Jack herer, TJ2, Supernova #2, Black Domina, Flash. GROW 2010


Active Member
So ive got some sick strains this time.

I have started a journal before but with all the traveling and such i neglect it and my plants... Now im in a permanent location and ready to grow. So far its up in the
air w/ a very simple setup. Keeping it dirty with soil and organic nutes until i get the males/females sorted out. I'm growing under a 200w CFL (65k for veg of course) until they get a decent size then its on to bigger and brighter. Oh and an outdoor fiesta - il include it in this one. So im really hoping i follow through and show of these awesome canadian strains (well maybe not the Jack herer/Domina dont know if they are canadian? - im growing those because they are sicker than all the kids in Africa) and of course.. get some weed to smoke.


5 Black domina
4 of each - Jack herer, TJ2,
Supernova #2, Flash.

All in paper towels and germinating in baggies

TEMP: 75-80F

I guess thats it.

Comments welcome (not expecting much until they get going):leaf:



Active Member
Something to get it started. A skunk #1 from my second grow. Incredible phenotype that produced about 1-2oz of Sticky, stinky white crystal covered goodness. Words just cant describe..

I wish i still had this mother:leaf:




Active Member
Good news! Seeds have germinated as of last night. Some are still cracking but most are split. Half if not all will be going in starter pots filled with a store bought seed starter mix of compost, peat, perlite and then under the 200w CFL.

How far should i have this CFL from my plants? 12" to start then lower it down?

It's starting!:leaf:



Active Member
Seeds have germinated perfectly except for one which got to wet and died. They are in a seedling mix in pots under the CFL so in a few days i hope to have some seedlings!

My temps are a little low - 70-75 but unfortunately there is little i can do about it. Its still snowing here so hopefully it warms up soon. Daytime temps are 75-80 so it should be ok - fingers crossed.

Lights are on 24/7 and are about 6-8" above the pots.

The pots are new for me - air pruning pots. Really cool looking and only 30$ for 2 whole trays of 12 pots (second picture should properly explain how they work) this way i don't have to keep tossing those flimsy plastic pieces of shit.

Saving the environment one step at a time:leaf:



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Quick update - one has sprouted so by the end of the work day i hope to have some little green seedlings to stare at for hours and hours..:leaf:


Active Member
Congrats. Those pots look interesting. I may have to give those a go.
I get my 215 today so I'm off to look at seeds/clones. I'm gonna sub your thread, i'll only be a couple weeks behind you. :)


Active Member
Oh, and you mentioned african seeds AND jack herer, the very two kinds of bud, along with an LA Confidential, I was looking into. The Mendala seeds, like the Satori, look really good but you hinted that they kind of suck...?


Active Member
Oh, and you mentioned african seeds AND jack herer, the very two kinds of bud, along with an LA Confidential, I was looking into. The Mendala seeds, like the Satori, look really good but you hinted that they kind of suck...?
haha dude it was an expression - sicker than all the kids in africa! get it?

The seeds that i was talking about were JACK HERER and BLACK DOMINA.

JH is a crazy strain and Black Domina i grow because after a few bong hits its bed time which has done wonders for my horrible sleeping patterns.

Mendala seeds dont suck one bit - they are, i believe more geared towards medical cannabis. Medical strains in some cases dont get you fucked up stare in the fridge for hours high but get you in a mental state that allows you to function normally if you were depressed or had some illness or whatever - if you read high times the most recent one featured a strain called kali mist. it doesn't get you super stoned but it in my opinion is an amazing strain to smoke.

Anyways - my advice for choosing strains is to go with what you need to grow for your medical needs then get those other fun ones!

Goodluck with the grow and post a link to your journal and we can compare notes and such.

i gotta head to work but il try and answer anything else you asked later tonight.

Thanks for posting:leaf:


Well-Known Member
You got some great strains man. I grew sensi JH and got some impracticle phenos but i got an indica dominant one that was amazing. Easy to grow, didn't get that tall and it stunk sooo strong and the smell very very nice, the high was potent and a great mix of high and stone. I can't say enough good things about without sounding like i work for sensi lol.
What is TJ2 and flash? If its jack flash i also grew that and it was a hefty yeilder and a great smoke. I almost got black domina but went for jack flash instead so i'm interested to see how it turns out +rep


Active Member
You got some great strains man. I grew sensi JH and got some impracticle phenos but i got an indica dominant one that was amazing. Easy to grow, didn't get that tall and it stunk sooo strong and the smell very very nice, the high was potent and a great mix of high and stone. I can't say enough good things about without sounding like i work for sensi lol.
What is TJ2 and flash? If its jack flash i also grew that and it was a hefty yeilder and a great smoke. I almost got black domina but went for jack flash instead so i'm interested to see how it turns out +rep
Ha, i didnt expect anyone to be posting until i hit flowering!

