Advanced Nutrients: Bud Blood & Super Bud Blaster


I used Advanced and am pleased with my results. I am new this hobby and am very pleased with the results I am getting. I honestly thought it would take years to get the results I am getting.

I started using Bud Blood a couple of cycles ago, and it definitely inititates flowering much faster than without using it. The problem is that it is an insanely expensive product.

So nowthey have Super Bud Blaster which is a finishing product. The ingredients are the exact same in both products. In fact,the ingredients are about 25% more concentrated in Super Bud Blaster than they are in Bud Blood. The only thing that Bud Blood has in it that Super Bud Blaster doesn't is 1% nitrogen.

So why wouldn't I just use Super Blood Blaster in the beginning to initiate flowering, and then at the end to finish off my grow? Fortuneately, Advanced sells 40 gram packets of Bud Blood for about twenty bucks. So I'm going to use both products side by side the next time I initiate flowering.

The reason I want to know is because Super Blood Blaster is about one third the price of Bud Blood. So as always, I defer to the wisdom of those who have gone ahead. It just seems a shame to try and re-invent the wheel.


Well-Known Member
It's not just a question of the ingredients listed on the package. There's hundreds if not thousands of ways to build fertilizers that end up with the same ingredients list but a wide array of results.

Bud Blood kind of shocks the plant into flowering. IIRC it actually is designed to cause some stress, which helps kick things off bigger earlier.

But you wouldn't want that later in flowering, so Super Bud Blaster probably doesn't do that. Each thing has a part to play in the process.

If you want to get just one I'd say to get Bud Blood (I use Overdrive at the end rather than Super Bud Blaster anyway). But just use whatever you get when it says to use it.


Well-Known Member
i use bud blood and overdrive as well .for the $20 you can give it to 20 plants or so ,so a buck a plant and it shows results no doubt. its worth the money..


It's not just a question of the ingredients listed on the package. There's hundreds if not thousands of ways to build fertilizers that end up with the same ingredients list but a wide array of results.

Bud Blood kind of shocks the plant into flowering. IIRC it actually is designed to cause some stress, which helps kick things off bigger earlier.

But you wouldn't want that later in flowering, so Super Bud Blaster probably doesn't do that. Each thing has a part to play in the process.

If you want to get just one I'd say to get Bud Blood (I use Overdrive at the end rather than Super Bud Blaster anyway). But just use whatever you get when it says to use it.
Yeah, I agree about using the Overdrive by itself. It seems easier to use just one product at that point of the grow.

And, incidentally, I actually haven't heard of this Super Bud Blaster thing, so that's something I will look at, though I'm probably not going to use it.

Too set into what I'm using.

Bud Blood is pretty cool on its own too, so I'm not sure why you need to use anything else.

But it's always good to know about something new that might get slipped into the grow later. Though it's going to take a lot to get me to stop a system that's been working really well lately....LOL
