• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Joe Stack American Patriot


Active Member
he sacrificed his life? what the fuck are you talking about?? he made some bad decisions with the IRS, too bad. he chooses to live in this country, guess what? you pay taxes. if you don't like that, move somewhere else. very few people are forced to stay in the US, he wasn't one of them.

he made bad decisions and didn't have the balls to man-up.

when you have problems, you deal with them. smart people find a quick solution. people with no brain, like him, fly into a building.

the hard solution wasn't to kill himself, to leave a legacy. that's the mentality of suicide bombers. fuck that.

if you got issues, man up, and find a solution.

killing yourself because of problems is plain cowardice.

and words don't define people, actions do.

his letter is strong and inspirational, his actions are that of a coward.
Good post. +rep


Well-Known Member
so maybe that is a lesson on sacrificing your life for success. or maybe an object lesson on success, and how it realy isn't success without happiness. even on the way "there".
Maybe, I am not sure... All i know is i want to be able to give my kids the future that I could not even dream about as a child. I have recently (in the past few years) been having doubts and that the costs maybe too much, but I have tried to make the best decisions when i had a choice, and when handed lemons made alot of lemon aid.:peace:
What is terrorism?
The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.
Under the broad generalization of a terrorist anyone who uses force or threatens to use force is a terrorist. That includes our founding fathers. America was created by terrorists. The armed wing of the free Tibet movement are terrorists. Iranian protestors are terrorists. Any organization or group of people who threaten the government with force are terrorists… Huh well makes you wonder with a broad statement like that. I guess anyone who supports the view of Joe Stack is a terrorist. Which means they are a national security concern. Well hold on a second. That makes America a terror sponsored state. How? Well didn’t the CIA plant a bomb in Lebanon during the civil war to intimidate society and governments. Are we not currently terrorizing Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Somalia, China, and more.
I think you guys and gals should pick a better word, because if little joey comes home and says o I think joe stack has a point. Well joey is a terrorist supporter. Well he no longer has any rights. You people are sheep. Using slogans created to incriminate anyone who resists.

Well Just remember my friends. “Work sets you Free”. Isn’t that what we been told all our life. If you work hard you will be free because you can afford to do what you want.
Piggy Piggy where are you?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I wonder if the Japanese Americans incarcerated in prison camps in the USA during World War II, were later forced to pay income taxes?


New Member
he sacrificed his life? what the fuck are you talking about?? he made some bad decisions with the IRS, too bad. he chooses to live in this country, guess what? you pay taxes. if you don't like that, move somewhere else. very few people are forced to stay in the US, he wasn't one of them.

he made bad decisions and didn't have the balls to man-up.

when you have problems, you deal with them. smart people find a quick solution. people with no brain, like him, fly into a building.

the hard solution wasn't to kill himself, to leave a legacy. that's the mentality of suicide bombers. fuck that.

if you got issues, man up, and find a solution.

killing yourself because of problems is plain cowardice.

and words don't define people, actions do.

his letter is strong and inspirational, his actions are that of a coward.

I +repped redivider for this post.

I don't really want to poke this conversation with a 10 foot stick otherwise. These are only my observatins on the debate, directed at no one:

We all want to resist the government when they fuck us so hard. The first amendment gives us the right to 'petition for a redress of grievances'. WTF does this actually mean nowadays? Are we allowed to form armed resistance groups that can form in numbers large enough to overthrow the current mess? What the fuck does it even mean to petition for a redress of grievances?

But resistance is one thing and terrorism is another. If you don't want to call this man flying into a building and killing innocent workers an act of terror, you have to be prepared to say the same thing about what happened on 9/11. You would have to defend what happened to us on that day as a group of extremists exerting their resistance upon us, rather tha a bunch of suicidal terrorists. Keep in mind there is evidence these suicide bombers indulged themselves in the 'infidel American' lifestyle before flying those planes into those buildings.

Keep in mind, Joe Stack also set his house on fire with his wife and daughter inside before taking his own life and others (not to mention the injuries and trauma inflected upon those who did not die).

May this debate flourish

Iron, Lion, Zion

Active Member
Keep in mind, Joe Stack also set his house on fire with his wife and daughter inside before taking his own life and others (not to mention the injuries and trauma inflected upon those who did not die).
Just to clarify this one little thing... his family wasn't inside when he set in on fire. Neighbors witnessed them pulling up and freaking out... only clarifying because I'm in Texas and that's what my news stations reported. If they were inside I'm sure the news would have jumped on that, so I'm pretty sure they weren't in it...

I'm in no way trying to say "YOU'RE WRONG," just saying what I've seen on my local news.


