Active Member
Here is a step by step guide that I was given on cloning, I'd give the person rep but he is super paranoid and I don't think he'd appreciate it. It is slightly modified.
1. Rockwool
2. Humidity dome and tray
3. Inserts, (I prefer the second to smallest ones that hold 40 per flat, the bigger ones work as well)
4. Clonex or Olivia's rooting gel
5. Sterile sharp scissors
6. Sterile razors, the thinnest ones you can find, you will have to cut vertically into the stem with these
7. Small sterile spary bottle
8. 3 part GH nutes (I use clonex)
9. Small rubber bands to hold rockwool closed, get diff. colors to identify strains
10. Flat cookie sheet with sides (I use an extra flat, though a cookie sheet would work better)
11. Fluorescent lights, shop lights are cheapest look on here and you can figure it out
12. Sterile shot glass or small test tube
13. Sterile water glass
14. Clean kitchen sink (5 gal bucket works)
15. Seedling heat mat
Have everything prepped and ready so this goes smoothly, it may take half an hour longer but will save you 2 weeks by having clones that actually root.
1. Sterilize everything and wash hands really well
2. Lay everything out in order
3. Fill sink with room temp water (chlorinated is ok because it'll work as a disinfectant)
4. Fill test tube with rooting gel (don't dip into bottle, you don't want to contaminate it)
5. Cut rockwool into cubes to fit snugly into inserts, then cut vertically down the cube so that they hinge open. Only cut halfway into them. I am having trouble describing this but you are going to open the cube up, slide the clone into it, then rubber band it closed.
6. Premix nute solution of 1/4 tsp/gal each of GH Grow, Micro, and Bloom and PH to 5.5 (I use half strength Clonex 5 mL/L)
7. Fill the cookie pan a 1/4" with the nute solution
8. (my teacher said that this wasn't required but I presoaked the rockwool cubes in 5.0 ph water for a couple hours before cloning, someone is recommending 6.0 for 24 hrs. your choice)
1. Select cuttings to take and cut from mother
2. Place cuttings in the water in sink
3. Take all cuttings you are going to take from that mother at once
4. Cut big leaves in half
5. Cut the stem at a 45 degree angle under the water (this eliminates the chance of an air bubble forming in the stem, when you have a clone that never dies but never roots this may be the cause)
6. Scrape the outer layer of stem with back of razor. One swipe on each side of the bottom inch or so.
7. Dip stem 1"-2" into test tube with rooting gel
8. Take razor and cut stem vertically 3/4", splitting it into 2 little legs (this gives more surface area for roots to come from)
9. Open up rock wool cube and gently place into slit 3/4 of the way to the bottom
10. Secure with colored rubber band, taking note which color is which strain
11. Stand up in cookie sheet in 1/4" solution, it'll wick up perfect amount into rockwool cube
12. Place cubes into inserts in tray
13. Spray mist into tray, ( I left a glass of water in tray, don't know if it hurts anything but I think it helps keep humidity up)
14. Cover w/dome, and place under 24/hr fluorescent light, on heat mat (I put a towel between mat and tray so it wasn't quite so hot)
15. PATIENCE, will take 3 days 'till bumps start showing where roots will come out
16. Keep dome misted, 100 percent humidity is the goal (twice a day worked for me)
17. In 7-10 days place rockwool cubes back onto cookie sheet with nute solution, put back into insert and back into tray
18. Most varieties take 10-16 days to show roots through the cube
19. Ready to transplant once new growth starts again with lots of roots showing through all sides of cube
20. Keep in 68-72 degree room, because of the heat mat the dome will obviously be warmer
21. (I took dome off after 2 weeks to harden off the clones while I was waiting for room in grow room, teacher didn't say to do this though)
I've taken 3 sets of clones, about 30 in total and have yet to have one not root
1. Rockwool
2. Humidity dome and tray
3. Inserts, (I prefer the second to smallest ones that hold 40 per flat, the bigger ones work as well)
4. Clonex or Olivia's rooting gel
5. Sterile sharp scissors
6. Sterile razors, the thinnest ones you can find, you will have to cut vertically into the stem with these
7. Small sterile spary bottle
8. 3 part GH nutes (I use clonex)
9. Small rubber bands to hold rockwool closed, get diff. colors to identify strains
10. Flat cookie sheet with sides (I use an extra flat, though a cookie sheet would work better)
11. Fluorescent lights, shop lights are cheapest look on here and you can figure it out
12. Sterile shot glass or small test tube
13. Sterile water glass
14. Clean kitchen sink (5 gal bucket works)
15. Seedling heat mat
Have everything prepped and ready so this goes smoothly, it may take half an hour longer but will save you 2 weeks by having clones that actually root.
1. Sterilize everything and wash hands really well
2. Lay everything out in order
3. Fill sink with room temp water (chlorinated is ok because it'll work as a disinfectant)
4. Fill test tube with rooting gel (don't dip into bottle, you don't want to contaminate it)
5. Cut rockwool into cubes to fit snugly into inserts, then cut vertically down the cube so that they hinge open. Only cut halfway into them. I am having trouble describing this but you are going to open the cube up, slide the clone into it, then rubber band it closed.
6. Premix nute solution of 1/4 tsp/gal each of GH Grow, Micro, and Bloom and PH to 5.5 (I use half strength Clonex 5 mL/L)
7. Fill the cookie pan a 1/4" with the nute solution
8. (my teacher said that this wasn't required but I presoaked the rockwool cubes in 5.0 ph water for a couple hours before cloning, someone is recommending 6.0 for 24 hrs. your choice)
1. Select cuttings to take and cut from mother
2. Place cuttings in the water in sink
3. Take all cuttings you are going to take from that mother at once
4. Cut big leaves in half
5. Cut the stem at a 45 degree angle under the water (this eliminates the chance of an air bubble forming in the stem, when you have a clone that never dies but never roots this may be the cause)
6. Scrape the outer layer of stem with back of razor. One swipe on each side of the bottom inch or so.
7. Dip stem 1"-2" into test tube with rooting gel
8. Take razor and cut stem vertically 3/4", splitting it into 2 little legs (this gives more surface area for roots to come from)
9. Open up rock wool cube and gently place into slit 3/4 of the way to the bottom
10. Secure with colored rubber band, taking note which color is which strain
11. Stand up in cookie sheet in 1/4" solution, it'll wick up perfect amount into rockwool cube
12. Place cubes into inserts in tray
13. Spray mist into tray, ( I left a glass of water in tray, don't know if it hurts anything but I think it helps keep humidity up)
14. Cover w/dome, and place under 24/hr fluorescent light, on heat mat (I put a towel between mat and tray so it wasn't quite so hot)
15. PATIENCE, will take 3 days 'till bumps start showing where roots will come out
16. Keep dome misted, 100 percent humidity is the goal (twice a day worked for me)
17. In 7-10 days place rockwool cubes back onto cookie sheet with nute solution, put back into insert and back into tray
18. Most varieties take 10-16 days to show roots through the cube
19. Ready to transplant once new growth starts again with lots of roots showing through all sides of cube
20. Keep in 68-72 degree room, because of the heat mat the dome will obviously be warmer
21. (I took dome off after 2 weeks to harden off the clones while I was waiting for room in grow room, teacher didn't say to do this though)
I've taken 3 sets of clones, about 30 in total and have yet to have one not root