Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide

what medium are you using for the seedlings?
im assuming they will go straight to hydro once there big enough....

Hi Stoned, Welcome.

The medium Im using is rapid rooter plugs to start the seeds in.
Yes in about 2 weeks the blueberry will go into the aero tub they are sitting on and the Rhino will go into my other tub.

Mmmm Blueberry...I really wanna try that strain out, gotta watch yours!

You sure your not from Missouri, the show me state.

mmmm blue berry. what the breeder? i use dutchets, it was alsome. thats why i got the b,b. autos going, i want some more. witch would be in about what 40 days. now tell me cruz how long before those are done, lol oops . but you know you ask me a question the other day. and after looking at the plant size and with quick turn around, just looking at these others, and seeing what my yields going to be, with reg... 70- 80 days plants, even if i grew one then another as soon as i harvested start another, in witch have 90 days to do two, i would not get the yield, not even close. reg you can net more weight. with out a dought. so said all that to say no not worth it. you get 10 reg... seed and 10 autos youll get more off the reg even at 70 day.

Yea I kinda thought so. I suppose if you made racks of flouros and stacked them it would be worth it. oh and a bunch of seeds. Thanks for saving me the time. Really, I was gonna try it.
now you may get better yield in hydro, than in soil but i dont see as big of yield coming from these as with the ww, nor the n,l. hell even the haw.. will give me alot with buds that size. all them clone off the ww nl and bb im thinking a lb, if not 2. and it looks like ill get that from the haw... to
Dam, I just checked. There is like 15 new dispensaries that opened up around me in the last couple months. Some even have clones. Im gonna check out a few tomorrow. I guess I am done buying seeds LOL
dood, check out the branch of Harborside in San Jose. great clones, although its still somewhat new. did you see this site, it has a listing for all of em' and a few reviews too.
great work!!

i wanna see the dripfeed screen go. i couldnt get a drip in a perlite/vermiculite to work, and tried many diff blends, and coursenes
dood, check out the branch of Harborside in San Jose. great clones, although its still somewhat new. did you see this site, it has a listing for all of em' and a few reviews too.

yea, I seen that website. But then I found this one weedmaps.com

great work!!

i wanna see the dripfeed screen go. i couldnt get a drip in a perlite/vermiculite to work, and tried many diff blends, and coursenes

Hey Thor, welcome.
This seems to be doing alright. 75% perlite and 25% verm.
I water with 1/2 gallon per hour drippers for 3 min once a day it leaves a little water on the bottom of the propogator but not much.
So far so good. Moved them to the right side, added a screen and started them all going to the left.
Temps 73 res 66°
PPMs 1260 PH 5.4

I have been sick the last couple days. Let the grow go and its fucked up.
Two of the PK look bad. Burnt upper leaf and twisted some. I drained half of what was left in the res and added back R/O Now ppms are 660 and Ph at 6.0



That dam powdery mildew is back with a vengeance not only on the PK but the lower green crack as well. I give up. I am gonna flush out the PK, chop and toss the green crack. The mini hempy pots work great though.




Figure when I chop I will toss the GC and sterilize the cab before I start the white rhino.
Damn. Thats a shame. Isnt amazing how fast it can all go to crap. I feel your pain, and they do look tore up, but at least they're not dead yet. Maybe they will turn into some lolly pop all stars. I hopin for ya Cruze. Good luck. If you feel like it, swing by and check out my girls, maybe it will cheer you up.
Thanks Integra, I did stop by. there looking great.

Yea after closer inspection I see I have more trouble than I thought. I got spidermites also. I see several on one of the plants so you have to figure there everywhere. Dam I hate those things.
Thanks Integra, I did stop by. there looking great.

Yea after closer inspection I see I have more trouble than I thought. I got spidermites also. I see several on one of the plants so you have to figure there everywhere. Dam I hate those things.
Sorry to hear you're having such a time of it.:hug: Hadn't realized you had some hempy buckets going, I was just looking into that the past couple days. Yeah bugs suck, and wow, I didn't know powdery mildew was so damn tenacious! I think you're right, you'll probably have to sterilize everything before you put anything else in there. I'm rootin for ya!
If you'd like I gave a detailed spider mite fix on another thread. I could try to find it for you. I was infested really bad, and I have figured out how to be rid of them for going on 6 weeks so far.
Thanks doe, I cant believe this.
Now I see the four largest tops have mold. I just had to cut them off to try and save the rest. That was like 30% of the take though.
I bet I did it myself. I got pretty loose with that greencure and I bet the buds got wet and never dried. At the same time I get spidermites. How the hell do you get spidermites in cold weather? Temps have been in the low 70"s

Yea Integra, I will check it out. The last time i got them I bleached out the cab then took it outside and hit it with 3 black flag foggers, let it set in the heat of the sun for 2 months durring the summer and bleached it out again before I brought it back in. That did it alright but I dont want to have to do that again.

