Some Photos I Took : )


Well-Known Member
I wish my city was as scenic as yours. Nice photography, they look like magazine photos.
Some people take it for granted though, T. I love gets my imagination running.

Here is the pic of the blurb I took on the barge. Check the nick of those people pulling it!! ffs, sack that for a game of soldiers!:shock:




New Member
Enjoying the B/W change up.

My camera is down since my holiday visitors came laden with wires for the kids toys, and accidentally scooped up my charger upon their exit. I'm waiting for it in the post like a cat waits for a mouse to emerge from the hole. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Enjoying the B/W change up.

My camera is down since my holiday visitors came laden with wires for the kids toys, and accidentally scooped up my charger upon their exit. I'm waiting for it in the post like a cat waits for a mouse to emerge from the hole. :lol:
Nooooo, how frustrating....I blame the parents, hahaha. But then I am a big kid:shock:.

Looking forward to enjoying those scenic shots again, CJ.


New Member
Yah, spring is already here... :wink:

My lord, both sets of parents who visited this year had a suitcase full of electronics and WIRES ... lots of wires. My house looked like spaghetti for weeks.

Now I miss my wire. :lol: darn kids!!


Well-Known Member
Quite amazing actually, I have adaptors in my house that I just look at and think, wtf did that come from?

It's the only way to keep children "seen and not heard" these days, shove something electronic in front of them....I was constantly being told when I was young, "Children should be seen and not heard"....and I spent most of my time at the park and not at home. These days kids can't go 10 metres without supervision so it's our own making I yeh, blame it on the parents...


New Member
I love the part in "Benjamin Button" where Button tells the Captain he didn't know his Dad.

The Captain takes a pause and stares at him before saying ... "you lucky bastard.... let me tell you about my old man".... classic!!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Very good film indeed. Need to watch it again actually.

We just watched Invictus recently, great film and, Mandela what a very clever man!


New Member
GD that movie.... though I suppose it's not the films fault.

I have started to watch that film 4 times now and for one reason or another have not been able to watch it all the way through ... like a curse.

But I keep going back to it.... it is that good. yes...Mandela was an idealist tempered by reality.


Well-Known Member
I agree, it does look like a ye olde Dutch vrouw....They would have probably lived on that barge permanently. You see the sand barges these days, they travel around with cars on them, they are basically peoples homes.

These are obviously not my pics, but boy I liked them.....what is it with the internet, I started to read some of the comments and just thought, why do people have to be so bloody negative towards things...Anyway, I thought they were fantastic, shot 22 had me in stitches, and shot 25 just looks gay (sorry to be rude to homo's, just looked funny!)