New Member
No, I understand, I could be wrong about that part. It will take some time to establish he real facts about that. I said what I said based on a most likely older news report I had read.
Let’s put it like this. All of you will hate me for this. And I will catch a lot of flakk for it. But here I go expressing my right to my opinion.
The world trade center is what we call a soft target. But a target why? Because it’s an economic hub by hitting this target you affect the economics of the country. The pentagon is not a soft target. It is a military target. The white house is a military target. Truth be told, Russia had/has missiles targeting those same locations. New York in general is a civilian, military, and economic target.
Hypothetical so I don’t piss anyone off to bad. Let’s say people in a country called caspia want to revolt. They can’t hit civilian targets because of the collateral damage. They can’t hit any government offices, because they also have day cares and civilians located in every government office. So, they figure hitting military targets, but they also house families and innocent people at caspia military bases. What does the Caspian revolutionaries do?
I do not like violence, am not a violent person. And I get upset when I hear of innocent life being lost at home or abroad because of war or violence. But am open minded which says a lot more than some people posting some pretty bigot stuf* on these forums. You would almost think they were little piggy’s oink. Snif* so what you have is a paradox. And every man or woman has to weigh the consequences of his or her actions with his or her own self value and belief.
Is the “Terrorists” Terrorists.. Really you want know the truth. Nope, far from it. If you know anything about the perception amongst people in the east of the Army of God then you would know. They are soldiers, religious zealots. They have been doing this since Mohammed. You can’t stop them until they are all dead and their sect of Islam is eradicated. But America protects the biggest promoter of their belief system. Saudi Arabia. Not all Islam is the same. The people we are fighting are a small sect. They believe in only certain “Prophets” and teachings. They believe that Osama is a freaken prophet. Ya, unbelievable but it’s true.
So, ya as an American you have your beliefs and your point of view, because no one wants to be on the receiving end, and obviously you must have pride in your Country and culture because you identify with it and you will see things from only that perspective, but that is ok because “I disagree with what you say and I’ll defend with my life your right to do so”, but as the existentialists say.. The only choice a man has is whether or not he wants to live.
Note:I do not sympathize with religious zealots of any kind.


Well-Known Member
Let’s put it like this. All of you will hate me for this. And I will catch a lot of flakk for it. But here I go expressing my right to my opinion.
The world trade center is what we call a soft target. But a target why? Because it’s an economic hub by hitting this target you affect the economics of the country. The pentagon is not a soft target. It is a military target. The white house is a military target. Truth be told, Russia had/has missiles targeting those same locations. New York in general is a civilian, military, and economic target.
Hypothetical so I don’t piss anyone off to bad. Let’s say people in a country called caspia want to revolt. They can’t hit civilian targets because of the collateral damage. They can’t hit any government offices, because they also have day cares and civilians located in every government office. So, they figure hitting military targets, but they also house families and innocent people at caspia military bases. What does the Caspian revolutionaries do?
I do not like violence, am not a violent person. And I get upset when I hear of innocent life being lost at home or abroad because of war or violence. But am open minded which says a lot more than some people posting some pretty bigot stuf* on these forums. You would almost think they were little piggy’s oink. Snif* so what you have is a paradox. And every man or woman has to weigh the consequences of his or her actions with his or her own self value and belief.
Is the “Terrorists” Terrorists.. Really you want know the truth. Nope, far from it. If you know anything about the perception amongst people in the east of the Army of God then you would know. They are soldiers, religious zealots. They have been doing this since Mohammed. You can’t stop them until they are all dead and their sect of Islam is eradicated. But America protects the biggest promoter of their belief system. Saudi Arabia. Not all Islam is the same. The people we are fighting are a small sect. They believe in only certain “Prophets” and teachings. They believe that Osama is a freaken prophet. Ya, unbelievable but it’s true.
So, ya as an American you have your beliefs and your point of view, because no one wants to be on the receiving end, and obviously you must have pride in your Country and culture because you identify with it and you will see things from only that perspective, but that is ok because “I disagree with what you say and I’ll defend with my life your right to do so”, but as the existentialists say.. The only choice a man has is whether or not he wants to live.
Note:I do not sympathize with religious zealots of any kind.
I use the same logic to explain the japanese attack on pearl harbour. When you take a little harder look at history, you might say we brought that shit on ourselves with embargos and financial sanctions against Japan. You might not agree that they had the right to attack pearl harbour, but you have to agree that they had the option. Was exercising that option a good idea? You might ask the people whos shadows were burnt into the concrete when we dropped the bomb on hiroshima. They might disagree.


