Well-Known Member
The girls had their first 12 hours of darkness yesterday.

Checked out there ph..

Little on the low side.

Threw in a Tablespoon of ph up, and there good to go!! :bigjoint: 6.0 on the button.

Its weird, its like they grew overnight..

When you do hydro, The changes are instant.

Try it! You'll like it!!!

Have a nice day!! :eyesmoke:
i am having a little trouble with my new d.w.c. system. i am finding when i transplant from one bucket with many to one bucket with one, that my plants are developing brown spots and yellowing. as i am taking small steps to correct the situation i have yet to notice a change. i am thinking that it could be one of the following. 1 i have read online and a lot of places say it could be nute overdose. My ppm meter says for smaller ones 300 for larger 600 and for flower 1000-1200 could this be too much or perhaps my meter is off. 2 i am thinking that it could be my ph blocking some nutes and overdosing others. i always keep my ph between 5.5-6.5 at least thats what it says. could this be off and affecting them. 3 until now i have low on buckets and lids, forcing me to keep my clones together until they're like 12" tall and they do grow fast but that halts as soon as they are transplanted. and at this point they have a good root ball so, maybe i am waiting to long and killing off they're root system. if anyone has thoughts on this it would be gre-e-e-e-eat. thanx pics to follow


Well-Known Member
i am having a little trouble with my new d.w.c. system. i am finding when i transplant from one bucket with many to one bucket with one, that my plants are developing brown spots and yellowing. as i am taking small steps to correct the situation i have yet to notice a change. i am thinking that it could be one of the following. 1 i have read online and a lot of places say it could be nute overdose. My ppm meter says for smaller ones 300 for larger 600 and for flower 1000-1200 could this be too much or perhaps my meter is off. 2 i am thinking that it could be my ph blocking some nutes and overdosing others. i always keep my ph between 5.5-6.5 at least thats what it says. could this be off and affecting them. 3 until now i have low on buckets and lids, forcing me to keep my clones together until they're like 12" tall and they do grow fast but that halts as soon as they are transplanted. and at this point they have a good root ball so, maybe i am waiting to long and killing off they're root system. if anyone has thoughts on this it would be gre-e-e-e-eat. thanx pics to follow
Hello melvinshelper :)

Your problems can be from a number of things.

Maybe transplant shock, or?

I really dont know for sure.

I use the fox farms and I do not have any problems.

please post some pics, and I'll look things over.

Peace, CG :)


Well-Known Member
Hey CG,
Hows it going? Everything looks good! Keep em green!!
Yo Dirtfree,

Nice to see ya again.

Thanks for the kindly words.

Your avatar still makes me smile,

Thats the most healthiest mj pic I ve ever seen.

Simply beautiful.

Things are going pretty good over here.

Im glad my Ladies are into the flowering cycle.

Well, its 5:00am.. gotta get some coffee in me.

Wish you a great day Brother.

Your friend, CG :)


Hey Bud, You make it look easy. I am new here and also to hydro and i am just starting a grow for the first time. i inherited allot of stuff rainforest (which i have some plants started in from fem seeds),also have 2 large aeroflo complete systems ones a forty site and one is an eighty site. planning on trying to fill the 40 site w clones?? i had just decided that the best way to grow mother plants was your method, can i grow mother plants like that and just continue to clone off of her indeffinately? and my other main question is how did you decide on 6 inch net pots in the 5 gallon buckets over 8 or 10 inch? any advise would be much appreciated. Thanks, Satchel


Well-Known Member
Hey Bud, You make it look easy. I am new here and also to hydro and i am just starting a grow for the first time. i inherited allot of stuff rainforest (which i have some plants started in from fem seeds),also have 2 large aeroflo complete systems ones a forty site and one is an eighty site. planning on trying to fill the 40 site w clones?? i had just decided that the best way to grow mother plants was your method, can i grow mother plants like that and just continue to clone off of her indeffinately? and my other main question is how did you decide on 6 inch net pots in the 5 gallon buckets over 8 or 10 inch? any advise would be much appreciated. Thanks, Satchel
Nice to meetcha buddy :)

You can indeed grow motherplants in dwc, and clone til the end :)

The reason I went with 6" pots is because the lids at the hydro store already had the netpot built into the lid.. so I used em...What the heck, ya

If your getting into hydro, make sure you use a feeding chart, or buy yourself a ppm meter so that you'll know exactly how much nutrient you'll plant will need at any given time.

