what medium are you using for the seedlings?
im assuming they will go straight to hydro once there big enough....
Hi Stoned, Welcome.
The medium Im using is rapid rooter plugs to start the seeds in.
Yes in about 2 weeks the blueberry will go into the aero tub they are sitting on and the Rhino will go into my other tub.
Mmmm Blueberry...I really wanna try that strain out, gotta watch yours!
You sure your not from Missouri, the show me state.
mmmm blue berry. what the breeder? i use dutchets, it was alsome. thats why i got the b,b. autos going, i want some more. witch would be in about what 40 days. now tell me cruz how long before those are done, lol oops . but you know you ask me a question the other day. and after looking at the plant size and with quick turn around, just looking at these others, and seeing what my yields going to be, with reg... 70- 80 days plants, even if i grew one then another as soon as i harvested start another, in witch have 90 days to do two, i would not get the yield, not even close. reg you can net more weight. with out a dought. so said all that to say no not worth it. you get 10 reg... seed and 10 autos youll get more off the reg even at 70 day.
Yea I kinda thought so. I suppose if you made racks of flouros and stacked them it would be worth it. oh and a bunch of seeds. Thanks for saving me the time. Really, I was gonna try it.