The other 3 strains (all but JH and Black D) are from a local breeder in ontario, canada. I originally went to a smoke shop to get some Kush seeds and some other big name strains...

The guy who worked there was extremely chill and extremely helpfull and directed me to local strains, and im all about supporting locals over ordering over the web. Anyways he said that strains like chronic, ak, Afghan kush and such were more or less names; Kush means killer which was news to me and he opened my eyes to some things - changed my view on growing for sure.

anyways enough rambling...

Thanks for the post dude and i know, jack h is some bad as weed! cant wait to have my own homegrown to smoke on. Keep an eye on this thread and check out the progress on the local strains - if they are anything close to what the guy said it will be some crazy shit!

oh, any tips for growing jack?

Just a follow up from my mornings post - more seeds have sprouted which is good news! I'll get a picture up in a few days when there all up:leaf:


Active Member
Quick update - almost all seeds have sprouted starting with black d then jack, supernova, flash and im still waiting on the TJ2.

Black Domina i find to germ/sprout the fastest but it has problems transitioning from seedling to veg or from clone to veg. aside from that its a wonderful plant. Amazing for sleep issues and pain - i dropped my fan (metal/plastic fan, heavy as shit) on the top of my foot and it definetly smashed some things up. I rolled a small joint and after that it was like new (well for most of the day anyways). Definetly a strong strain but not as strong as a commercial strain because of 2 things:

it creeps anywhere from 3-10min for the full high to hit then its usually too late for new smokers and some medium/heavy smokers.

The high is so strong after 2 joints or several bong hits it gets hard to stay awake and function so its not very social.

But these downsides are overlooked by the look, dense dark green buds, the smell - its kind of a spicy, salty dried flower type smell and its smooth as water. I hated bongs until this strain (i never owned one for all my smoking years until 2 weeks ago) i can take a huge hit and it feels like cool water running down your throat - truly wonderful but it leads to smoking way to much and kinda melting into the couch:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I just wrote a long detailed reply but my computer went off line for some reason, anyways i can't really give any advice on growing JH coz when i grew it i had 4 different phenos, all very different. the main thing i can say is don't give them strong feed. Take the strength up a little at a time.


Active Member

All but one seed (a TJ2 unfortunately) have sprouted and are nice and green. Im worried about crowding them under the 200w CFL - so i think in 2 weeks they will get put under my 400w MH until i can snip some clones to sex them.

I want to have a a 600w (im picking it up soon!) and my 400w in the flower room an keep my 5 mothers ( maybe 6) under a 200w cfl - is that possible? il need clones every few months.

il get photos when i get home from work:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hi mate, my avatar is a "supposed" JH. Its been under a 600w MH for approx 10 dys and feeding with canna vega. Its only my 2nd attempt at a grow, came across the seeds from a hermi plant possibly x with haze. Since I'm kinda new to this any advice would be appreciated. Thanks


Active Member
So the seedlings received there first real watering today. Straight from the tap as im using well water - rich in Mg and Calcium - low in salts, can i ask for anything better. cant wait until next week when i can start a bit of botanicare pro grow on them.

Il have a picture update soon. just have to find my camera cable:leaf:


Active Member
Seedlings received another watering today. They are just starting there 2nd set of leaves and im still looking for the camera cable. The Super Nova #2 and the Flash are growing the strongest and fastest.

The Jack Herer is tall and spindly - i thought it was the light placement but i have a feeling its just because of the phenotype having more sativa in in it

Il take another look for the cable tonight and hopefully get some photos up:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Its probably a pheno of JH coz one of mine would of been 8 feet if i hadn't of bent it 3 times lol
looking forward to the new pics


Active Member
dude. scrog that jh.
I plan on doing a huge SCOG under 1 400w and 1 600w either of all jack or a mix of some of the strains. gotta wait another month until they are ready to be sexed and cloned. Picture update to follow..

Any idea how big a screen i can do under a 400w + 600w ? and what size of pot? or a link to a guide to SCROG?


Active Member
So this is just a picture update from the second, third and then a closeup of the Flash seedlings (from today - the 4th) which are growing the fastest out of them all.

Not Much going on - I'm working on the permanent grow room so when its ready I will get some pictures up.

Enjoy the seedlings:leaf: