Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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Well-Known Member
I am ready to put them up.....but my gallery is full and I don't know how to delete them from my gallery??


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen:well....it only took a couple of metaphysiciscs and several astrobiophysics degrees to figure out how to do this without hurting myself....but here we gooooooooo!..........:mrgreen: this is the top44 plant that is today....ahhhh....19 days from sprout...and has a HUGE smile on her face lovin' the new dig, and feeling rather uppity about it all!!:peace::mrgreen::blsmoke::hump:



Well-Known Member
Cool, I bet in the next week she doubles her size. She has had a good start and should grow from strength to strength(specially with the new light). My lady at that age was half the size and wilted, my fault, but look at her now. So I can just imagine what yours will grow into. How long you gonna veg for?


Well-Known Member
opppss....was that a faux pas? yo pueda agradar ofrece mi la mayoría humilde de disculpas. Yo no quise ofender a cualquiera.
we're all wishing.....its a state of mind many of us just will never achieve......tell where can I find myself a cat like that....that's so totally cool.:peace:
Stoners... ha I wish:blsmoke:

So when we getting these pics?

hahahahahaha....yea...well, next time read my freakin mind ok....hehehehehehe :blsmoke: :mrgreen:
Excuuuuse us, How were we supposed to know you had company?.lol. boot them and put them damn pics up:mrgreen:

Stoners Unite!
ok ok ok.....now I have generated familial unrest....OMFFG.....what I do for my obsession....I mean passion...I mean....f*ck, what do I mean....sh*t, why am I asking this crew....? they just told me to kick my familial relations out the door into -25C and a windchill of -32C.....did someone say its friggin cold? ....gee ya think! :blsmoke: I need a toke REALLY REALLY bad!
Well at least you have the verbiage correct. "Impatient Stoners".

Come on.....push 'em out the door and start posting them pics :) :)


Well-Known Member
hey man...thanks for coming in...I was sure I had pissed all my friends....well we'll just leave her as long as she goes until she tells me shes likes to be tickled in the right places....or she fesses up and tells me she actually has balls!! :mrgreen: I can see the preflowers starting but have no experience how long it will take from here? obviously I also have a height limitation of 42"....but she is sooo bushy and stout right now, I'm not sure that will be an issue. I am very pleased with the way she looks right now.
Cool, I bet in the next week she doubles her size. She has had a good start and should grow from strength to strength(specially with the new light). My lady at that age was half the size and wilted, my fault, but look at her now. So I can just imagine what yours will grow into. How long you gonna veg for?


Well-Known Member
oh... thanks man...I really appreciate the kudos....I am really happy!....she's like 8" tall and almost 20" wide (she's in a 5 gal pot), with so many freakin branches I can't even make them all out...there are huge side branches coming out everywhere.


Well-Known Member
well we'll just leave her as long as she goes until she tells me shes likes to be tickled in the right places Sounds good to me:mrgreen:

or she fesses up and tells me she actually has balls!! Just imagine:confused:
But seriously, If she is already preflowering then maybe it would be safe to start flowering?? I mean you got to think of the space, I'm not sure about TOP44 but from what I've read she will almost double in size when flowering I think, I know mine hasn't slowed down at all yet. If anything it seems to be growing quicker:mrgreen: But then again you could veg for a week or 2 more and get more yield, ahhh damn choices hey:peace:


Well-Known Member
choice choices....I know exactly what you mean....i guess I am just gonna wait another week prolly at most...in a way I feel sort dumb...cuz its barely gonna be three weeks vegeing which just seems like it so short...and then supposed to finish in 44 days?...and ur right....if she grw like this in the first 21 days....what the frig is she gonna look like in another 44?


Well-Known Member
I'm having trouble reading your mind tahoe, my minds eye did not show me that your guests were family relations, however I do see great success in your future .. hold on I'm seeing something else, I can't quite make it out, something that appears bushy and it's only getting bushier, ok it's getting more clear .. wait it's gone, damn it I need to work on my mind reading skills .. wait a minute, it's back, it's now showing me a healthy bushy plant, ok now it's getting even bushier .. BOOM!! holy crap that scared me, tahoe your grow box door is going to explode with over growth.... watch out! your girl sexy is fatter than my bushy was at that age, I can only imagine how big she's going to get.

Good shit, I can't wait to see her in a week, although you'll probably see a huge difference way before then, keep up the great work...


Well-Known Member
Morning Tahoe
I see ya traded in the LADA for a Maclaren F1... that`s a hell of a jump bro.
Good for you bud, if I could, I would too.
Lets get another closeup of that top, see if we can make he/she out.