Oh yea, dont forget to check the ph(daily).

Other than that, I dont know what else to tell you.

I'm fairly new at this stuff...Only been in it a short while.

Hope you come back soon.

Thanks for the nice visit.

Your friend, CG :)


Well-Known Member
What the hell are you doing up at five in the mornin for! LOL
Thanks for the complement on my first plant! It was a bagseed I started out with. I try to keep my plants healthy by not over doing it. Alot of people on here burn the shit out of their plants. I work under the K.I.S.S. method. Keep em green buddy!


Well-Known Member
What the hell are you doing up at five in the mornin for! LOL
Thanks for the complement on my first plant! It was a bagseed I started out with. I try to keep my plants healthy by not over doing it. Alot of people on here burn the shit out of their plants. I work under the K.I.S.S. method. Keep em green buddy!
Hello Mr. Dirtfree

Had some real important stuff to do this morning.

I usually get up around 5:00 anyways.

I believe in the kiss method myself. And
we can all see how well it works for you.

That avatar would make a fantastic Poster :)

I thank you for the visit, and wish you a terrific day, and a much better evening. Take it easy Man, CG :)
that is incredible. beautiful plants.ima have to do my clones that way.nice how did you make the bubbler containers they grow in.?? looking forward to a reply/link.
keep up the great work!
alrighty cg so check it. i have been thinking about ways to stop this situation i have put myself in. first off i dropped my nutes solidly to 300 for each veg regardless of size. i have also introduced a small amount of rooting liquid to my mix so as to help new roots grow even if others will die off; (hopefully). i also boosted my heat and humidity as well as took my prozap strips out of the room. here are some pics the first is of one of my first flowering beuties she spent about 3 weeks in a sort of limbo but is regaining vigor and looking up the others are my veging girls and they're problems. Thank you very much for any insight you may have and i will keep you updated about the progress


Well-Known Member
Hey Melvin,
It looks like you are having a PH and defficency issue. Try adding more calmag.
A couple questions....are you using a ph meter and are you letting your water sit out overnight(24hrs). Because it looks like your having lock out defficency.

HEY CG, mind if I post a couple pics of my Ladies?


Well-Known Member
that is incredible. beautiful plants.ima have to do my clones that way.nice how did you make the bubbler containers they grow in.?? looking forward to a reply/link.
keep up the great work!
Thanks for droppin in silent :)

And Thank you for the nice words.

Are you talking about the cloner I made, or the Actual grow buckets?

The bubbler buckets are just $7.00 5 gallon Black Buckets, with a black lid with a 6" net pot built in.

Very simple procedure to make.

The cloning Bucket I put together is a 3
1/2 gallon black Bucket with 8 2" holes.
The lid was solid without a netpot.
I simply used a 2" hole saw, and used neoprene inserts to hold the clones into place. Cheap and Practical :)

Hope to see you again. Drop by anytime.

Anymore questions, feel free to ask.


Well-Known Member
alrighty cg so check it. i have been thinking about ways to stop this situation i have put myself in. first off i dropped my nutes solidly to 300 for each veg regardless of size. i have also introduced a small amount of rooting liquid to my mix so as to help new roots grow even if others will die off; (hopefully). i also boosted my heat and humidity as well as took my prozap strips out of the room. here are some pics the first is of one of my first flowering beuties she spent about 3 weeks in a sort of limbo but is regaining vigor and looking up the others are my veging girls and they're problems. Thank you very much for any insight you may have and i will keep you updated about the progress
Looks like my partner Mr. Dirtfree hooked you up! :mrgreen:

Id listen to his advice.

His plants are some of the healthiest my eyes have ever seen.

Thank you Mr. Dirtfree for your valuable advice. :)

Respect :)

Have a good day you guys!! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hey Melvin,
It looks like you are having a PH and defficency issue. Try adding more calmag.
A couple questions....are you using a ph meter and are you letting your water sit out overnight(24hrs). Because it looks like your having lock out defficency.

HEY CG, mind if I post a couple pics of my Ladies?
Of course not!! Bring em on! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
ahhhh shit mane. lookin tight as hell brotha. i built my dwc cloner, looks pretty much the same as yours. keep them pics comin...


Well-Known Member
Ive tried three times now and it wont let me post my pics. It says something about a sercurity token?????? WTF is that?????