Colorado Med Growers, Unite


You're right, the cost for all those seized plants and lost business is going to end up being footed by the taxpayers if the dispensary had all it's paperwork in order. Some of you may be familiar with chain of head shops called "Freakies"- When the DEA raided them10+ years ago, seized all their inventory and then refused to return it after losing in court the company owners just turned around and took the entire value of the items seized as a tax write off. This dispensary should be able to do the same thing(as long as they win in court), and since there is a precedent case which valued each plant at $2000 that's the figure I'd use. 536 x 2000=1,072,000 worth of tax writes off, and thats not even counting the write off's for any growing equipment the Fed's seized as well. As long as they've got a good lawyer who can get them off on the Federal charges they won't lose a penny in the long run.
Dollar signs are the only things that these people understand. The state looses a few more cases and pays a few more settlements we will see some changes in the attitude of district attorneys and law enforcement. It sucks that we as the tax payers wind up paying the bills for this stuff (btw, the county got of light on Masters, a jury would have given him double that) but it's a small price to pay if we get a little bit of decorum and respect for the constitution out of our officials.
i dont think they will get off because anything over 99 plants is a federal crime dont matter if its mmj or swagg. They will need a good (great) lawyer

All depends on whether they are actually prosecuted or not. Supposedly the DOJ isn't supposed to be prosecuting cases involving dispenaries in states where MMJ is legal if they are in compliance with the state laws, so just because the DEA busted them doesn't mean that the DOJ lawyers are going to go ahead with pressing charges. If this dispensary has all its paperwork in order and was obeying Colorado law and the DOJ goes ahead and prosecutes anyway then it's a clear signal that Obama's memo telling them to lay off the dispensaries wasn't worth the paper it was written on.

All depends on whether they are actually prosecuted or not. Supposedly the DOJ isn't supposed to be prosecuting cases involving dispenaries in states where MMJ is legal if they are in compliance with the state laws, so just because the DEA busted them doesn't mean that the DOJ lawyers are going to go ahead with pressing charges. If this dispensary has all its paperwork in order and was obeying Colorado law and the DOJ goes ahead and prosecutes anyway then it's a clear signal that Obama's memo telling them to lay off the dispensaries wasn't worth the paper it was written on.

Yah it still means Obama is a liar IMO. They don't prosecute or arrest anyone, AND sometimes they don't even have a warrant!!!

They call them "smash and grab" raids because the DEA just comes in takes cash and anything else they can auction off. I'm not sure what type of raid this is yet but the raid on the Lab was a good example of "smash and grab".

Seems to make it a little silly for the state to want dispensaries to grow 90% of their own meds . . . obviously the DEA would rather the supply end remain underground.

Yeah, raids like this are a pain in the ass, but if no charges are filed the business has every right to write off every penny of the losses the raid caused them on their taxes. You'll probably get audited over it, but an IRS audit really isn't a big deal if you've got all your books done properly and have all the documentation to back up the books in order and available.
I'm getting really tired of people just moving here for the opportunity to take advantage of's probably part of the reason we have to have so many regulations...stay in your own fucking state and grow fuckers i've lived here my whole life and only now are people flooding in trying to eat up this idea they can finally be free and able to do whatever they want with no problems...sorry people but im colorado proud and your fucking with my state and the people that were here first and screwing their dreams up too...there's a reason why we are legal and your state isn't WE THE COLORADO(emphasize the coloradan) voters took it upon ourselves for ourselves and now everyone thinks that its a good thing for them too...Im just tired of hearing about everyone moving here and trying to get a job as a bud trimmer or a grower or they just want to get their card Leave it to the locals and the people who made the law jesus and maybe if your lucky your lazy stoners in your state will vote this way too...

It's not the same for California Everyone and their grandma moves there to "Make it Big" so Cali is full of the dreamers and wannabes that come from all over and they are use to that...I love this state and I just get pissed seeing it being used like its a two dollar hooker for those that want to try and make a business out of marijuana out of it...before hand these people didn't give two shits about this state or coming here...and the only reason that they are is because they want to do this legally...sounds like your using my state as a tool and you can FUCK OFF!

i would like to start off by saying FUCK YOU! im out here to make money and supply meds, thats all there is to it. i support local business with the money i make..MMJ is a long way off where im from...sorry i wanna live somewhere where that i dont have to worry about my door gettin kicked down.