Well-Known Member
g'mornin' man. thanks... yup...the Mclaren F1 is my MOST favorite car in the world!....did you know the P11 is on the drawing board, and CAR mag profiled the new car against the Scuderia in their latest issue (CAR Magazine - Carmagazine.co.uk) Anywho...I'll prolly get a chance to take some pics again this AM.....maybe I'll go do that in a few minutes....thanks for coming by...


Well-Known Member
I looked in on my most advanced plant (Top44) this morning again...as much to monitor her response to the new supersetup....but also to keep checking on sexing structures.

First of all, she seems to have adapted to this new enviro very well. new growth conitunes to be very robust and substantial. With the very first signs of preflower (e, and the circumstances with the new superset up...and the fact she won't fit into the vege chamber (a direct function of the 5 gal pail she's in) I put her into the flowering chamber....and that means 12/12 as of Thursday night. I acknowledge that I have pushed this, but circumstances what they are....I don't think it will make a huge difference....might extend the finishing time somewhat I suppose. But she's well developed full bushy, and healthy (like I said lasat night 8" tall and 20" across) with branches coming out from everywhere!

the other three girls (BigBud) the ones that I had to separate have been placed in the vege chamber (125W cfl) and will be left in there likely for some time. the separation process did knock them back...but their new growth that resumed within 24-48 hours of separation has also been substantial. I did lose some of the larger fan leaves, so my guess is I prolly lost a week with them as a result of waiting to do that separation for so long. lesson learned. I will post pics of them again as they more fully develop, but I am very pleased with my decision to separate them, and with the current status, they are healthy and growing extremely well, stout, robust, and flourishing.

The sexing of the Top44 does not seem to be progressing that much? I was going to put up some photos but I had to look so frickin close and still really couldn't see so I just said I'd leave it alone for now...and post so of thismornings pics of what she looks like in all her glory!....I also reposted he two best pre-flowiering pics that are highly cropped and focused on what I could fins on Nov. 29 (two days ago...)




Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Hey Tahoe, sounds good to me. I like the bushy plants myself, more smaller colas. The sexing is hard eh? I can't wait to experiment with that. Keep on growin. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
heh....Chiceh...thanks....I am pretty excited....its been cool so far......though I am thinking it would be neat to do some more sativa based....cuz I'm thinking I want the energetic high more....I need to learn a lot more about strains and their individual characteristics....all in time....all in time. thanks again for coming by...hope you have a gr8 day!


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
heh....Chiceh...thanks....I am pretty excited....its been cool so far......though I am thinking it would be neat to do some more sativa based....cuz I'm thinking I want the energetic high more....I need to learn a lot more about strains and their individual characteristics....all in time....all in time. thanks again for coming by...hope you have a gr8 day!
Oh Sativas are my favorite too :mrgreen:. I did lots of research on that myself beforing ordering seeds. Some of the seed companies on line have great desrciptions of the strains. I bought from Nirvana, purely based on the description of the strains. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
oh yeah...and I forgot to mention, I am also amazed at the odour management of the new unit....the Top44 is starting to have a reasonably noticeable aroma...like when you stick your head in the cab.....hmmmmmmmmm....but with the integrated filter on the unit....no a hint of any smell.

I have also not had the chance yet to hook up the CO2 injection (1600ppm)....so there remain some things for me to still take care up to get the beast up to full running order.


Well-Known Member
hahahahahaha Hum...thanks for that narrative...interesting thought...so your's was a great plant though right! if I remember correctly. I guess maybe I really am in for a treat!.......thanks again...I'll keep posting. As I mentioned, I put the other girls into the vege chamber and let them do their thing - those are the BigBud....the more advanced one (Top44) I have put into the flowering chamber already....you know...I just looked up the bulb that is in there....its a 400W Orsama Plantastar enhanced HPS - interestingly, the colour temp is just 2000K (55,000 lumens).....I need to read a lttle more about this....all that we're currently discussing in Trichomes, THC and UVB light..... and The Evolution of the Trichome and Red And Blue Light. and Been a Long Time Coming ~ Been a long Time Gone is making me really think long and hard about this light aspect of growing....intensity, colur, photoperiod...etc. sooo much fun learning so much all over again! take care and we'll keep you posted!!:blsmoke:

I'm having trouble reading your mind tahoe, my minds eye did not show me that your guests were family relations, however I do see great success in your future .. hold on I'm seeing something else, I can't quite make it out, something that appears bushy and it's only getting bushier, ok it's getting more clear .. wait it's gone, damn it I need to work on my mind reading skills .. wait a minute, it's back, it's now showing me a healthy bushy plant, ok now it's getting even bushier .. BOOM!! holy crap that scared me, tahoe your grow box door is going to explode with over growth.... watch out! your girl sexy is fatter than my bushy was at that age, I can only imagine how big she's going to get.

Good shit, I can't wait to see her in a week, although you'll probably see a huge difference way before then, keep up the great work...
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