Cloning Perpetual. Cloned Colas, 12/12 from seed/clone


Well-Known Member
:clap:Well fellow noobs, are ya lookin for a cool way to maximize your yeild in a small space? Try makin Cola clones, or Rooting your clones in 12/12 and 12/12 till the end. Also easy to keep it perpetual, with a seperate CAB, I can veg a mother under a couple 6500k CFL's and cut clones off her.

There's very little trim on these and the end result are uniform dense potent Buds. They are under a 400W hps. And the Strain Is White Pearl Shiva.

Some pics of what I've got goin.



Well-Known Member
Wait...root clones in 12/12? Is that even possible? Never have I ever heard of that. Not calling you a liar..just new info to me man. What's your average yield in per plant in one of those cups?


Well-Known Member
Wait...root clones in 12/12? Is that even possible? Never have I ever heard of that. Not calling you a liar..just new info to me man. What's your average yield in per plant in one of those cups?
About 8-10 Grams dry. But in the rubber maids, i think it's clear that root space will generate a lot more buds. But yes....everything but the vegging of one mother plant is done in 12/12. including the cloning. And the cloas are the clippings left ofer from topping a flowering plant 3-4 weeks into flower to achieve what you see in the picture.

bongsmilieARRRRR matey she bee comin right along cant wait to taste em.......
PLUS REP++++++++++++++++++++++:eyesmoke:
Plus rep back at ya. Thank You.


Well-Known Member
Does it take any longer in 12/12 to root cutting? Also, what happens to that flowering plant when you top it? Sorry for the third degree here, but you have indeed caught my attention. Those are two things right there I did not think you were able/supposed to do. Yet here you are, doing them and things appear to work out just fine.

Indeed, +rep


Well-Known Member
Does it take any longer in 12/12 to root cutting? Also, what happens to that flowering plant when you top it? Sorry for the third degree here, but you have indeed caught my attention. Those are two things right there I did not think you were able/supposed to do. Yet here you are, doing them and things appear to work out just fine.

Indeed, +rep
Hey questions are welcome. Yea, I break a few of the rules of growing so to speak.....I discovered by accident and now i do it all on purpose.

I'm not really sure if the light cycle effects the rooting process much. In fact I might go as far as to say it even helps. But I have 99% cloning sucess rate, and they root anywhere from 8 days to 14 days.

As far as the flowering plant, it remaines in 12/12 also. And goes on to yeild 14+ Grams dried. Or if I like the strain, i'll throw that into a veg box, and clone the crap out of it. After i take about 5-6 sets of clones off it, I cut the root ball in half, veg it for 2 more weeks and then flower it. You never seen a fatter small bush of buds!!!


Well-Known Member
Revive the thread!! I'll be starting a whole new Cloned cola grow. The flavors are Lemon White Widdow, Williams Wonder, And KC-36 (aka Lil' Fruit). I have developed some difinitive methods for this style of growing, and have awesome sucess. Tune in all. This wil be a fun ride.


Sorry for the rudimentary post, but now I am really confused before my 1st grow.

How many different areas do I need?

A cloning area, a veg area and a flowering area?

I bought a BCNL Producer and a cloning box. Did I need a third thing?


Active Member
Sorry for the rudimentary post, but now I am really confused before my 1st grow.

How many different areas do I need?

A cloning area, a veg area and a flowering area?

I bought a BCNL Producer and a cloning box. Did I need a third thing?
Well really just 2 areas, a clone/veg area (24/0-18/6 lights) and a flower (12-12 lights). It seems Sly just wants/has one single room, and has perfected his skills to use 12/12 throughout. Excellent job BTW, I also see we share the multiple plants in single containers idea, which everyone on here will bash. I mean cmon people, the earth is just one container!! Explain to me how outdoor growers partition off the freekin earth to grow outside?!? LoL. But, Going to try the 12/12 clone idea, thanks guys and gals!!!!


Well-Known Member
How was the smoke from the single cola clones? I think it wouldnt be as good as if you just let it grow on the plant because ur stressing it in flower...


Well-Known Member
Hey, thanks for the inquiry. The answer is, there is NO difference in potency or taste....perhaps if anything it's a little better. There is no stress to the plant other than the initial cloning, and to the clones, the process of rooting. Once you have roots, its like any other plant. All ya do is either clone a flowering mother 1-2 weeks into flower, and root the clones in 12/12 and finish them out. usually 60-70 days after you see roots. These will yeild approx 6-10g dry a piece. OR you can clone a vegging mother, root those clones in a 12/12 light cycle, then finish them out. They will be 12-14" tall colas yeilding 8-14g dry a piece. I tell you it's amazing what i feel i've discovered as a method for high yeild for small operations. There are so many benifits to this method and it's fairly could work for noobs.

Any other questions or debates are welcome....


