Ok, im 18 years old, and live with my parents. I love to smoke weed but it cost to much for me to buy and have a consistant ammount. So i bought my last batch and i usually never have any seeds in the bag, this time i bought $200 of what the guy called CoCo Dank. Idk wtf that is but i was stoned. So i was just sitting there and decided to pull it out and take all the seeds out of it. In the end i had 27 Total seeds. most of them were black seeds, i heard they are the best. So i decided, i wanna grow weed. I went online the next day and read quite a bit. Im broke as of now, so here is where im at now. I put the seeds in a while paper towel and in a sandwhich bag for 3 days. I pulled it out and they were now growing. Only 3 of the 27 actuley started to grow. I got some little cups and filled them with Soil from outside. I took some fertalizer and water and soaked it and made sure it was wet. not to wet but not to dry. i took the tip of a pencil and planted them about a inch down, with the root facing down. Covered them Gently. I went out and bought a 100 Watt Flourescent Light. I got a fishtank and put some wet newspaper in the bottom. got it soaked!
Then i put wood blocks above it and put a heating pad on it on high. The temperature in the tank is about 80. there is enough humidity to see it on the sides of the tank. I put a board over the heating pad and put the cups with the now planted plants on it. I have a reading lamp with one of them adjustable neck you know, I put the whole thing in the tank and put it about a half foot above the plant. I then put the top on and i have air holes in the top of the tantk. I plan on watering them every day. Can anybudy here tell me what im doing right and what im doing wrong? In the future will i need to upgrade the light, and or other things and how much might this cost? How much weed could i get from one plant? i was reading about 1 ounce to 4 pounds so im clueless. Your help is greatly appreciated!
Then i put wood blocks above it and put a heating pad on it on high. The temperature in the tank is about 80. there is enough humidity to see it on the sides of the tank. I put a board over the heating pad and put the cups with the now planted plants on it. I have a reading lamp with one of them adjustable neck you know, I put the whole thing in the tank and put it about a half foot above the plant. I then put the top on and i have air holes in the top of the tantk. I plan on watering them every day. Can anybudy here tell me what im doing right and what im doing wrong? In the future will i need to upgrade the light, and or other things and how much might this cost? How much weed could i get from one plant? i was reading about 1 ounce to 4 pounds so im clueless. Your help is greatly appreciated!