WW 16 Days, growing weird or normal?


Well-Known Member
no no no...ur not doing anything wrong....the reference was provided solely to offer some quatitative value that has in the literature stated as high irradience....which results in some of the effects also referenced above...but there are a myriad of other factors (also not necessarily independent of one another either).....you're not doing anything wrong, we're all operating on too little information....and I can't think about it any more today....so I'm just gonna leave the deep analysis alone for now.....sorry...I know you want an answer....but I am not going to be able to give you one.....


Well-Known Member
hahaha fair enough mate, I think my head is about to explode anyways...it will take time to soak it all in. I'm going to go watch some football now and relax, wish I had a spliff to help. Anyways tom is another day and lets see what happens, I've learnt more today about THC then any other, cheers Tahoe..:peace:


Well-Known Member
Well basically this is what I'm looking for
The longest photoperiod that will trigger parthenocarpy in unfertilized flowering homozygous(d) Indica female marijuana plants is 13:00 hours, give or take 15 minutes. This effect can be obtained in the month of August at N35Lat, and because the capitate-stalked glandular trichomes received plenty of UVB during this month at this latitude, the harvested resin spheres had fully realized THC. Rating: euphoria and hallucinations, major appetite boost and pain relief, deep dreamless sleep. These plants seldom grow taller than four feet but potency makes up for the reduced harvest.
I just have to wrap my head around that for a bit


Well-Known Member
hey that's good.....so now we need to go to a site that will provide the amount of UVB light during that period of time, and then we will have our answer....good .....only now we have still look some more....ugh!...hahahahahahaha!


Well-Known Member
lol yeah, I think I'm loosing braincells here because a few yaers ago I would understand that fully, but I'm still trying to figure that statement out. So basically its saying the longest photoperiod during flowering that will trigger Parthencarpy is 13hrs, so you can give your plant upto 13hrs of light during flowering? So if im doing 12/12 or 14/10 would that be detrimental? I like the rating of the high as thats what I'm looking for:blsmoke:

Well as the statement says it needs UVB, what amounts I'm sure will be some kind of estimate, like I said I will go small and no harm should come of it


Well-Known Member
Well Tahoe, after reading about these Reptile UV lights, it seems none of them produce more than the sun does in the places where UVB is highest eg. Mexico, Thailand etc(remeber the map from Weedman video). So I think its safe to say that it would be hard to overdo the UVB. There are other lights available for photography and tanning that have higher UVB, but then again these Reptile lights on just on or under par with natural sunlight. In this link Marijuana THC it shows the highest UVB which occurs near the equator, and the Reptile lights produce on average 250 microwatts/cm2. I think mine does a bit more but it a fairly new model which I can't find any stats for. But when they say it has 250 microwatts/cm2 that is measured from the lightbulb, actually touching the bulb, and it decreases from there. I think it decreases at a lower rate than most other light, I think

Anyhoo so I bought this bulb Exo Terra - Products: Linear Bulbs third set of bulbs down, the Repti Glo 10.0(UVB%), 75cm/35" long, 25w. It also has 33% UVA which ofcourse it just useless to me


Well-Known Member
mmm some interesting finds on the net about UVB and fully realizing its THC potential

In view of this reality, why do the caucasoids of the world think seedless
marijuana is so great, irrespective of the gene pool or whether the plant
is even parthenocarpic? Harvesting unpollinated marijuana for the
"red hairs" is as stupid as harvesting apple blossoms instead of ripe
apples. It is only five or six weeks AFTER pollination or the
photoperiodic onset of parthenocarpia that the exuded resin spheres on
marijuana, in the presence of the UVB photon, will contain fully
realized THC and become the "ripe apples" to be harvested.
Furthermore, unless the seedless plant's gene pool is the homozygous
Indica as described in Marijuana Optics, a 12:00 hour photoperiod may
result only in the appearance of the two glandular trichomes (bulbous
and capitate-sessile) whose resin spheres contain mostly precursor
cannabinoids and the least amount of THC, even in sunlight. Smell and
taste implement a placebo effect in the "12:00 hour" seedless
hetrozygous bud. This marijuana does not contain any real dope.
The science and personal experience allow me to state as a matter of
fact: "None of the marijuana grown under HID light has any real dope
in it." Why? Because the UVB photon, the
sine quo non of THC
production, is blocked out of the light stream by the outer glass bulb of
all HID lights. BY LAW!
In the mid-1980's, the United States Congress passed a law banning the
sale of UVB producing appliances for human use except with a
physician's prescription. Canada also passed this law. Were these laws
passed because of the fear of skin cancer (as was the supposed reason)
or were they more of a "drug war" blow against the indoor marijuana
grower because of the fact that the UVB photon is the
sine quo non of
THC production?
So where does the buzz come from in the indoor grow? It's from the
UVA photons that can pass through the outer glass bulb of HID light in
an artificial light environment and through greenhouse coverings. But
the UVA photon cannot energize the phytochemical process enough to
produce fully realized THC. Only the UVB photon can energize the
phytochemical process enough to produce fully realized THC.
The claim that seedless marijuana grown indoors under HID light is
more potent, because of breeding and other honky jive like special
fertilizers and carbon dioxide, than marijuana grown outdoors that has
been pollinated, and has a majority of ripe seeds, is baloney.
Through no fault of their own most of the marijuana farmers in the
indigenous world probably can't read, but that also means they haven't
been hookwinked by the seedless scam. They will use pollination and
then the sun's UVB photons to put THC in the exuded resin spheres of
the capitate-stalked glandular trichome. This method, passed down by
word of mouth and by example for hundreds of years in the indigenous
world where drug-type marijuana is cultivated, will give a harvest of
ripe resin spheres that will have a lot more of the active ingredients in
them, to provide the medical benefit in the smoke, than will a resin
sphere harvest from seedless marijuana grown in an indoor 12:00 hour
photoperiod. Not even parthenocarpic Indica (or any pollinated
marijuana) can do a miracle with this photoperiod and create fully
realized THC when the light stream does not contain any UVB photons.
Because each marijuana gene pool has its own photoperiodic niche in
which parthenocarpia best takes place, one has to experiment with
different photoperiods to find out which one is best for the gene pool
being cultivated. Generally speaking, to force the floral bract into
parthenocarpic development the flowering photoperiod is started with
11:30 hours and then after four weeks or so is reduced to 11:00 hours
where it is kept.
The hippies who went to India in the 60's and brought the homozygous
Indica seeds back to California to grow a "seedless marijuana" like
they found in Nepal, and other nearby places in India, started the
seedless craze. But they had the real goods: long-day parthenocarpic
homozygous Indica. As soon as pollen from male plants is introduced
into any marijuana gene pool, the resulting seeds will probably only
grow females that express short-day parthenocarpy. And that means,
above the Tropic of Cancer, the resin sphere on the capitate-stalked
glandular trichome in that gene pool won't be ripe for harvesting until
late October or mid-November but definitely not in September!
Rome was not built in a day and neither is fully realized THC. One
must remember that it is only five or six weeks AFTER pollination or
the photoperiodic onset of parthenocarpia that the exuded resin
spheres, in the presence of the UVB photon, will contain fully realized
THC and become the kind of "ripe apples" that will give real pain
relief, curtail nausea, provide appetite enhancement, relieve depression,