This is not a good day.
Do you have other houseplants, maybe, where they could be hiding out? What about pets? I read somewhere that dogs and cats are the number one culprits for bringing pests into our grow rooms. Those damn spidermites gotta be somewhere besides your grow cab.
wow that suks bud. sorry to see. sorry for your illness. hope your getting better. suk feeling sick. hang in there bud. those buds look cooked but iv seen plant in a lot wers shape. they finnish. little tender loveing care.. that stuff i used work for me look for it it works. i havent seen any mite sence. little basterds i hate them . got a few pic, later dude
Do you have other houseplants, maybe, where they could be hiding out? What about pets? I read somewhere that dogs and cats are the number one culprits for bringing pests into our grow rooms. Those damn spidermites gotta be somewhere besides your grow cab.

No, no pets Doe. But my intake is from under the floor. I'm on a cement pad and I didnt think I would get any bugs. I got a screen on it.
Maybe I need smaller holes.

wow that suks bud. sorry to see. sorry for your illness. hope your getting better. suk feeling sick. hang in there bud. those buds look cooked but iv seen plant in a lot wers shape. they finnish. little tender loveing care.. that stuff i used work for me look for it it works. i havent seen any mite sence. little basterds i hate them . got a few pic, later dude

Yea man, what was that stuff. Neem oil? I think I still got some.
here's the posts I made to try to help someone else. This shit really works. Hope this helps cruze.
I'll try to save you a lot of time and money. There are several remedies that everyone will throw at you like water and alcohol, cold water, vinegar water, soap water and these only seem to keep them under control. I had mite issues for the last 3-4 months but finally got rid of the little fuckers with attention to detail and a great product called organacide. To get rid of mites, I remove all leaves that I find them on if the infestation is small. Small being when they are only on the lower branches and parts of the leaves. If they are on the whole plant only remove the worst ones. Then spray from the bottom up getting the center stems and the bottom of every leaf. Dont miss a single one. Laziness here will only screw you later. Once you have sprayed the whole plant from the bottom up, I come back from the top down spraying the tops of all the leaves. Once the plant has been sprayed, I spray the pot, floor and any equipment that wont get damaged that is anywhere near the effected plant. Also isolate the plants that have them from the ones that dont. If you do this properly, you should be mite free after 1 spray, but I always do a second one 2-3 days later just in case. As far as the Organacide, that is a brand, not a type of insecticide. It is the only miticide that I know of that kills the eggs as well as the mites. Read all of the other ones, they are for mites and do not effect the eggs. for example- Dont Bug Me, Bang, Azamax, any Neem oil all kill only mites which means that you have to respray 2-3 times to supposedly get rid of them, but spray after spray they kept comimg back on me(I used all of these). Tried Organacide out and havent seen them since. If you have any questions feel free to ask. All the above steps are only for veg plants or the first week or two of flower. If you are well into flower, your only real option is bug bombs. If you go that route, be careful. You can blow up your house if you do it wrong. That is not a joke.
The best way is to do a 2-3 round bug bomb. They are aresol cans that fill the room with poison fog. Thig usually gets into most things the mite can get into and kills all mites. the next round of eggs will hatch in 2-3 days and then you bomb again, this should kill the rest, but if you want to be more certain, bomb one last time 2-3 more days after the last. Most grow shops sell them for $12-$30ea. Im not sure the real difference between the cheap and the more expensive though. Here's a link to one to help the search.
But If you set one of these off, make sure everything electrical is off especially lights and fans, because as the gases build, a spark could ignite it. One way around the high buildup is to break off the lock tab that keeps the can spraying and just hold the nozzle down and with only your arm in the room until a decent fog has built up and then just stop and was your hands. Forgot to say, since in flower, I would only remove the worst leaves and and bag them up and get that garbage out of your house. if you are just trying to slow their damage you can still get the organacide and a new sponge. Spray the organacide on the sponge and gently wipe the leaves only, top and bottom. This wont usually get rid of all of them, but may get you through till harvest.
Thanks Integra,

Ya know, I sometimes complain about how much time I put into these grows but I always did make the time. Like you said its amazing how fast it all turn to shit. I fucked these girls up. after flowering the train I removed the heaters and fans I had in there. Then every week I would spray the greencure. Sure I shook the plants a bit to get some water off and ran fans with exhaust but not constantly. My bad.

So as they got weaker from the treatment of mildew I didnt notice. Well a couple spidermites did. Now they moved in. without the fans going constantly like you suggested they only ran while the exhaust was on. At the same time the intake during the winter is very humid. hence mouldy buds.

OK, time to do something about it.
I replaced the heaters and fans and bought a small dehumidifier.
I got it for $40 including shipping.

The pic is a link
Nice find man the only downside is how often you will have to empty the rez on that thing
A 2 cup rez will prob fill up awfully quick
Hey Tom, Good to see your still keppin tabs.
Yea, I looked at the larger ones and went with this because of the size. (and the price) I will be happy to pull out 2 cups a day.
It beats a blank bro.
I plan on running both cabs off one res now. I wont be able to alternate flowering but with all these dispensaries opening up I have access to clones.

Sooo I figure the cost of a real chiller/heater is worth it now I will be using it for two cabs. Heres what I got,

Little under $200 with tax and shipping but it will sure be nice not to have to fuck with the water temp anymore.

But just in case I want to continue a strain I broke down and got a daisy cloner.

They are going for around $65 now but that about did it. I shot my wad for grow stuff for a while.​