Well-Known Member
ahhhh shit mane. lookin tight as hell brotha. i built my dwc cloner, looks pretty much the same as yours. keep them pics comin...
G'morning 420 :)

Where ya been bro?

I slept like a baby last night.

Im about to take off, wanted to say "Hello"

Have an exceptional Day! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Ive tried three times now and it wont let me post my pics. It says something about a sercurity token?????? WTF is that?????

Have no idea..

It said token huh?

Well shit, maybe we should sit down and take a toke or sumthin??

Write the webby or a mod, Im sure they can figure this out.

That sux! I wanted to see them pics!! :sad:

Was thinking, Do you have your browser set up right? Sounds almost like java is disabled.


Well-Known Member
i've been under the weather man. tryin to get back to healthy. i got some curl in my dwc bucket. i think it was the bushmaster i gave her. that shit gets me every time but it puts the brakes on vertical growth tho. oh well. whats that i read on your thread about letting the water sit overnight about? does it help ph stabilize?


Well-Known Member
i've been under the weather man. tryin to get back to healthy. i got some curl in my dwc bucket. i think it was the bushmaster i gave her. that shit gets me every time but it puts the brakes on vertical growth tho. oh well. whats that i read on your thread about letting the water sit overnight about? does it help ph stabilize?
I believe it takes out some of the harsh chemicals, like chlorine.


Well-Known Member
my water has alot of chlorine as a matter of fact. no wonder i have problems. will a filtration system fix me up for an immediate water change or should it still sit over night?


Well-Known Member
my water has alot of chlorine as a matter of fact. no wonder i have problems. will a filtration system fix me up for an immediate water change or should it still sit over night?
Filtration should help indeed... What do you think DF?

My house plants thrive from the rain I use from the 5 gallon bucket I leave outside.

Alot of the tap water we use is pumped with chemicals..

But, I must say.. The ph of my tap water is right around 6.0.. Not bad.
kiss-ass/*thanks dirt, for your help, i do currently have both ph and ppm. i am beginning to think my ph is off, and as a result i will be picking up some cal. solution to see if that help but more likely i will need to invest in a new meter i do not currently let my buckets sit out. but more for the space issue than the laziness. small shed and many neighbors create a very boxed in affect. plus my current housing sit. is that os like 500 square feet. so you can see why ik need this to work out and produce the candy thats keeps my mind off these envirnmental issues


Well-Known Member
Thought I was gonna take off.

Guess not.

Cancellation.. No Biggie.

Looked inside the reservoir of the DIY Cloner I made up 6 days ago, and look what I see inside the rez. A clone getting some roots! :bigjoint:

The others clones are getting the nubs, and growing out some roots too.

looks like this cloner is doing its job.

Still like My black bucket cloner much better.
I think its neat how it matches all my other buckets.

I dont like how this cloner's reservoir takes in the light.

As we all know, roots and light is not a good mix.

But, its cool that this intermediate cloner is performing on schedule.

I figure within a few more days, we should have some sweet roots developing.

I know its not a big deal,

But its exciting to see progress. Feels like the first time... ya know...heeheehee Love that song :)


Well-Known Member
kiss-ass/*thanks dirt, for your help, i do currently have both ph and ppm. i am beginning to think my ph is off, and as a result i will be picking up some cal. solution to see if that help but more likely i will need to invest in a new meter i do not currently let my buckets sit out. but more for the space issue than the laziness. small shed and many neighbors create a very boxed in affect. plus my current housing sit. is that os like 500 square feet. so you can see why ik need this to work out and produce the candy thats keeps my mind off these envirnmental issues
I was checking over your pics, and It appears that your plants could also be getting a bit too much nutrient.

I would drop the ppm a hair, and see if it helps.

Wish you the best my friend, CG :)


Well-Known Member
Of course filtering your water is better than not. But here is the thing, If you get a RO system, They take forever to fill a five gal bucket. You should rig up a float valve to a extra res so its always full when you need it. Otherwise if you fill up a lil as needed your proably ok. To be honest I dont let my buckets sit out overnight, I just add back a lil at a time. I use a RDWC system. So all my buckets are controled by one bucket and Im able to fully drain the entire system without moving a single plant. I like it better this way. After vegging a plant for two months only to have it snap at the base while tring to change over to flower nutes is a real kick in the balls.

