i LOVED the twilight books! lol. they're definitely in my top 5 of favourite book series. i've only seen the first movie and i was a bit disappointed with it...the books were better. and with that article...Bella's character isnt an "empty shell" either...i think that the person who wrote the article may have some reading comprehension issues if he thinks that...haha. while reading the book i knew exactly what she was supposed to look like, and i knew exactly what type of character she was. but im also very skilled with reading comprehension and im aware that not everybody has that skill.
now with that said...this twilight craze needs to be fucking bulldozed and buried. the whole "twilight phenomena" has completely ruined my enjoyment of the books. its crammed down my throat every day and its just too much. there is such a thing as "too much" twilight lol. i enjoy making fun of the fan girls and the whole craze because its ridiculous. i would not however, make fun of the book or the storyline because its wonderful.
and im sorry...do you all have a problem with "fat goth girls"? why is it necessary to make fun of other people huh? cuz this fat goth girl would whip your ass if she needed to and you'd be very apologetic in a matter of seconds...i promise