Well-Known Member
not saying what he did was right. It was a terrorist act no doubt. But ur just another american p.o.s. You said it all in the first line. Ignorance must be bliss. You sound a lot like Hitler.
Perhaps you didn't quite get it, no in fact I'm sure you didn't get it. Its not a statement I'm trying to make, its just an observation about how the situation will possibly be handled by OUR government. He is labeled as a terrorist by the media and the government, which means that they will come for anyone who dissents because they would not want this "tragedy" to happen again. You don't believe they would go door to door looking for "Terrorists" in your neighborhood? If you didn't let them in to do a search then you would be considered a "terrorist" and since you would then be classified as a non person, you no longer have any rights at all. They will take you away and put you in a hole somewhere to spend the rest of your life. They have some great euphemisms for this act, I think its called "extended Rendition" here a nice speech by the current chief letting us all know that he and our government are fully on board with the plan. Only they dont call it rendition, they call it Detention, like there is a difference.


If you think Joe Stack is going to be the last person who is fed up with the current state of affairs, you haven't seen nuthin yet. Like Gerald Celente said " When people have nothing left to lose, they lose it".


New Member
Well let's see now ... Joe Stack is anti-corporations, anti-the rich, anti-religion and anti-Bush. So by that measurment, its obvious that Joe Stack was a loony, progressive, left-winger. Now we know what happens when one of these left-wing nut-jobs gets to much exposure to left-wing hate radio like NPR, or watches to many left-wing hate mongers like Chris Matthews, Michael Moore and Bill Maher. What we really need to do is to abolish all of these left wing hate mongers and propagandists from the public airways, from newspapers, from movie production, and outlaw their publishing of books. Their influence will just continue to produce more Joe Stacks. We are not safe, nor will we ever be safe, until the left-wing propagandists are silenced! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Well let's see now ... Joe Stack is anti-corporations, anti-the rich, anti-religion and anti-Bush. So by that measurment, its obvious that Joe Stack was a loony, progressive, left-winger. Now we know what happens when one of these left-wing nut-jobs gets to much exposure to left-wing hate radio, like NPR, or watches to many left-wing hate mongers like Chris Matthews, Michael Moore and Bill Maher. What we really need to do is to abolish all of these left wing hate mongers and propagandists from the public airways, from newspapers, from movie production, and outlaw their publishing of books. Their influence will just continue to produce more Joe Stacks. We are not safe, nor will we ever be safe until the left-wing propagandists are silenced! :blsmoke:
If Ron Paul was president and did away with the IRS do you think Joe would of done that?(you know ron paul the only guy who wants to follow the constitution) oh by the way fuck the ultra rich if they all died tomorrow I'd have a party.:hump:


New Member
Well let's see now ... Joe Stack is anti-corporations, anti-the rich, anti-religion and anti-Bush. So by that measurment, its obvious that Joe Stack was a loony, progressive, left-winger. Now we know what happens when one of these left-wing nut-jobs gets to much exposure to left-wing hate radio, like NPR, or watches to many left-wing hate mongers like Chris Matthews, Michael Moore and Bill Maher. What we really need to do is to abolish all of these left wing hate mongers and propagandists from the public airways, from newspapers, from movie production, and outlaw their publishing of books. Their influence will just continue to produce more Joe Stacks. We are not safe, nor will we ever be safe until the left-wing propagandists are silenced! :blsmoke:
Vi, thank you for your "fair and balanced" insight. I though all along too that somehow "the left" was responsible.


New Member
Vi, thank you for your "fair and balanced" insight. I though all along too that somehow "the left" was responsible.
Well, ya gotta admit, upnorth ... when these lefties like Joe North are submerged in leftist propaganda from all sides, all of the time, its only a matter of time until they snap big-time. Yeppers, we can clearly blame the editorial section of the New York Times, Rosie O'Donnel and the socialist, Marxist, Maoist Jews in Hollywood for this travisty! I can see this quite clearly, can't you? bongsmilie


New Member
Just a comment on the 911 attack:
If the attack was carried out by Saudi extremests, seems there is some doubt, The world trade centers would be the perfect targets. Afterall, it was the undenied center for all American capitalism and foriegn exploitation. The banking center of the 1st world. If I were a foriegn terrorist, I'm not, it would be the perfect target. Also, what happened to the billions in gold held in the basement?? Something is certainly fishy about the whole thing. Gold can be melted a thousand times, but when it cools, it is still gold.


