NooB Advice


Well-Known Member
lol yea and when i click on "view profile" the pic is there.... but when i post something, nothing comes up as you can see. oh well not too big a deal i guess. So i planted about 5 germinated seeds a few days ago and im starting to see some sprouts soooo exciting for my first grow

Congrats on your new babies :bigjoint:

it may have something to do with your post count and being a stranger, not sure? but I know you have to get post count up to be able to use the PM feature


Well-Known Member

LOL- I was over at Paulino gardens a couple days ago, I just must have missed the Jack's classic stuff (saw all kinds of FF though). They are only a mile or two from where I work (over on Washington), so I may have to shop there more often. They do seem to have a heck of a selection, but the place is almost overwhelming if you don't already know where the stuff you're looking for is at.

I haven't tried a humidifier yet since I don't own one and getting me to go shopping for anything is like pulling teeth (especially when there is snow on the ground). I may have to break down and make myself go up to wally world anyway, but that doesn't mean I'm going to like it. :P


Well-Known Member

LOL- I was over at Paulino gardens a couple days ago, I just must have missed the Jack's classic stuff (saw all kinds of FF though). They are only a mile or two from where I work (over on Washington), so I may have to shop there more often. They do seem to have a heck of a selection, but the place is almost overwhelming if you don't already know where the stuff you're looking for is at.

I haven't tried a humidifier yet since I don't own one and getting me to go shopping for anything is like pulling teeth (especially when there is snow on the ground). I may have to break down and make myself go up to wally world anyway, but that doesn't mean I'm going to like it. :P
Yeah I hear ya plannin on stayin in myself today :bigjoint:

The jack's is in the room to the right as your checkin out, the dynagro is on a shelf to the left in the bonsai ilse, they also have analog light meters for $29 those are with the lights and FF nutes, but my first trip I asked :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
see if you ask me that is just entrapment .. fuckin cops i swear :cuss:
Yeah we have a rouge DEA agent here in Denver, this week he busted a caregiver that had 150 plants news this morning said it will be tuesday before we find out if he is gonna be prosecuted, should have seen the pile of lights in his front yard in the news report at least 10 or 12 hoods


Well-Known Member
The legal situation here is silly. The laws have so many grey areas in them right now that it's hard to tell when you're legal and when you aren't, especially if you're trying to grow commercially. Add in a local DEA office that doesn't seem to have gotten the memo from Obama telling them to lay off on MMJ and it makes things really unpredictable. These guys are on record in the papers saying they are going to continue to bust MMj growers and dispensaries every chance they get.


Well-Known Member
Time to buy a lotto ticket

remember I told you that a person I was helpin had 2 plants both female?

Damned if it didn't happen again, got a call from a fellow grower I talk with a lot and both of his turned out to be females :bigjoint:

mind you both of these grows are bag seed

what are the odds???
This is the only place in the world where anyone knows I grow, for a variety of reasons. I figure if someone really wants to track down my one plant thru here, they could, but it seems a lot to go thru. But outside of that, I'm happy to say I've never told a soul.
totally agree with you, im the same way, hopefully nobody will ever know and id like to keep it that way :peace:
Time to buy a lotto ticket

remember I told you that a person I was helpin had 2 plants both female?

Damned if it didn't happen again, got a call from a fellow grower I talk with a lot and both of his turned out to be females :bigjoint:

mind you both of these grows are bag seed

what are the odds???
i got 8 just starting out, ill prob take the good looking ones and grow them out and then hopefully ill have a few females. i hope i have the same luck!! bongsmilie

just curious if you know the odds of getting a female?

also riddle, i just figured out that the avatar is what shows on your post, not the profile pic, opps, all good now tho


