• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The president who cried wolf


Illegal Smile

Obama just can't let go of Obamacare can he? Now he's back to his OMG we can't wait to pass this we just can't wait!! Are we going to buy that? From this used car salesman? let's recall when he said his stimulus bill HAD to be passed right now or OMG! OMG! unemployment might go over 8%!! How did that work out? It was passed and unemployment went over 10% anyway and may get worse. The stimulus was a failure and only damaged the economy further.

Chicken little needs to knock it off.
Obama just can't let go of Obamacare can he? Now he's back to his OMG we can't wait to pass this we just can't wait!! Are we going to buy that? From this used car salesman? let's recall when he said his stimulus bill HAD to be passed right now or OMG! OMG! unemployment might go over 8%!! How did that work out? It was passed and unemployment went over 10% anyway and may get worse. The stimulus was a failure and only damaged the economy further.

Chicken little needs to knock it off.
I don’t understand the healthcare thing at all. It’s really simple to resolve. Just make it so healthcare providers can only be nonprofit organizations, same with insurance companies. Make it all non profit.... What we need is a movement that can apply pressure to the government to demand that individuals within regulatory organizations can not have a conflict of interest.


Active Member
I don't know how much experience you have with nonprofit's. But we do not what them running are health care and they are anything but nonprofit. check out the wages these people make for what they produce. there not much different then government workers. the problem with health care is government intervention. Lawyers are destroying this country and many others. this attitude that its my wright to have everything done for me and giving to me. Will be our undoing.In nature some animals just don't make it.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I don’t understand the healthcare thing at all. It’s really simple to resolve. Just make it so healthcare providers can only be nonprofit organizations, same with insurance companies. Make it all non profit.... What we need is a movement that can apply pressure to the government to demand that individuals within regulatory organizations can not have a conflict of interest.

If insurance companies are nonprofit how will they pay for anything and what will the incentive of any of the workers be to continue working there?


Well-Known Member
If folks could get JOBS then that would be alot more folks that would be eligable for health insurance. Obama does not know when to move on to more pressing issues, its not healthcare dummy its JOBS.

Illegal Smile

Healthcare has become Obama's Iraq or Vietnam. He went in without an exit strategy and now it's a quagmire. I think they are playing a dangerous game this week with that stupid televised summit. If I were the R team I would do 2 things: first, encourage everyone to go on the internet and READ Obama's proposal that will be posted tomorrow. it will be about 2000 pages. Anyone who even skims it will get the picture and immediately oppose it. 2- I would go into the summit with my own bill to put on the table that addresses things that really do need to be done and that a majority agree upon and challenge dems to sign on as co-sponsors.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
dude, you are scary obsessed with our Presidents
re fucken lax
Ok hes the worst Presidents of all time
in 3 years you'll have someone knew to bitch about
and im 100% sure this guy will look just like the guy you see in the mirror....white
but thats not going to stop you from bitchen


Well-Known Member
Obama is keeping up with the government healthcare for several reasons. Not only is he trying to look good in the public eye for the next election, he is fighting for the Average american, trying to do the things he said he would. The media totally blows his points of view out of proportion, and rants and creates shocking' fear causing ideas in the public eye.

I have had private insurance, from a few large companies, and Although I am an inshape young man, after a foot injury and some stomach issues, I was dropped by my companies on two seperate occasions, while undergoing treatment for my aforementioned injuries. "Fuck Insurance Companies" has been the attitude I have had toward those snarling giants ever since. I have taken better care of myself, and have been in better health ever since I started smoking ganj' and reading books pertaining to my medical ailments, than I ever was going to the doctors for check ups and all that shit.

If we took better care of ourselves, we as individuals would acutally need LESS ATTENTION from Either privatized, or government ran insurance.

regardless of who we are as individuals, The "average american" is an overweight, Over-consumed, over spending person, who usually takes thier opinions from commercials, or the "political advisors" who they trust for information. The average american, is also usually on the R team, and probably works for a corporation to some extent. That being said, we can see how if that corporation were to lose its chokehold on america, that average americans, as well as the peers' around them's lives would change significantly. These average americans are too busy in their days to exersice, or read how to eat right. They've become acustomed to being able to take a pill to solve headaches, instead of reducing Cholesterol and oxygen intake. They feed their children pills to make them stay still, instead of taking the time to set them straight-the humane way. these americans bosses' live the most absurd, boisterous lifestyles most people will never know.

since that "average" american makes up the majority of this country, government health care seems is what is holding them back from being a real person...which terrifies them.

we all live, we all die.

we share this space together, it should be easy for everyone, not just those in an "upper-hand" position


Illegal Smile

How is Obama fighting for the average american by trying to force his healthcare plan on us when over 60% don't want it? Only someone with the arrogance of Obama could try to govern against the will of the people, and then claim he was fighting for them.

