Whats The Smoothest Bong hit you've done


Alright i made a 5 chamber bong, pop bottles of course. i stashed water in the biggest one for the base and 4 others had ice in it filled to the top. i had piping in it so it would rise up into the ice and then after it went through every chamber it was like breathing in vapor that tickled your throat. now this was my first time ever smoking pot so im holding it in and im laughing my ass of about nothing. walking around calling friends and im going in and out of realities and im like... FUCK I NEED TO THROW THIS AWAY!!! so now i only remember how to make it and i dont got enough pop bottles to make another :cuss:

so post your best and how you did it!:bigjoint:

im out bongsmilie bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
It's silly for anyone to try to assume someones age based on how they choose to write their post. That's not even close to strong enough evidence he is underage.


Active Member
Kids shouldn't smoke pot.

Kids def shouldn't grow it.
i would much rather a kid smoking pot . then going out and huffing paint or poping pills whats the difference from a kid growing pot and an adult growing pot ? age aint nothing but a number.


Well-Known Member
about five years ago at a friends house who just bought an expensive multi chambered tall glass bong (Roor i think). The bowl piece on it had two seperate chambers with water (diffuser?), like a "double bubbler" before it ever even reached the bong. Then the smoke was sucked through the water in the base of the bong, then even one more level of water (like a perculator) in the base of the stem (like another diffuser i guess). But hold on, then the stem had a couple layers of thin M shaped tubing inside that the smoke traveled through, with the first tubing layer having a water barrier for the smoke to travel through yet again. Then the last half of the stem had an ice catch, so the remaining 15cm or so were just ice. One hit, sitting on a couch, and it felt like my legs (even tho planted on the ground in chair position) were floating up. looked similar to this bong i googled

When I am able to smoke again, it will be out of one of these


Active Member
i dont know if its the smoothest ever but I have a three liter hooka top gb with a socket on the top and a glass screen.

so awesome, air tight and it even filters through the water until it is pulled too high:weed:


Well-Known Member
It's silly for anyone to try to assume someones age based on how they choose to write their post. That's not even close to strong enough evidence he is underage.
Dude can't afford empty pop bottles to make his five piece bong, and yet has internet access. I'm gonna go ahead and say he's 12.


Active Member
I'm the absolute furthest thing from the police, but I give a shit. I'm not comfortable hanging out and discussing my business with children.
well i dont know what kind of business your talking about on here but if u dont want a kid to see it i wouldent talk about it online anyody can see it no matter who they are.. and hes not asking you to hangout.. its the internet anyody can use it.. no matter if your 18 or 8 .


Well ill tell you right now i'm not 12. I don't give out my age but you can go shove one. Also id rather have my children smoke pot than anything. At least they're not doing meth or something along the lines. You sir amuse me with your thought but sorry to burst your bubble. Lets keep this thread on topic shall we?

There happy I spell checked everything for you?


Well-Known Member
you know, i can understand where d.s.m is coming from. this site is a place for people 18 and older. i come here specifically to speak with other adults, not teenagers. the internet may be available to everyone, any age, but this site is not. websites have rules, and by joining the site people have to agree to the rules. its not that i dont think that people under 18 should use pot, i couldnt care less what someone else does, and like others have said, its better than the alternatives. but *this site* is for adults 18 and over, and thats all there is too it.

now, back on topic, the smoothest bong hits i've had are from a buddy's perc. I love it...and then they'll add ice and diffuser stem and stuff to make it that much smoother. percs are great bongs...when i have the extra 200 bucks im going to invest in a good one. i dont want to buy just a small one to save money, if im going to buy one, i might as well make it a good one :D


interesting story's everyone. Love the pic of the bong by the way. this weekend my friend is driving over for a party. Kush and his bong with a bit of ice sounds good to me!