
Well-Known Member
Ok so whats the average donation per ounce? What are your legal limits? The reson I ask is alot of people say move to CA or CO and start growing, you could quit your job. And I dont think that is the case. Ive heard from other people in cali that say they can hardly find buyers and when they do they can only sell the shit for 2-3hundred a once. Then I tell people why the fuck would I want to move there when I can sell them for 420 an O here. Im rambling sorry....I just wanted to know if it was a profitable market. And by profit I mean pay for your elec, nutes, supplies and a decent wage for the work hours you put in.


Well-Known Member
new jersey just legalized. i think thats the most profitable move. catch a state right when they legalize. cali is so saturated with top strains and master growers i think it would be hard to compete. unless you've got something that changes the game. that's exactly what i'm struggling with. it's all about the grow and doin something you love and being sucsessful.


Well-Known Member
I love what I do! I could quit my job right now and live the same as i do now. But I need a tax return and I dont need the feds wondering why all this money is going into my account with no job. Id rather keep doing what im doing here and if(big if) they ever make it legal for medical resons Ill be ready. Its also very hard to up root an entire family. If it was just me...Id be gone! I have a friend that is at oaksterdam in CA right now learning how to open a dispensery. When the time comes Ill be ready. Im just trying to find out how it really is.


Well-Known Member
hey cg, did you get any of mog's beans? texas twister #2. how bout you df? i missed out. i hate it when that happens!


Well-Known Member
To be honest I dont trust MOG. When he posted that about the free beans, i asked him not to be a dick but what does he get outa it. He replyed nothing. I mean i can understand if he said I just want to get my shit out there or cross it with what you got and send him some beans......If it sounds to good to be true it prob carefull donkey, if you want beans just order some, its safe. Just send it somewhere diff from where you grow.
thats it, im sold. i just tryed as best as i could to read the whole thread and i am subscribed and switching to dwc as soon as my beans get here. i got Chiesel, Big Bud X White Widow, and Green House Seeds Trainwreck on the way. im going to run 7 buckets and try to pull a pound..
so, fellas, good day to you all i have been workin hard today to get everything in order in my garden, i figured out that one of my plants seems to be spot on. like perfect in every way. so tommorrow i am gonna check the ph and ppm and put all the oyhers on the same system. i wish i had a res. bucket so i could put them all to one setup. been lookin at your pics again cg and df you guys got it goin on over there


Well-Known Member
so, fellas, good day to you all i have been workin hard today to get everything in order in my garden, i figured out that one of my plants seems to be spot on. like perfect in every way. so tommorrow i am gonna check the ph and ppm and put all the oyhers on the same system. i wish i had a res. bucket so i could put them all to one setup. been lookin at your pics again cg and df you guys got it goin on over there
Thanks Man :)

Always like the good positive input.

Makes me wanna do even better.

Its more work than most realize,

Its worth it, I enjoy every minute of it, Except for the bucket changes...

Have a great day my friend, CG :)


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow will be the one week mark of flowering :)

Getting much Larger, and Taller by the day. :bigjoint:

Constantly wondering If they'll grow into my Vertizontal reflector. :roll:

Its up as high as it'll go. :shock:

About 2-3 weeks left, and the stretching will stop, and the buds will come into action! :weed:

Im Thankful tomorrow is just a feeding, You know how hard it is to change out all these buckets one by one?

Im dreading Next Sunday,... Its not an easy task. Its a BIOTCH!!! :mad:

These Spoiled Brats are making me work hard,...But, Im a Ladies Man, and they always put out!! :mrgreen: Fair trade :hump:
Good morning all :)

Went out and got the stuff for my dwc cloner. :mrgreen:

Could not find a black container.

And the smallest container I could find with a lid was a 5 gallon semi clear bottom w/ blue top.

I do know that roots dont like light... Gotta do something about the lower half(reservoir) being clear.

I got it up and running :)

But, last night, when I was cheeched watching a movie with my girlfriend, a brainstorm happened.

Why dont I just use one of my 3 gallon dwc bubble buckets for a cloning machine!!

Yea, thats it!!!!!! :mrgreen:

Thought about the pros and cons, and will have one problem.

Ill need a humidity dome. Well, I could use a transparent tupperware bowl or maybe a cake lid to set on top of the bucket.

Anyways, Today Im going back to the Hydro store and will buy a black lid, and drill 8 2 inch holes in it with my newly acquired hole saw. Put the air stones in it, and go from there.

Maybe I should use the cloner I built to get em started, then transfer the clones to the Black bucket when they can stand on their own, without the humidity dome.

I'll figure it out, and will post pictures once my lights come on at 600 am.

I have no idea why I wake up so damn early everyday. Usually get up at 400 am, 7 days a week.

CG :)

He Bro
just to let you know - you don't need a dome/top for the 5 gal bucket cloner - i made the same exact thing, with 6 holes in the top, and had 100% success rate. been following your thread here - very cool - keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
He Bro
just to let you know - you don't need a dome/top for the 5 gal bucket cloner - i made the same exact thing, with 6 holes in the top, and had 100% success rate. been following your thread here - very cool - keep up the good work
Thanks man :)

Appreciate the input...

Yea, Ive Also noticed they do quite well without the dome.

I can really tell they root much faster in complete darkness.

Wish ya the best,

Stay cool, CG :)


Well-Known Member
those look amazing cg. there is gonna be some serious nuggetry right there. my hat is off to you sir.
Hey Thanks 420,

Been running around today, and got alot done. Working on a couple of computers for a few buddies.

Bright sunny day, about to take on the laundry.

Yea, I think I'll have a good crop.

In about a month we should see a bud filled room, and as you know, it only gets better.

I cant wait...

I want to see some serious yield.

Have a good one bro, CG :)


Active Member
If you do not get the same yield that you did in dirt would you go back?

Why in the hell are you not using a controller bucket?

What was your average per plant in dirt?

Great grow I read it everyday !


Well-Known Member
you root your clones in complete dark? no light cycle at all? i need to spend a year apprenticing with you. haha

No, I meant the roots dont like light.. they prefer darkness for faster growth.

Dude, you wanna see the temps and the humidity of my room..Your gonna shit :mrgreen:

I cant believe it!! No dehumidifier, and running a thousand watts... dont get better than this :)


Well-Known Member
If you do not get the same yield that you did in dirt would you go back?

Why in the hell are you not using a controller bucket?

What was your average per plant in dirt?

Great grow I read it everyday !
Hello Glaucoma :)

I probably would go back if the yields are not as good as expected.

And I know, I should be running a controller.. Didnt think it was a big deal..Hahahaha!

I got about 2 oz per plant in dirt.. sometimes more...

Never seen my stems so big, like now..

I got a good feeling I will yield alot more than soil.

We'll just have to wait and see.

Thanks for stopping by :)