1st (proper) Journal. Lemon Haze, Blue Cheese, UK Exodus Cheese. Airpots trial.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
bro that looks cool, i run a 400mh and a 600hps (not at the same time) but that would of saved money (well got the 400 at a bargain so cant complain)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Yeah, thinking was to have a fem in veg state, take clones and veg them to a suitable height, then put them into flower, depending on how many clones i was doin would depend on how long they veg'd n flowered.

I got the 2 x 125 blue cfls and i will have the 400hps and 2 x 125 red cfl's so figured build a box n get things goin propper, get a few strians i like n see how things grow.. but this is later on down the line... gotta get my first propper grow finished first lol
no harm in dreaming lol, thats basicly what i got, gonna start my veg room back up when the vegin is finished in the tent with the 250 blue cfl


Active Member
lol dreamin is what i do best mate, but when u allready got the equipment then u might aswell put it to some use...

N with the 400/600HPS i wasnt struck on the ballast it was using, read alot of threads about them gettin way to hot, n this one has the digital ballast, which is supposed to run quiter and with a lot less heat, n quiter and less heat the better, cant have a fire risk in the bedroom now can we lol

N a truely awesome film... Shelby GT 500, stunning car.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
YEP! lol mad car. was gonna add its digital 2 which are much better. a little cheeper on the electric 2. mine aint 2 noisy yet but there both pretty new. the powerplant 400 makes a hummmm as it starts up, only for a second lol


Active Member
i've been meaning to ask since ive seen your pics, what is that powerplant 400, is that the ballast ?

Just given my ladies there morning dew, they on 20/4, always give em a lil mist after there sleep, they showin there 3rd nodes now, well i say 3rd, really the 2nd after the cotyledons, only another 3 and i can top them, w00t, they pretty tight together aswell, the CFLs are awesome for vegin i think, able to keep them close and stop the stretching.


Active Member
yeah thats the make http://www.hydroponic-supplies.co.uk/250-400-600-watt-powerplant-daylight-ballast-1170-p.asp i'll take a pic 2moro maby...

my 600 is just a cheep one powerplant are a good make i think? i've only found traditional ones, dont think they make a digital but not sure?

yeah i was impressed with my 250clf does the trick and keeps em short.
So long as they do what they say on the tin thats all that matters really.
The CFL's keeps the bills down a lil aswell, if only they had the same lumens as the HIDs n HPS's then life would be peechy lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
so if you grew a "tree" what would u recon the yeald of one big girl lol shouldnt of said that :)

well there are lots of factors to take into account but at the top end if you had a high yielding strain and say a 6ft super cropped tree under a 600 or a 1000 watts there's no reason you couldn't expect a pound or more

youd be vegging it for bloody ages mind but thats the trade off lots of small plants on a fast turnover or one massive one with a long wait, im actually thinking of doing something similar myself but a scrog grow 1 plant vegged till the tents full then pull the trigger!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
so if you grew a "tree" what would u recon the yeald of one big girl lol shouldnt of said that :)

well there are lots of factors to take into account but at the top end if you had a high yielding strain and say a 6ft super cropped tree under a 600 or a 1000 watts there's no reason you couldn't expect a pound or more

youd be vegging it for bloody ages mind but thats the trade off lots of small plants on a fast turnover or one massive one with a long wait, im actually thinking of doing something similar myself but a scrog grow 1 plant vegged till the tents full then pull the trigger!
yeah have heard stories of trees that can yeald 18oz+, just trying 2 weigh the options up myself, might start with some smaller trees (x4) in the tent. see what happens, dont wanna put my eggs in one basket so 2 speak