im all about the cause too. 100% support it. last time i checked this was the USA and i have every right to move where i want. you just sound jealous cuz ur grow prolly aint half as big..

i know kids out here that were from non medical states that were good at what they did and huge out there..this is just the place for people like us. thanks for voting and making it that way for us.
i would like to start off by saying FUCK YOU! im out here to make money and supply meds, thats all there is to it. i support local business with the money i make..MMJ is a long way off where im from...sorry i wanna live somewhere where that i dont have to worry about my door gettin kicked down.

im all about the cause too. 100% support it. last time i checked this was the USA and i have every right to move where i want. you just sound jealous cuz ur grow prolly aint half as big..

i know kids out here that were from non medical states that were good at what they did and huge out there..this is just the place for people like us. thanks for voting and making it that way for us.

Thanks for proving my point you out of state dick head and cheese piss off

Yeah, raids like this are a pain in the ass, but if no charges are filed the business has every right to write off every penny of the losses the raid caused them on their taxes. You'll probably get audited over it, but an IRS audit really isn't a big deal if you've got all your books done properly and have all the documentation to back up the books in order and available.

I think you are missing the point Ed. What the DEA is doing is ILLEGAL and losses go WAY beyond just monetary.

If you and I went around doing this we would be arrested for burglary. To say that burglary is ok because the business can "write it off" is rather short sighted.

Where is the outrage from the patients? Where are the protesters? If we don't start getting active and united this type of thing is going to be more and more common.

We have started an advocacy organization and newsletter (Red Moon Chronic-le) here on the Western Slope. Call your local advocacy group! Volunteer, make a donation, but don't hide and think this is not going to effect you.:peace:
Im a colorado grower representing fort collins if your ever in town check out natures medicince its really nice and prices are great along with A+ grade bud check them out at

They are trying to fuck us here in Fort Collins with zoning regulations basically making home grows impossible within city limits, and ive heard possibly through out the state.


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I don't disagree that the DEA is breaking the state laws and are at the very least violating their instructions in regards to federal law, but until some people start winning court judgements against the assholes there isn't really any other way (that I'm aware of) to recover any of the losses that they've caused you besides taking the tax write offs. It's not perfect, but it's better then nothing.

It would be nice if the clowns in Washington would rein in these over zealous regional field agents (or better yet, fire them), but it's becoming increasingly obvious that nobody is really in charge and that most government agencies are doing whatever they feel like doing. The DEA can't seem to make up it's mind how it wants to deal with MMJ, and I suspect that there are a lot of behind the scenes power struggles going on over what rules and policies the agency should take. Since the big bosses can't make up their minds it leaves the field wide open for local agents like the one we've got to run wild.

I personally think this local agent that stirring up all the shit is a publicity hound. He reminds me of a district attorney that wants everyone to know how he took on crime and won because he knows it will help him get elected to some cushy political position. It's interesting that on one day he was talking about how every dispensary in the state was in violation of federal law and that one of these days they were going to come in and shut them all down, but just a few days later he was talking about how they weren't declaring a war on dispensaries or legitimate growers. Now true, he may have gotten a call from someone at the home office telling him to tone down the rhetoric, but to me it sounds more like a budding politician trying to cater to both sides of the aisle by tailoring his speech to what his audience wants to hear. I still think he's an idiot, but I think he's motivated by political gain, not by some moral need/duty to enforce the federal MJ laws.
Fort Collins:

Natures Med is a good outfit. They have several locations now. Drew and Rich both know their shit. They have some of my stuff on the shelf :) .

The place up off of Elizabeth and Shields is cool. Open till 10pm and later if you call them. One of my good friends in the community is a partner up there and he is great at what he does (genetics).

Hit me up if you want/need any inroads anywhere. :bigjoint:
Keep in mind that the DEA only did the highlands ranch raid (9 news guy). The raid on apothecary was state. State officials cant enforce federal law.
Doog, Thanks for the info- I wasn't aware that the raid on apothecary was by the state. That really changes the situation, since all they need to do is prove they were in compliance with the state laws. I just hope they have all their paper work in order, since that's going to make a major difference in whether or not charges get pressed.

I don't disagree that the DEA is breaking the state laws and are at the very least violating their instructions in regards to federal law, but until some people start winning court judgements against the assholes there isn't really any other way (that I'm aware of) to recover any of the losses that they've caused you besides taking the tax write offs. It's not perfect, but it's better then nothing.