New Member
Just a comment on the 911 attack:
If the attack was carried out by Saudi extremests, seems there is some doubt, The world trade centers would be the perfect targets. Afterall, it was the undenied center for all American capitalism and foriegn exploitation. The banking center of the 1st world. If I were a foriegn terrorist, I'm not, it would be the perfect target. Also, what happened to the billions in gold held in the basement?? Something is certainly fishy about the whole thing. Gold can be melted a thousand times, but when it cools, it is still gold.
If you remember, Med, they targeted not only the Trade Center (American Capitalism), but they also targeted the Pentagon (America's military might) and the White House (America's political center).

What gold? Why would anyone be storing gold in the basement of the Trade Center?

And by the way, Med ... yer a left wing loon, right? So in the interest of the safety of those who post in the forum, please turn in your pilots licence immediately! :lol:
The amount of right wing and republican fervor on this forum scares me. Because we can only assume where these people beliefs are on the overcrowding of American prisons with drug addicts, pot smokers etc. Sounds like little piggy’s who discount people with political slogans of the fascist or better “corporatist” movement here in the United States. Sounds like what the fed would say or the IRS. Well Sir, you know Secretary Paulson, George Bush and Obama are not going to have you over for dinner unless you elevate your bank account and education. You think Angel Eyes little piggy mr Beck cares about you and your family while he drives his fancy cars and acts out his little sob for Americans routine. You think Steven Colbert, Bill Clinton, or nancy Pelosi give a rats ass about the American people. While they make lucrative deals to sell us out!! No Sir. I take insult that you call me or various others left or right. We are Libertarians or better scrict constructionists. That will no longer put up with scoundrels misleading people of poor insight and intellect. Spout your republican fervor and support for the corporate state. But don’t tell me where my loyalties lay. I am with the people and I believe in the constitution. Not some neo philosophical interpretation of the constitution. Don’t mind that all of these people tread on us. Don’t mind that they rip up the constitution, but when we mention social services and conflict of interest. We become Left wing Nut Jobs. You are telling me that the resistance against Taxes is Left wing!?!?!?! That should be the core value of the republicans Sir. But it isn’t. The core value of republicans is staying in power and making as much money as possible, same with the democrats. They are all liars, and do not properly represent the American people. You better get back to your T.V because the propaganda machine as another piece of pie to serve you. How resistance either by growing massive amounts of Marijuana, or rallying against the government is; how should we say it; Criminal, Terrorist, Leftist etc. Well you better keep up with the government slogans because they are going to need a lot more to describe what may be coming.


Well-Known Member
The amount of right wing and republican fervor on this forum scares me. Because we can only assume where these people beliefs are on the overcrowding of American prisons with drug addicts, pot smokers etc. Sounds like little piggy’s who discount people with political slogans of the fascist or better “corporatist” movement here in the United States. Sounds like what the fed would say or the IRS. Well Sir, you know Secretary Paulson, George Bush and Obama are not going to have you over for dinner unless you elevate your bank account and education. You think Angel Eyes little piggy mr Beck cares about you and your family while he drives his fancy cars and acts out his little sob for Americans routine. You think Steven Colbert, Bill Clinton, or nancy Pelosi give a rats ass about the American people. While they make lucrative deals to sell us out!! No Sir. I take insult that you call me or various others left or right. We are Libertarians or better scrict constructionists. That will no longer put up with scoundrels misleading people of poor insight and intellect. Spout your republican fervor and support for the corporate state. But don’t tell me where my loyalties lay. I am with the people and I believe in the constitution. Not some neo philosophical interpretation of the constitution. Don’t mind that all of these people tread on us. Don’t mind that they rip up the constitution, but when we mention social services and conflict of interest. We become Left wing Nut Jobs. You are telling me that the resistance against Taxes is Left wing!?!?!?! That should be the core value of the republicans Sir. But it isn’t. The core value of republicans is staying in power and making as much money as possible, same with the democrats. They are all liars, and do not properly represent the American people. You better get back to your T.V because the propaganda machine as another piece of pie to serve you. How resistance either by growing massive amounts of Marijuana, or rallying against the government is; how should we say it; Criminal, Terrorist, Leftist etc. Well you better keep up with the government slogans because they are going to need a lot more to describe what may be coming.
The wonderful thing about this forum is everyone has a voice and can speak up. I am not saying that there are times that i am yellin at the screen, but you have all sides here and they all make their points as long as things are somewhat civil its a good thing. It is one of the most important ideals in the U.S. if you agree with everything being said you are just a follower. I am supprised how both sides open each others eyes on some things, things that we took for truth, but wasn't. My main point is don't let your blood boil over, there is alot of interestig things said on both sides, and occasionally you will learn something.