Thought I'd chuck a few pictures on here just to liven things up a bit while the weed dry's

I made some flapjacks, or as i have called them, FlapBangs!

Some of the smaller buds are dryer than the thicker ones so I have removed these from the gang and trimmed em' up and placed them upright in jars, with the lids off..

They smell great! They have changed from a fresh, mouthwatering peach smell to a very spicy, thick peach smell!

I love me a spicy weed!

The buds I thought were moldy are fine, a little bit airy but they smell great too, even though I quick dryed them!... although they took as long as the others did to dry!..
Well, technically they're not 'dry' yet anyway, just ready for the jar's, opened jars for now, then i'll start closing them up tomorow and burping etc.. ect..
The curing buds are banging

They smell like a cheesy apple! Every time I pop My jar the smell fills the room!

I gave my friend some (for a small donation to the 'help the grow4joe organisation

) and he loves it! :

I still need to get myself a few new jars though!
First two pics are of one of the smaller buds that came down from the hanging rack tonight..

(i say its small, its not actually that small!

just small in comparison to the others)
The rest are of the flapbang's i made!

I had some trim left over from the cookies, 4.5grams, so I added about 1.5 grams of bud to it..
I roughly ground the bud up with my fingers as I put it in my ceramic pot grinder. (if anyone can jog my memory as to what it's real name is, that would be much appreciated..

I then ground it down even more finely, picking out any big bits of stalk. Then I added the rest of the trim and gave it another go with the grinder. I mixed up my flapjack mix with 3tbls of water, 60grams of melted butter and added my ground up weed. I mixed this up for a minute and then placed the mix into a small oven dish lined with baking paper. I placed the oven dish in the pre-heated gas mark 4 oven for 25minutes or until the edges were golden brown. I then split it into six pieces while it was still warm and covered the top with a thin layer of melted milk chocolate and left it to sit in the dish until the chocolate had cooled..
Bon Appetit