It would be nice if the clowns in Washington would rein in these over zealous regional field agents (or better yet, fire them), but it's becoming increasingly obvious that nobody is really in charge and that most government agencies are doing whatever they feel like doing. The DEA can't seem to make up it's mind how it wants to deal with MMJ, and I suspect that there are a lot of behind the scenes power struggles going on over what rules and policies the agency should take. Since the big bosses can't make up their minds it leaves the field wide open for local agents like the one we've got to run wild.

I personally think this local agent that stirring up all the shit is a publicity hound. He reminds me of a district attorney that wants everyone to know how he took on crime and won because he knows it will help him get elected to some cushy political position. It's interesting that on one day he was talking about how every dispensary in the state was in violation of federal law and that one of these days they were going to come in and shut them all down, but just a few days later he was talking about how they weren't declaring a war on dispensaries or legitimate growers. Now true, he may have gotten a call from someone at the home office telling him to tone down the rhetoric, but to me it sounds more like a budding politician trying to cater to both sides of the aisle by tailoring his speech to what his audience wants to hear. I still think he's an idiot, but I think he's motivated by political gain, not by some moral need/duty to enforce the federal MJ laws.

Good insight there Ed. I still think it is vitally important that the community unite and organize so that the people overall are better legally represented. Lawsuits are often brought on the state by groups of people rather than individuals due to the prohibitive costs in our legal system. Also the state is less likely to prosecute a large well represented population.

Doog do you know why the state raided the dispensary?
Thanks Doog, good to hear that the new got it wrong. I don't know what Adams county has against MMJ though. I live in Adams, and they are just shooting themselves in the foot by not allowing dispensaries.

I think most of the cities and counties that are banning dispensaries are being very shortsighted, because most of them really, really need all the tax revenue they can get. Between sales taxes, business license fee's, fire department fee's, police fee's, etc the cities are forfeiting hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of revenues, and it just doesn't make any sense. Instead of taking in the revenues themselves they are sending their residents to other cities to buy their MMJ, and it's those other cities that are reaping all the economic benefits. Call me silly, but allowing dispensaries seems like a no brainer to me unless you're in one of this rich ass neighborhoods where they don't need the tax revenue and are more concerned about preserving the "quality" (whatever that is) of the area.
Thanks Doog, good to hear that the new got it wrong. I don't know what Adams county has against MMJ though. I live in Adams, and they are just shooting themselves in the foot by not allowing dispensaries.

I think most of the cities and counties that are banning dispensaries are being very shortsighted, because most of them really, really need all the tax revenue they can get. Between sales taxes, business license fee's, fire department fee's, police fee's, etc the cities are forfeiting hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of revenues, and it just doesn't make any sense. Instead of taking in the revenues themselves they are sending their residents to other cities to buy their MMJ, and it's those other cities that are reaping all the economic benefits. Call me silly, but allowing dispensaries seems like a no brainer to me unless you're in one of this rich ass neighborhoods where they don't need the tax revenue and are more concerned about preserving the "quality" (whatever that is) of the area.

Most of these people against the dispensaries are also completely uneducated red neck alchohalics who probably live next to a liquor store but think its so terrible if a dispesary is up the street. Lol this one time i went to this shitty town called Dacono and its a freaking war there with the trailer trash hill billys and the dispensary owner. When i walked out some fat drunk red neck yelled "I'm not havin no bunch of fuckin stoners working across from me." The funny thing is he was drunk and very stupid and the town is shit because of its populace. I personaly am glad i do not have to deal with dumb asses who can't even read but yet they think they have every right to be involved in political issues. I don't know, but I'm pretty sure us so called "stoners" with college degrees opinions are more valid then theses drunk idiots rants. Should an uneducated opinion even matter because i consider any statement made with out research worthless. Good thing for us though the only place you really have to worry about these bastards opinions mattering is in shitty little towns that don't even know how to better them selves because everywhere else they are laughed at for their ignorance.

The people that really drive me nuts are the ones that smoked MJ a few times as a teenager and think that they know everything about it. The first few times you get stoned it hits you like a ton of bricks because your body has nevered encountered this particular combination of chemicals before and doesn't know how to purge it. Thing is, they didn't smoke long enough for their body to get used to it, so they think every time you take 3 hits you're going to end up with couch lock and perma grin. Trying to explain to those types that a seasoned smokers body doesn't react the same way and that someone can be stoned but not act like it can be an uphill battle.