5 weeks flowering, bit yellow [pics]


Active Member
Whats up guys, i posted awhile a go about a plant with a bit of a stem issue, she seems to be fine now 5 weeks into flowering (stem still looks a bit rotty but the plant doesn't seem to give a shit) except some of the leaves are going quite yellow ive read this is pretty normal but i thought id post some pics just incase.

Most of the yellowing is of the larger fan leaves just bellow the canopy.


Whats up guys, i posted awhile a go about a plant with a bit of a stem issue, she seems to be fine now 5 weeks into flowering (stem still looks a bit rotty but the plant doesn't seem to give a shit) except some of the leaves are going quite yellow ive read this is pretty normal but i thought id post some pics just incase.

Most of the yellowing is of the larger fan leaves just bellow the canopy.

swim is no expert but in his experience (3 harvests) some yellow leaves during budding is normal (even during veg if swim lets them get big enough).


Well-Known Member
I think there may be too much of the nutes, and that is creating the burns. Additonally, if you are using city water, it can burn your plants (too many TDS/high chlorine).

If it is the city water, just take some water, put it in a bucket, and let it sit 24 hrs & nearly all the chlorine will be disolved.

Other than that its looking FANTASTIC BRO!

Major props.