Grandma's boy

Active Member


Maybe 60% of Republicans don't want it, but those of us who cannot get insurance do to pre-existing conditions do.

And those who work for employers that can no longer afford to offer health insurance to their employees, an ever increasing number by the way, want it.

I'm a medical biller, and I can tell you that insurance companies have made medical billing an industry in its self.

Look around your Dr's office and see how many people he/she employs, just to handle the paperwork.:peace:

How is Obama fighting for the average american by trying to force his healthcare plan on us when over 60% don't want it? Only someone with the arrogance of Obama could try to govern against the will of the people, and then claim he was fighting for them.

Grandma's boy

Active Member
As for a Republi-con plan.

Last year they presented a 2 page plan.

It was mostly based on tort reform, which averages 2% of healthcare cost.

Something they didn't pass with a Republi-con President, and 6 years of a Republi-con controlled Congress.


Well-Known Member
How is Obama fighting for the average american by trying to force his healthcare plan on us when over 60% don't want it? Only someone with the arrogance of Obama could try to govern against the will of the people, and then claim he was fighting for them.

No.. Most polls show Americans DO support things like the public option. Then there are people like me who don't see his healthcare plan as liberal enough. I am for a single payer system. Basically medicare for everyone. You can buy supplemental insurance if you wish. But every American would have a basic coverage.

No amount of tort reform and buying over state lines is going to fix this problem. I heard Boehner a few weeks ago say the Republican plan CAN reduce premiums by UP TO 10%. So when a politician says UP TO 10%, what he really means is most people will see more like 5%. So someone with a pre exisiting condition paying $1,000 per month for health insurance will then be paying $950. GEE THANKS!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Healthcare does need reform, but what kind of reform? I certainly don't trust government with anything, especially running healthcare.


New Member
How is Obama fighting for the average american by trying to force his healthcare plan on us when over 60% don't want it? Only someone with the arrogance of Obama could try to govern against the will of the people, and then claim he was fighting for them.
Well, once again we have a situation where truth is thrown out the window and substituted with a complete fabrication. What you say simply is not true.

As much as I disagree with your politics Smile, I will say that the current bill as written is an abomination. Too much catering to the giant insurance companies, and no public option. kiss-ass

With the recent announcement by the insurance giants of 25%-40% premium increases (this on the heals of record breaking profits) it becomes clear that to do nothing is not an option.

Yet, that is what the republicans would do (nothing) if they thought they could get away with it. That time, however, I think has past.

The so called "arrogance of Obama" is nothing more then a fabrication on the part of the extreme right. What you call arrogance and the "YOU LIE!" mentality of the ill-mannered teabaggers and other lowlife, is barely disguised racism. They just can't stand it when an "uppity nig**r" can speak clearly and cohearently to an issue. That is what is really at play here.


Well-Known Member
The so called "arrogance of Obama" is nothing more then a fabrication on the part of the extreme right. What you call arrogance and the "YOU LIE!" mentality of the ill-mannered teabaggers and other lowlife, is barely disguised racism. They just can't stand it when an "uppity nig**r" can speak clearly and cohearently to an issue. That is what is really at play here.
Insults noted and reported.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
that shit is so how i invision Illegal Smile
this guy cant have any real friends
could you think of what it would be like to be at this guys house




New Member
Obama campaigned on health care reform, among other things, and got a mandate from the people to go forth. Polls show the current bill is about as popular as IS says it is, and even I do not like it. But we need to do something, because spending more than any other country and getting less in return is not a long term solution.

If you have an hour or so, there is a good documentary on PBS called 'Sick Around the World', or something to that effect. It was made back in October 2008 I believe and simply examines how 5 other countries around the world do universal health care while paying less than we do and getting better coverage. The best pasrt of it is when the dude asks experts/doctors in each country if anyone has ever gone bankrupt or lost their house due to medical bills. Each time they respond that such a notion is absurd and should not be allowed to happen.

I do not pretend to know what the solutions to our health care crisis may be. I do know that my fiance pays $205 a month for health insurance because she has a pre-existing condition. I do know that when I had decent health care through my employers, the wait to see a doctor was always about 3 weeks. People have shorter waits in England, where they are quite concerned with rationing (although waits are getting shorter there).
