I was reading this article here and I don' t fully understand a part of it, English is not my first language.
Here is the part I' m struggling with
"Simply put...
Top off daily with *half strength nutrients, alternating days topping up with plain water. Change the entire reservoir with fresh solution every ten days to two weeks. (*half the strength of your current new reservior starting strength)"
What do they mean by "topping off and topping up daily
How do I do that
Also struggling with "half strength nutrients and the alternating days topping up with plain water. Anyone who could ex-plane it to me please....
Any help would be greatly appreciated

Here is the part I' m struggling with
"Simply put...
Top off daily with *half strength nutrients, alternating days topping up with plain water. Change the entire reservoir with fresh solution every ten days to two weeks. (*half the strength of your current new reservior starting strength)"
What do they mean by "topping off and topping up daily

Any help would be greatly appreciated