Cheers freflyte! That's called "community service!" Thanks for all the great advice. If you have some time...I could use a few pointers with my new vertical grow.
The main item that I do that is not the "normal" method of growing. That is I "spin" each plant on a turntable that revolves at about one RPM. Then you need to add a side light to promote the side growth, this is the growth that is normally cut off.
I put on a video of the "Spinners" in action:
Actually this is the best light distribution that one can do, some of the advantages are:
1. Because the plant turns the leaves can not burn no matter how close the light is to the leaves. So this means that you can bring the light right up next to but not touching the hot bulb.
2. Because the plant is rotating the branches will get very long from the bottom, I have had branches over three feet long. They are also full of bud, I pull at least 30% from the bottom of the plant.
To sum it up, rotate your girls. Some of the experimenting that I have done is to start the little ones directly into the grow pot (I use a #10 Smart pot). Then start them rotating only with the overhead light for a couple of weeks. Afterwords I turn on the side light for another few weeks.
This will promote the growth from your lower branches (the ones that normally get trimmed off). Then that is when I put in a center stake to tie the long side branches to the stake. Also if you turn off the side light after this the lower branches will stretch toward the light.
I have been hand making the "Spinners" but need to get them produced so they will not be too expensive to sell to the folks..... working on that.
As far as the AFF they have all been vegged with it producing some excellent veg growth. The AFF Bloom is not quite up to others so my next grow will use some growth enhancer like Kool Bloom. This has saved me quite a few dollars and have produced very well for me.