Well-Known Member
i got 8 just starting out, ill prob take the good looking ones and grow them out and then hopefully ill have a few females. i hope i have the same luck!! bongsmilie

just curious if you know the odds of getting a female?
most say 50/50 but 40/60 is probably more realistic (that's F/M)

this grow I just harvested I planted 2 seeds and got one of each hence 50/50, but I have read others getting only one female out of 10 seeds, it'a basically a crap shoot
most say 50/50 but 40/60 is probably more realistic (that's F/M)

this grow I just harvested I planted 2 seeds and got one of each hence 50/50, but I have read others getting only one female out of 10 seeds, it'a basically a crap shoot
yea thats what i figured, i got my seeds from a bag of shake i got lol. but it was shake from some really good stuff, not sure what kind. (more of a practice run to see if my grow station is good enough) i also ordered some ganja dwarf lowrider seeds that have not arrived yet
So i just realized that i have to leave town for 3 days, back one day then gone for another 3 days.... my plants have just sprouted. does anyone no if they will be ok over those few days if i give them a good amount of water before i leave? any suggestion? i know this was bad timing to start lol woops


Well-Known Member
Tough call. If all the other environmental factors are good then they should be ok as long as the soil stays moist. Just be careful not to overwater, since that can kill them just as quickly as underwatering at this point in their life.


Well-Known Member
Anyone know a good method for reviving a clone that's gone into some severe transplant shock and looks to be slowly dying? One of the my new blueberry clones is in some serious distress and I'm not sure If she's going to pull through- All her grown leaves drooped down to the soil and curled up and havent done anything since (about 36 hours now), though the new sprouts she was showing still look ok. I pinched off her biggest fan leaf because it had gone all yellow and was just draining her, but she hasn't really improved.
Tough call. If all the other environmental factors are good then they should be ok as long as the soil stays moist. Just be careful not to overwater, since that can kill them just as quickly as underwatering at this point in their life.
the temp is around 65-70 and the humidity is around 30% sometimes a bit above. do you think pulling the lights away a bit will help keep the moisture levels up? i have one 150 watt cfl and 2 smaller cfls. thanks for the info ed :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
the temp is around 65-70 and the humidity is around 30% sometimes a bit above. do you think pulling the lights away a bit will help keep the moisture levels up? i have one 150 watt cfl and 2 smaller cfls. thanks for the info ed :eyesmoke:
clones dont really need too much light.. u can get by with the smaller cfl.
and it might help.


Well-Known Member
I can't really tell you with the CFL's because I use HID's. From what I understand the cfl's dont get as hot, so they shouldn't leach anywhere near as much moisture as the HID's do. Keep in mind, i grow from clones, so I don't have much experience with fresh seedlings. I can't imagine it will go through a ton of water in just 2-3 days at this point in it's life, but it's still risky leaving it for that long without anyone checking to make sure everything is going the way it should. If you can get the humidity up closer to 50% it will help, but I definately understand if you can't manage that with the quick and easy methods (like putting a bucket of water in front of your fan) since I have the same problem.


Well-Known Member
So i just realized that i have to leave town for 3 days, back one day then gone for another 3 days.... my plants have just sprouted. does anyone no if they will be ok over those few days if i give them a good amount of water before i leave? any suggestion? i know this was bad timing to start lol woops
these are seedlings right? so time your watering to be right before you go and water till you have run off, they should be good for the 3 days, check em when you get back, don't just water em again but make sure the soil is still moist add a bit if needed, like and oz or 2. My experience with seedlings is they can easily go 7 days between watering with no problems

also yes move the light up a bit not because of heat or evaporation but because they can grow into it while your gone and get burnt.


Well-Known Member
Anyone know a good method for reviving a clone that's gone into some severe transplant shock and looks to be slowly dying? One of the my new blueberry clones is in some serious distress and I'm not sure If she's going to pull through- All her grown leaves drooped down to the soil and curled up and havent done anything since (about 36 hours now), though the new sprouts she was showing still look ok. I pinched off her biggest fan leaf because it had gone all yellow and was just draining her, but she hasn't really improved.

This could be one of those know when to fold/hold em moments, but me I like trying to save em to learn from it and all I can share is what I would do to see if would work (as I have not had this exact problem before)

I would flush it run 3 times the container size worth of water thru it ph'd to 5.8 and cold, because I know this puts em to sleep I would then put it in the sun (like in a window sill) for a few hours (like 4) to get it to wick the water a bit, then I would put in a humidity dome with like 80 to 90 % humidity. Then I would watch and wait to see what happens

You could also put a post in the plant problems forum to see what others think?