Botanicare questions

So I am using the entire Botanicare line and following their feeding schedule. The results so far have been awesome but I am now at week 7on the schedule and according to this I am supposed to discontinue using the pro bloom solution and start using the pro soil solution until harvest. I noticed that the soil solution has less Nitrogen in it. Does anyone have experience with this?? Can I just continue using the pro bloom until harvest????


Well-Known Member
You had to of read the directions wrong.
At least 10 days before harvest, stop all nutes, flush with 3 times the amount of water to the size of the pot.
After flushing, when the soil gets dry just water with normal amounts until you harvest, I like to give my plants two full weeks after the flush before I harvest, you get a cleaner, smoother smoke.


Active Member
i have been using the botanicare line for over 10 guessing you are on week 7 of flowering based on you said you were using bloom ferts. if thats the case than it all depends on when you plan to harvest, you need to stop bloom ferts 2 weeks before you harvest, and continue to flush with plain phd water and you can also use a micronutrient such as liquid karma if you wanted to. hope this answers you question feel free to ask more...


Well-Known Member
Botanicare works fine, there is no need to add nitrogen the the nutes.

Just buy the soil formula and make sure you get cal/mag.


Active Member
hey big burn... Im using:

Botanicare Pure Blend Pro grow Veg Formula 3-2-4 (used during veg)

Botanicare Pure Blend soil formula Pro Bloom 1-4-5 (using now during flowering) during 1st week of 12/12 I used half and half as directed on forums and on the label)

Im confused.... the label says to use every watering and the NPK values seem low compared to some other nutes im seeing in other threads.... and these growers are using feed water water feed method....

Can you clarify a good feeding schedule with these nutes?


Well-Known Member
it doesn't matter how high the nutrient numbers are, all that matters is the ratio.

Just follow the feeding schedule as directed, I feed every watering with no issues


Well-Known Member
I'll say it one more time, feed as the feeding schedule recommends.
If you see signs of nute burn back off, but I haven't had problems with it.


Active Member
the reason im so skeptical is because i have researched this over and over and theres probably 25 threads with people saying use half strength nutes and on another forum someone told me my plant looked nute-burned..... Which I dont think is the case. I think you are right and if you use these same nutes in soil at FULL strength... then why shouldnt I?


Well-Known Member
i use the bonticare line in flower as follows 20ml bloom 10ml sweet 10ml karma and i foliar feed with humoldts countys snow storm ultra she looks nice but no cam so no pics :wall:


Well-Known Member
I find there feeding schedule a little confusing. I use the pro blend bloom soil. I use promix BX and My local hydroponics shop said only use the one for soil. The feeding schedule for it shows about 4 weeks that I should be using the hydro formula and not the soil formula after the grow formula before finishing off with the soil formula. I did some reaserch online and found most places saying that is the hydo formula and not the one for soil/soilless mixes and that I should be using 25ml - 30ml per 4 liters of water every feeding. I use RO water and as per instructions I also add 5ml of Cal Mag. I have problems that look like a combination of nute burn and a phos. def. I flushed my plants and they seem a little better but not much. I've sent multiple e-mails to botanicare asking questions and have not been able to get a response from them over the last month. They have horrible customer service. I have half my garden on botanicare (wanted to go organic) and half on DNF (synthetic - i know not as good, but great results and never a problem so until I get the organics down I'll keep half my crop this way). The DNF side is perfect lush and looks great. I hope when I buy the liquid karma it helps. I'm thinking I need a catalyst to just let the plant run better. Anyways, bottom line does anyone know what the correct feeding schedule for the soil mix is? is 25ml/4 liters and 5ml of cal mag right?

Also what do you guys think of the sweet? is it worth adding? I've been trying to figure it out and I'm not sure which one to use. I've gotten mixed reviews from people I've asked.




Well-Known Member
thanks skefaman. |I was wondering though, what is the difference between the 3? I heard that the citrus was for indoor orange and lemon trees. I've also heard that all 3 are for everything. I haven't gotten a straight answer yet e-mail botanicare a few times with no response yet.


Well-Known Member
thanks skefaman. |I was wondering though, what is the difference between the 3? I heard that the citrus was for indoor orange and lemon trees. I've also heard that all 3 are for everything. I haven't gotten a straight answer yet e-mail botanicare a few times with no response yet.
i havnt really noticed a differance other than the aromas but i like to use the berry tho smells better imo