Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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Well-Known Member
hey Humbodlt....the shipping weight was actually 240lbs....but it is fairly easy to move around, even just by myself. Its supposed to be on casters, but so far I have just left it on the shipping pallet. It is made in Vancouver, and is actually very popular even for legt purposes - they ship more than 60/month all over the world. I am actually planning on heading out to visit with them, cuz I really like thieir buisness model and their product is truly fascinating. I have every expectation they are and will continue to grow as a very successful business - the current poartners are a exciting young group of people. A downside?, it was not cheap ......nuf said.......could buy A LOT for what's been paid, but then you wouldn't have the fun of doing it yourself. In this case I believe you get what you pay for. high quality materials, high quality construction, one yr warranty, exceelent customer service so far and full time tech support a toll free phone call away. etc etc etc. now the REAL test will be its performance. I had one person tell me that they will buy it back from me in 6 months if I am not satisfied. needless to say....I was sold. :mrgreen:
HOOAH!, love the new cab tahoe, how heavy is that thing? looks like you'd be able to move it to different locations if needed, where did you find it and how much monies? Perfect for a small "SOG" I want one!

Btw .. your plants are looking fantastic, keep up the great work!
thanks BS....I love it...now as an old dog...gotta learn new tricks again! :hump:
thats neat...:blsmoke:
thanks Solo...I think I could have a lot of fun with this beast! :mrgreen:
Nice cab Tahoe. Best O' luck with it!
:hump::joint::hump: whoooowhhooo! is totally right man...I am so stoked over this unit...I LOVE my toys! :mrgreen:
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

woooohooo, gadzooks

I am oh so ghetto.


Well-Known Member
hello hello there my man....great to hear from/see you again! how have you been? I hope all is well in your world's space. I have walked forward, mostly. many many tales to tell, but the path forward has cleared and become smooth and pleasant. As I have mentioned to others, my cosmic chaos seems to have cleared and the skies are full of positive energy and bright stars. it has been a journey, and a new journey has begun.

So glad you had a moment to pipe in. I am thrilled with my efforts to date. I will keep all posted - pics included...... cheers, and peace! :blsmoke::mrgreen::peace::blsmoke::mrgreen::peace:
Good morning Tahoe my old friend! I see someone's been busy while I've been away.


Well-Known Member
well....I keep looking at my most mature looking plant (btw - had to move the lights again this AM.....she's continuing to grow like a banshee)....and she is still not showing me her "goods"....they're coming but my lack of experience is limiting my ability to definatively say what I have. Many other attributes would suggest to me she's a she.....not the least of which is my positive attitude.....hahahahahaha..... but....she'll tell me for sure when she's good and ready

I am not going to change anything dramatic at this stage....I had thought of placing them into the new cab....but I have some setup issues....like suitable temp. that is not the way I want it to be right now.....if it was to be similar to my current conditions, I would move them, but so far, the test from yesterday afternoon to this morning shows me lower lows, and not as high highs, so I have to examine some temp amanagement options...so since things have continued to work well with the current vegeing setup....like it ain't broke, I won't f*ck with it. I'll keep everyone posted....


Well-Known Member
plants are looking great Tahoe,,all my Big Bud males always showed early,,so you could be in luck there,,cross our fingers,,and whoaaaaaa,,,nice frikkin acquisition to the setup,,HoLE cries"I want one":cry:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Nice ass Cab Tahoe, when you about to put that baby into play?

I'm constructing something similar right now so I can have that whole plant new seeds every 3 weeks and get a harvest deal. Except mine uses wood and not metal... and mine cost like 20 bucks :( Bets on yours workin' a bit better. ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks tahoe for the info, would you mind giving us a bit more details? as to the actual cost and perhaps the address to the place you received it from..

Nice ass Cab Tahoe, when you about to put that baby into play?
Also what G asked.


Well-Known Member
Tahoe, have you done a dry run with the fans and HPS running yet? I'm wondering what the temp is in ur cab while its running.


Well-Known Member
well I got home today, and after some discussion with the tech folks...they're suggesting that 55-75F is not necessarily a bad range? It scares me to dump my girls into that....I gonna try a couple of other tweaks tonight and see if I can bring that up a little? But the thought right now is to get it functional tonight, and let it run its course including shutting down and automatically starting again in the morning, and placing the plant into the unit in the morning.

The manufacturer is BC NorthernLights (BC Northern Lights)

Thanks tahoe for the info, would you mind giving us a bit more details? as to the actual cost and perhaps the address to the place you received it from..

Also what G asked.
55F in my garage....the box will hit 75 with everything running (with the assistance of a relatively small oil filled radiator behind and providing some heat to the intake fan.

Tahoe, have you done a dry run with the fans and HPS running yet? I'm wondering what the temp is in ur cab while its running.


Well-Known Member
:hump::joint::hump:well.....I can't help myself....I have to try this out again....I have taken some super close ups...and then makred what I thought were the start of some sexy...I mean sexing structures.....let me know what you think. the other pics are the the plant - today @ 18 days vege. :hump::joint::hump::peace:



Well-Known Member
Hmmm honestly I think it's still abit earlly. If you see any hairs(pistils) then you will know forsure, but otherwise I can't comment, sorry. They could be sacks or hopefully calyxes, but I wouldn't bet on it yet. Attached a pic, hope it helps



Well-Known Member
Plus the pics are a bit small, can't really see much. I tried taking pics of my first hairs coming through the other day which I can see perfectly but my cam didn't pick it up...:peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that link tahoe, if that image Harkin attached doesn't help you bellow is something similar but on the actual plants. btw thanks Harkin.

By using both as examples and you actually see it happening on your plants you should have no problems identifying sex in the near future.


Well-Known Member
No prob Humbolt, don't know what I did but ur welcome:mrgreen: Yeah I think the pistils are the key(my 1st grow so don't take my word for it...instead use the pics for reference):peace:


Well-Known Member
From my experience, males are simply balls that kind of start out looking like little pincers (like a crab has) and females are cone shaped with white hairs coming out.

It's funny too, because I can already tell that once you can decipher sex even just one time in person (which is far different from looking at pictures on the internet), it will never allude you again.


Well-Known Member
:hump:thanks for the feedback everyone.....:hump:I guess I'll just have to wait and see. they'll come when they come...whatever they end up being.....I decided to fire up the beast, warmed her up and put the plants in there tonight. no time like the present. its prolly a little early to do this....but for other reasons the timing felt right, so I went with my gut.....I'll keep everyone posted.:blsmoke::joint::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
hahahaha thanks man.....yea well....I'm tearing my hair out....well ok not really.....it'll happen when it happens....like your girls though.....hopefully, I'll have some girlfriends to introduce them to in short order? cheers man! :peace:
Look like beginnings of Sac's to me

Just screwing with ya :)

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
hahahaha thanks man.....yea well....I'm tearing my hair out....well ok not really.....it'll happen when it happens....like your girls though.....hopefully, I'll have some girlfriends to introduce them to in short order? cheers man! :peace:
how DARE you want to have lesbian sex with one of my girls. I'll have you know mister, that where I come from we don't do that.

But, if you want me to introduce one of my_I better get one at least_very handsome young boys.... to one of those gorgeous girls, well then, let the romance begin :) Your girls better like having sex, 'cause like father like son.
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