and let one have a deep, dreamless sleep.
Sorry it's so long but freakin enlightening, taken from here http://marijuanaoptics.fileave.com/0220decoy.pdf



Well-Known Member
hey Harkin...you been doing some good work. I was tied up all day with other pursuits...so I will spend my evening chewing through this stuff. Thanks a bunch. this is all getting more than just a little interesting.


Well-Known Member
Yeah no worries Tahoe, enjoy the reading, hopefully something good comes from it. Like i said I bought a UVB light today and it's installed with my other lights, so lets see...


Well-Known Member
that piece you posted there...and I wanna read the entire peice, and I expect it will take my into tangents of other documents, is really quite interesting....and makes sense to my gut.... thanks again! I believe that adding the UVB will be beneficial at this juncture. :blsmoke:
Yeah no worries Tahoe, enjoy the reading, hopefully something good comes from it. Like i said I bought a UVB light today and it's installed with my other lights, so lets see...


Well-Known Member
that piece you posted there...and I wanna read the entire peice, and I expect it will take my into tangents of other documents, is really quite interesting....and makes sense to my gut.... thanks again! I believe that adding the UVB will be beneficial at this juncture. :blsmoke:
Cool, find any good info? Like you say it can't do any harm, unless I overdo it, which my light can't do as it doesn't produce more than the sun can in the most intense UVB areas. And it seems pretty natural to me, outside plants grow better, as I've seen people on here say and I've witnessed myself. Then again it's getting aheluva lot more light than most can produce/afford, but it's also getting the full spectrum and intensity.


Well-Known Member
Ok so took a pic of the UVB lamp if anyones interested.

Also tried taking a pic of the first few hairs that are coming out, but they don't seem to show on the photos. You can see them easily enough first hand, I think I was pointing in the wrong place with the camera or something..anyways enjoy:peace:

ps notice the first closeup how much goey stuff there is looks like snot. And also the last pic, that particular stalk is growing like crazy, it has dozens of leaves and stuff sprouting out the top, even more than the main shoot, weird



Well-Known Member
hey harkin. thanks! thats awesome. I see what you mean about the gooy stuff....you sure you haven't been chokin the chicken over ur plant!?!?!....j/k....looking great!


Well-Known Member
hey harkin. thanks! thats awesome. I see what you mean about the gooy stuff....you sure you haven't been chokin the chicken over ur plant!?!?!....j/k....looking great!
HAhAHaha I do get excited when I see her, I might have spilt some:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Ok so while my plants grow I'm planning on my next grow and the seeds I wanna get. The White Widow that I have is 25/75(sativa/indica). I want to try something at 50/50. So here are my choices:

1) Orange Bud

2) Skunk Passion

3) Euforia

4) Ultra Skunk

5) Californian Orange

Anyone recommend one of these?



Well-Known Member
hahahaha thats too funny....I'm doing the same thing....my list? I have a list with notes from a whole bunch of people's comments that I have recorded over the last couple of weeks. But the ones that have come to the top exotics are :

1) Blue Moonshine 2) Black Jack; 3) Trainwreck; 4) Willie Nelson and 5) Warlock

The top more commonly referred to ones are:

1) Northernlights x Haze 2) White Widow

But I keep thinking that for me...I am really prolly more into the active buzz....the energetic high...but the reality is I am just not that familiar with all these new strains and things...it just used to be ....could you get toasted or not....


Well-Known Member
Awww just looked at the seeds I can get, and none of those are on there. Yeah I agree I do want more Sative type strain but 50/50 ish sounds good too me.. I dunno. The more Sativa dominant strains I can get are:

Power Plant
Green Spirit
Strawberry Cough
Master Kush
Super Haze<---- which it says it 100% sativa...ouch...I don't think so fankoo


Well-Known Member
I think with te Sativas you have to be aware of the height...these gals can go real tall can't they?