Should Iran be invaded because of it's apparent nuclear program?

Should Israel be invaded?

  • Yes the zionist scum should be thrown out of power.

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Noone in the middle east should be invaded.

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • Iran should be invaded, they are the trouble makers.

    Votes: 4 21.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Yes in one way,they wanted( want) the complete destruction of Isreal.The Iranian leadership,hamas,and other radicals in that area want the jewish people gone.That is undeniable.


Well-Known Member
You are a Jew hater. You don't know the first thing about the Arab-Israeli conflict except that the Jews are to blame.

People who are not anti-Semites take time to learn the facts and the facts are that the whole issue is the result of Muslim intolerance and billigerance.

If you want the FACTS here they are. But, I'm sure you don't care what the facts are. By the way, are you Arab, Muslim or both?
He sounds like he has a sand negro dialect.


Well-Known Member
I think every country in existence should have enough nukes each to destroy all life on earth 1000 times over. War would be eliminated.

Does anyone know a country that has used nukes against another? Your right if you said it was the USA, yet we have the moral high ground? LOL Hypocrite much?


Well-Known Member
Israel has massacred thousands of people for no reason, driven people from their land for no reason, deceived the world about their nuclear arsenal, committed war crimes in palestine and lebanon and manipulated the media in their favour. In short the Israeli government are scumbags along with their zionist breatheren. Don't go calling me an anti-semite, as I just gave you evidence semitic people are not just jewish and I have already stated that I have nothing against jewish people so stop twisting my words.
Can you give specifics? What are the names of the people "massacred"? Do you have evidence of these war crimes? Did you know Arabs have rights in the Israeli Courts? Where are the lawsuits?


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately Israel does not have any neutron bombs.

We may have to loan them a couple.

Pave it !


Active Member
In my opinion no it shouldn't be, if any country

should be invaded it is Israel as afterall it is the

main country that destabilises the middle east

region. The Israeli government has used lie after lie

to promote their zionist cause. What are your

thoughts? :bigjoint:
Israel (or Pakistan and India for that matter...) never signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, so there is nothing wrong with them developing nuclear weapons. They're also our allies.

What lies are you talking about specifically? The one about jews needing a homeland because 6 million of them were murdered by their 'fellow countrymen' in europe? Because that one is true....


New Member
I think you are an anti-Semite.

What other Countries do you believe have no right to exist?
Rick thinks it bad to hate jews, but thinks it fine to hate gays. :evil:

It's not right to hate either. But try to tell Rick that. If I posted anti-jew stuff like Rick posts anti-gay stuff, I would be banned from this site.

This hypocracy makes me ill. :spew::spew::spew::spew::spew:

And as always. . .May the ray of hope which shines upon us all shine for eternity. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I dont think we need to invade Iran, I do think there needs to be continued pressure to hopefully stop them from developing nuclear weapons, the area is just to unstable, combustible, poorly led country. The idea that Israel should be invaded, well thats just flat out ridiculous and obviously there was an idiotic agenda here, but thats not all that surprising. We cant just automatically think of invading a country because they dont do what we want or we dont agree with what they've done, war is not a game and should never be taken too lightly, people die everyday. My personal opinion is Iran shouldnt develop nuclear weapons, not so much they dont have to right to, but why is it so necessary. All of the nuclear countries need to seriously and drastically reduce stockpiles or this is all going to come back and bite everyone.


Active Member
Rick thinks it bad to hate jews, but thinks it fine to hate gays. :evil:

It's not right to hate either. But try to tell Rick that. If I posted anti-jew stuff like Rick posts anti-gay stuff, I would be banned from this site.

This hypocracy makes me ill. :spew::spew::spew::spew::spew:

And as always. . .May the ray of hope which shines upon us all shine for eternity. :peace:

Yeah....let's give him partial credit rather than call it hypocrisy though.

I'm going way off topic here, but I do have to say that kids raised by a nice gay or lesbian couple will probably end up better adjusted than someone raised in a haredi/ultra-orthodox household....


Well-Known Member
I'm no fan of any of the abrahamic religions, but IMO islam is in a league of its own when it comes to nuttiness. We don't hear much about christian or jewish suicide bombers, do we? A wingnut islamic theocracy with nuclear capabilities scares me a LOT more than israel ever will. Comparing the potential threat of nuclear israel to that of nuclear iran is a big stretch IMO. This poll is silly.


New Member
I'm no fan of any of the abrahamic religions, but IMO islam is in a league of its own when it comes to nuttiness. We don't hear much about christian or jewish suicide bombers, do we? A wingnut islamic theocracy with nuclear capabilities scares me a LOT more than israel ever will. Comparing the potential threat of nuclear israel to that of nuclear iran is a big stretch IMO. This poll is silly.
Agreed. I do not think that Iran should EVER be allowed to have a nuke. I even think that using nukes to destroy their bomb making capability would be justified. Islam is the antithesis to the Western world's value system. Do not doubt that even for a minute.