1tbsp per gallon of H2O2 and/or an enzyme like hygrozyme should help the root rotI have a Aero Flo 60 I put 30 clones in 3 weeks ago. The first 30 look great still, then 30 more last sunday 13 of the ones from last sunday developed yellowing on the root and no growth. Its root rot, Ive had it before and it killed the whole crop. Any advise on how to get rid of it? I removed the 13 and replaced them with new ones I do a res. change every 2 weeks this was done last sunday. run my res. temp at 68F and use Bobs Brew which they say helps keep the water unsuitable for pathogens. I dont use the coco tek basket liner just the expanded clay pebeles. Any advice from someone who has had this problem and were able to kill it would be appreciated
I tried the hygrozyme on the crop I lost have you used it on root rot with success? I may have caught it to late last time. Thanx1tbsp per gallon of H2O2 and/or an enzyme like hygrozyme should help the root rot
Yes I used it for about 2 years and have now just started using H2O2I tried the hygrozyme on the crop I lost have you used it on root rot with success? I may have caught it to late last time. Thanx
I just use the cheap stuff from walgreens 3%I forgot what percentage H2O2 are you using 3% or 35%?
I can pull out the 30 I put in a week ago but the 30 that went in 3 weeks ago have a large root mass so they could not be removed I replaced the 13 with the root problem and put in the one tbsp per gallon of h2o2 that was recommended as well as 3ml per gallon of Bobs Brew they wilted for about 1 hour then came right back. Im hoping just the smaller weaker plants had the problem,and yes please anyone with advice is welcome to chime in.Thanxcan i chime in here? i cant sleep at night when i know a member has/had root rot and had lost a crop before, you said you tried hygrozyme and it made things worse right? i know a few members here who have had this problem. at the price of $45 a qt, hygrozyme should be a cure all but its not if your adding it to a rez that already has pythium. i have had root rot 3 times and defeated it everytime with hygrozyme and store bought h202. but theres a proceedure that i came up with and works 100% for me and it will work for you. now that you use an aeroflo is should be pretty easy to remove each plant. first...pull a plant out and one by one, bring over to a sink run cold water over the roots and try to pull off any dead/dying brown roots and try to get asmuch slime off as possible, Second...spray roots with a peroxide mix (3% @20ML/qt) . Third..heres the tricky part, you dont want to put your plants back into your system until you have cleaned it out completetly, you need to find a place to sit your young plants for a little while, i use a cloner or any cutout. go scrub your rez out with hot water and that peroxide solution, once rez is scrubbed put back together and run the hottest water you have with a stronger peroxide mix or atleast the same one as the spray, this is key the hot water along with being run thru the sprayers will help blow it out of the lines. i would say run the systm for maybe 20mins atleast. put plants back in and add HYGROZYME along with fresh res-plain PH'd water. now i know it didnt work before but heres how it goes, when you add hygro to a root rotted system the roots get worse! the water starts to look like sewage......this is fantastic! this shows that the hygrozyme is working, but heres is the key to its use for now, since you are running a recirculating hydro system that nasty sewage water will be shot back at your roots, to expidite the recovery of your roots i suggest you change the res daily for the next 5 days, i know its a ton of hygrozyme but it will save your crop, just dont fill the res all the way, just enough to operate the system cus it would be a waste of hygro...within 5-7 days you will have brand new roots like gangbusters! this 5-7 days are PH'd water and Hygrozyme Only, no nutes. for future reference you need to find out why you keep getting root rot. i suggest you use hygrozyme with every rez change and you will never get this again.
Im not able to remove all plants to pull bad roots I did remove all plants with bad roots started using the H2O2 last night will continue to use it for the remainder of the grow. I use Bobs Brew WaterMax and dont have the funds to go buy hygrozyme Do you think this would be ok. Have any of you used WaterMax?follow the H2O2 regimen and morrisgreenbergs advice...just dont get impatient...it will take longer to SEE improvement than it did to know you had a problem.
I did have water going high in one runner some cups were low on expanded clay so the water was bubbling up past the top of them exposing the water to light.keep adding peroxode to your res every 3-4 days. with plants in the system with larger roots i would suggest you change the res every 3-4 days for the next week or until everything is in tip top shape. your water temps are fine, unless you are bringing in clones with bad root systems you shouldnt be having root rot, unless you have a chamber that has light getting into the grow channel. i used to run DIY aero systems with fencposts like the AF, i forgot i left one plant site open with light hitting the water, within a week i had root rot. the shit is very demoralizing and will have you questioning is growing for you right?