str8 bullshyt... I havnt changed my water in like weeks... and i got like God Like Fukin Bushes!!! HUGE BEEZIES


Active Member
Dude you guys are str8 bullshyt... I havnt changed my water in like weeks... and i got like God Like Fukin Bushes!!! HUGE BEEZIES

lol @ that guy..... poor plants ..... how about i give you a glass of orange juice that has been sitting on the counter for weeks.

neways dont listen to him... change your res every 2 weeks if you can.... optimum growiing conditions = optimum yield


Sure, I guess that your plants might live without nutes, but don't bother.

I rarely feed a plant before week three and then start with half the recommended feeding. The plants just love it and within a week I have ramped up the feeding to close to normal. You will see such a difference in your plants once you start feeding that you would never ever go back to not feeding them.

If you had two reservoirs I would tell you to run a control batch without nutrients and the second batch with nutrients. Once you see the results you will never go back to nutrient free.


Active Member
Sure, I guess that your plants might live without nutes, but don't bother.

I rarely feed a plant before week three and then start with half the recommended feeding. The plants just love it and within a week I have ramped up the feeding to close to normal. You will see such a difference in your plants once you start feeding that you would never ever go back to not feeding them.

If you had two reservoirs I would tell you to run a control batch without nutrients and the second batch with nutrients. Once you see the results you will never go back to nutrient free.

what he said ^^^ bongsmilie