Well-Known Member
Well really just 2 areas, a clone/veg area (24/0-18/6 lights) and a flower (12-12 lights). It seems Sly just wants/has one single room, and has perfected his skills to use 12/12 throughout. Excellent job BTW, I also see we share the multiple plants in single containers idea, which everyone on here will bash. I mean cmon people, the earth is just one container!! Explain to me how outdoor growers partition off the freekin earth to grow outside?!? LoL. But, Going to try the 12/12 clone idea, thanks guys and gals!!!!
Thanks, However, I do have a cab going 18/6 for the mother i take the clones off. But when i flower that mother out, (usually after 6-7 cloning sessions off her) i then clone once more about 1-2 weeks into the flower cycle, taking all lower branches that wouldn't amount to much and cloning those. Now those lower branches that would have been shaded by a massive mother are now getting full penetration of light. and the mother concentrates more energy into those king colas.....i'm telling you's an amazing way to grow. As far as multiple plants per container.....with my method you don't need to develope huge root systems. However i make sure it's deep enough. If the roots can stretch out.... there's no root binding. People fuss WAY TOO MUCH over stressing the's simply not necessary. It's a weed. Treat it like one. And it will grow like one.;)


Well-Known Member
That's pretty cool man + rep, I was wondering why u would clone in flower instead or just letting that branch grow out on the mother. It makes sense tho cuz I cut the lower branches off n toss them, if I knew I could get around 10 grams from them I could be rich lol.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone else actually tried this method? I am actually very interested in cloning and I would like to know more about cloning colas!
Rooting on 12/12 is not a problem, I accidentally broke a cola off about 2 weeks into 12/12, I put some rooting hormone on it & stuck it right in the same pot the plant was in, it rooted within a week, I never finished it out though as I pulled it shortly after it was rooted because I had other stuff going & was at my maximum for plant count.


New Member
You can clone a bud a few weeks into flower but I always put it back in 24 hours of light. it forces branches out all over the place. If its done rite you will have a stalk with tones of tops.


Well-Known Member
You can clone a bud a few weeks into flower but I always put it back in 24 hours of light. it forces branches out all over the place. If its done rite you will have a stalk with tones of tops.
True. I do it all the time on purpose...although I think that it makes the cloning process take a good bit longer...then again it seems like it might make the growth faster...So perhaps it all ends up the same...I hear an experiment you root the clones and everything in 12/12 so it is like doing 12/12 from seed, but with clones...I like the idea, but I like making them all different shapes too much to not veg them...I want to try to make a plant that could be used as a topiary...all I need to do is fashion hangers into a unicorn shape...a weedicorn----hell yeah...but have the lights put in a way so the main-iest main cola is the unicorn's horn...---I am not really going to make a unicorn---yet...but soon...yes...soon *rubs hands in thoughtful malice*


Well-Known Member
You can clone a bud a few weeks into flower but I always put it back in 24 hours of light. it forces branches out all over the place. If its done rite you will have a stalk with tones of tops.
and then you take that revegged bud monster and let it flower for about 2 weeks...when you have true bud formation beginning---and move it back to veg---and then stand back!...grab your garden shears...give them bitches a poodle cut... now that you have 300 tops use those tops to fashion a unicorn...

No really due to taking a vacation and coming home to wrecked plants I had to reveg a plant that had been 5 weeks into flower---and had started as a clone taken in flower....and I know other people would have thrown out that plant...but those other people also probably have more seeds...I mean I have more now...but back then it was all started with one finicky feminized can take some serious stress of any kind but nutes...dammit man with the nutes and this plant, but you cant hermie it by messing with the lights for will veg and reveg and clone and veg reveg veg flower veg veg flower veg flower...and always turn out the same---just a different shape and yield...poor plant...i have fucked her up in so many ways..but we are finally starting to understand one another...but then I tried giving just some tiny nutes...knew it wouldn't work...they are totally backwards....if you give them any nitrogen in veg they just can't take it...the leaves curl and they they just OD really really easy---an in like if you give any at all...and then in flower you have to just blast them with it to keep them going...Seems crazy but I am going to try actually doing what the plant tells me...because again I am looking at the ones in flower now starving to death---and thinking back on how anytime I fed them anything at all during veg they would almost die...and I snuck over and gave the tiniest of tiny amounts to one in veg and I'll be damned if it isn't looking like shit...uggghhh...anyway I am on a crazy rant...but I think this particular plant would be perfect for this that you are describing...but then again I am hoping this next rotation will finally be grown without any of these pesky veg issues...It never grows well in's time to shine is once you switch those grows like mad, and uses nutes instead of just keeling over because they are there...ya know what?! I am going to do this...hell yeah. this plant hates veg and I hate trying to veg it...i'll be that office space guy...I don't like doing it so I am not going to...


Well-Known Member
What I don't like about reverting is the mutant top leaves, I think you need to make sure the plant is fully reverted to avoid any risk. I also tried putting a flowering rooted clone straight to flower and it became shocked and think it's dying, I did a couple things wrong so Ima try again.


Well-Known Member
Thanks to all who have been contributing to my old thread. + rep when i get the time. Havent been on here really in a few years.