CG-First off CONGRATS on the root growth! Its like x-mas! Rain water is the BEST water you can use. It should have a ppm around 5-10. If you can gather enough this is deff the way to go. My tap water is almost 300ppm! I got a cheep filter to put on my house and it brought it down to 200, still shitty. Still cant figure whats the deal with the pics, ill give it another try....

This is what it says....
Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.

I wrote the admin earlier but still no reply....fuckin whatever...


Well-Known Member
Of course filtering your water is better than not. But here is the thing, If you get a RO system, They take forever to fill a five gal bucket. You should rig up a float valve to a extra res so its always full when you need it. Otherwise if you fill up a lil as needed your proably ok. To be honest I dont let my buckets sit out overnight, I just add back a lil at a time. I use a RDWC system. So all my buckets are controled by one bucket and Im able to fully drain the entire system without moving a single plant. I like it better this way. After vegging a plant for two months only to have it snap at the base while tring to change over to flower nutes is a real kick in the balls.

CG-First off CONGRATS on the root growth! Its like x-mas! Rain water is the BEST water you can use. It should have a ppm around 5-10. If you can gather enough this is deff the way to go. My tap water is almost 300ppm! I got a cheep filter to put on my house and it brought it down to 200, still shitty. Still cant figure whats the deal with the pics, ill give it another try....

This is what it says....
Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.

I wrote the admin earlier but still no reply....fuckin whatever...

I googled your error and this is what I came up with.

You will get Security Token Errors when working with multiple browser windows/tabs

You might wanna reboot your machine, and log back unto this site :)

Give it a whirl bro :)


Well-Known Member
Ok I got it figured out. I think I was trying to upload to many at one time and looking at porn while the are uplading is no good! LOL

Pic 1- Is the super Indica, sister to the one in my avatar.Pic taken today
Pic2- Is the same plant on 1-28
Pic3- Group shot on 1-28
Pic4- New group shot with clones and wifes greenbeans.
Pic5-White widow LST- upskirt lol
cg, you mad scientist you, i have a diy cloner myself. and yet again my results are not what i see in you. do you use rooting hormone and if so a specific brand for any reason. how often do you change your cloner water and finally do you split every clone you put in for rooting.

thank you for your insight and knowledge
df, i think cg might be right every time my pc goes on the frits, it seems to be due to length of time and number of apps in play. i am however, on a laptop, ooh sorry i mean (notebook). which i think makes all the difference. in my case anyhow. thanks again for your insight on my grow


Well-Known Member
Right on Bro!!! ;-)

Healthy as a Mothafucka'!!! :mrgreen:

You certainly know what your doing DF.

I wish we lived closer, we would have a good ol' time.

Your a cool dude, and its always a pleasure to see you on this thread.

Keep up the excellant work.. You are a true Greenthumb!

Peace, CG :)


Well-Known Member
cg, you mad scientist you, i have a diy cloner myself. and yet again my results are not what i see in you. do you use rooting hormone and if so a specific brand for any reason. how often do you change your cloner water and finally do you split every clone you put in for rooting.

thank you for your insight and knowledge
Hee hee!

They used to call me "Professor"
when i was a kid.

Always had to find out how things worked.

And wouldn't stop researching til' i knew.

I do use a rooting hormone called "Roottone" and it always seemed to work quite well.

I always split the end of the clone with a razor blade. It helps, especially if your clones are "woody".

I dont change out the water, I just add a very slight mixture of fox farm nutes to the reservoir, AND a dash of rooting hormone to the water.

It helps speed up the process.

Also, you wanna make sure the ambient temp is past 65 for best results.

Anyways, The woman is here, and I should start paying attention to her.. Heehee!

Wish you guys a splendid afternoon.

Its nice and sunny over here.. About time, Im tired of the rain.

Cheers, CG :)


Well-Known Member
df, i think cg might be right every time my pc goes on the frits, it seems to be due to length of time and number of apps in play. i am however, on a laptop, ooh sorry i mean (notebook). which i think makes all the difference. in my case anyhow. thanks again for your insight on my grow
Hey, if you guys ever need a computer question answered, send me a pm.. Im a geek. Its my bread and butter... well, most of the time. :bigjoint: